Type 2 Diabetes | Food Revolution Network https://foodrevolution.org/blog/tag/type-2-diabetes/ Healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all. Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:50:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review https://foodrevolution.org/blog/frn-year-in-review-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=frn-year-in-review-2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=46186 More and more people are finding out how powerful food can be as a way to optimize health and contribute to a healthier world. In 2023, the Food Revolution Network both benefited from and contributed to this emerging zeitgeist. Here are some of the ways we made an impact in 2023.

The post Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

As you probably know, 2023 was another eventful year, with more than its share of ups and downs.

In the “at least things haven’t gotten worse” department, the price of food and other essentials stabilized somewhat but remains well above what it was pre-pandemic. Factors maintaining high prices include the continuing effects of the pandemic on the food chain and the impact of the Russia/Ukraine war.

Meanwhile, climate chaos (a phrase that’s much more accurate than the anodyne “climate change” or “global warming”) is already causing havoc, contributing to higher food prices by bringing droughts to some places and floods to others, leading to crop failures and economic hardship.

In many parts of the world, climate chaos will continue to hamper food production, particularly in areas suffering from prolonged drought and relying more and more on groundwater — leading to accelerated aquifer depletion. This threatens to create massive disruptions when wells run dry — something that’s already happening in many places and is likely to intensify dramatically in the years ahead.

I was stunned by a recent opinion piece in the New York Times about Uzbekistan’s disappearing Aral Sea. A photo accompanying the article shows rusted boats stranded in a lifeless desert that used to be a thriving port — now 75 miles from the nearest body of water.

All these developments highlight the critical importance of eating lower on the food chain. Doing so can save massive amounts of land, water, and other natural resources — and can significantly reduce the food system’s contribution to climate chaos.

And, as we frequently discuss on this site, eating more plants, fewer animals, and less processed food can also be a great move for your health.

In short, the mission of the Food Revolution Network is more important than ever.

A Couple of the Many Lives Changed by the Food Revolution

Rearview shot of a young woman embracing her mother while watching the sunset at the beach

At FRN, we’re privileged to hear, almost every day, from people whose lives have been touched by our message. Some of the stories we hear make us cry! And all of them fill us with determination to carry on and to spread the word.

Here are just a few of the memorable member stories from 2023:

WHOLE Life Club member Diane M. from Saugerties, NY, USA, wrote:

“With WHOLE Life Club, I sought support and information to help me on my journey to a…  whole food, plant-based diet. It has done that and a whole lot more! I have lost over 120 pounds since September 2022. My A1c dropped from 10.4 to 4.5, my triglycerides are now in a normal range, my LDL cholesterol has dropped tremendously, and my HDL cholesterol is in a healthy range and creeping higher. I feel so much better, with more energy, motivation, and a healthier mindset. Thank you to WLC and all its members! I enjoy how positive everyone is, and the nonjudgmental way the leaders include everyone as they teach, no matter what phase students are in on their journey.”

Plant-Based Coaching Certification graduate Terry Baker from Oro Valley, AZ, USA, wrote:

“Food Revolution Network’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification was truly the answer to my prayers, and I am so eternally grateful. I value the PBCC so highly because not only did I learn about the vast intricacies of the human body and exactly what it needs to be truly healthy at any age, but also I gained the knowledge and confidence to successfully share this vital information with others, hoping to end unnecessary suffering and disease. Do not hesitate in taking this course! You have no idea what a beautiful, powerful, and positive impact you could have in this world! Thank you to EVERYBODY in the Food Revolution Network for making this course possible.”

The Future of Plant-Based Eating

More and more people around the world are showing an interest in moving toward a more plant-based diet, and the number of people who make the shift is also increasing.

Veganuary — a fun portmanteau of vegan and January — broke all previous records with more registered participants than ever, from nearly every country in the world. And many of those folks maintained a more plant-based diet after the 31 days of the event.

More and more restaurants, businesses, and other organizations are responding to an increased demand for plant-based options — and sometimes leading it — by cutting down on animal products or eliminating them altogether. NYC Health + Hospitals, which operates 11 public hospitals in New York City, now serves plant-based meals to inpatients by default. Not only are the meals healthier than before, but they’re also changing perceptions of how “hospital food” tastes — with chefs creating dishes inspired by Latin American, Asian, and other cuisines representing the populations served by these institutions.

In a move that might have seemed unbelievable just a few years ago, the US Conference of Mayors (a nonpartisan organization that includes the mayors of all 1,400 US cities with populations of 30,000 or more) ratified a resolution supporting a plant-based approach to fighting the epidemic of chronic disease, mitigating climate chaos, and saving money desperately needed by the municipalities.

The number of restaurants offering plant-based menu options is also increasing. According to research by the Plant Based Foods Association, 95% of restaurants that offer plant-based selections expect sales of those items to remain steady or increase. And four times as many foodservice operators were planning to add plant-based options as the number that were planning to remove them.

A student-led campaign in the UK, Plant-Based Universities, is working to get all university catering facilities to transition 100% of their menus to plant-based. Begun in late 2021, the campaign has given a voice to students who are voting to remove animal products from university food halls specifically to address the climate crisis.

And in the US, Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts won our “best acronym” award by introducing the Peas, Legumes, and Nuts Today (PLANT) Act in the House of Representatives on July 28, 2023. If passed, the act would establish an Office of Plant-Based Foods and Innovative Production at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and help fund farmers who produce ingredients specifically for plant-based foods, like legumes and mushrooms. It would also create a research program to further the development of plant-based proteins that could replace meat and offer technical and financial assistance to businesses that move the food industry in a more plant-forward direction.

Plant-Based Diets Continue to be Better for Your Wallet, Health, and the Planet

Smiling young woman holding a basket full of groceries on the farmer's market and choosing fresh vegetables. She is paying with cash

One of the nice things about advocating for more plant-based eating is that it tends to make people’s lives better right away — starting with their wallets. A study by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found that adopting a low-fat vegan diet led to a 16% reduction in grocery bills, for an average savings of $500 per person per year.

If you’d like to avail yourself of the economic advantages of a plant-based diet, a good place to start is our article 7 Healthy Recipes for Eating Plant-Based on a Budget.

While the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet to your pocketbook can be felt immediately, it might take a few days, weeks, or months to notice health improvements. But scientific research continues to find more and more evidence that such improvements are likely.

A 2023 study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine followed 59 patients with type 2 diabetes as they were placed on a low-fat, plant-predominant diet for six months, along with receiving standard medical treatment. By the end of the study, 37% of the patients, whose average age was 71, had their diabetes in remission.

A 2023 study published in the journal Nutrients looked at how diet, genes, and lifestyle factors contribute to obesity by analyzing body fat in adults. Researchers discovered that a plant-based diet helped reduce the risk of obesity, even for those with a genetic predisposition to higher body fat.

Another article published in the past year collected data from 55 recent human trials on the effects of a plant-based diet on cardiovascular disease. The authors wrote that the preponderance of evidence showed that incorporating more plant foods into the diet can protect against heart disease and may also help prevent other chronic conditions.

Plant-based eating, especially a diet rich in whole foods, was also found to be predictive of mental health. A 2023 study found that a high-quality plant-based diet may offer protection against depressive symptoms and should be considered as a lifestyle-based treatment for people suffering from the condition.

And in November 2023, the results of a carefully conceived and remarkable randomized controlled trial involving 22 pairs of identical twins were published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Network Open. The study authors concluded: “The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet.”

What About the Earth?

One of the major drivers of the trend toward more plant-based eating is increased awareness of the scope of the chaos wrought by human-made climate change. While switching to electric vehicles and replacing energy-guzzling appliances with more efficient ones are steps in the right direction, the impact of these actions pales in comparison with the effects of adopting a plant-based diet.

Research published in the prestigious journal Nature in 2023 found that, on average, vegans produce 75% fewer food-related greenhouse gas emissions than meat-eaters. And plant-based dietary patterns also reduce harm to land, water, and biodiversity.

Becoming a B Corp

environment target of Green business, Business Development Strategies with Environmental Conservation. green community.new green business. plan,
iStock.com/Khanchit Khirisutchalual

Speaking of impacts on the world around us, we wanted to share some exciting company news about FRN. In 2023, FRN submitted an application for B Corp status with high hopes that the submission will be approved in 2024 (our Owners and Board members are Ocean Robbins and John Robbins, as you might guess).

A B Corp, or benefit corporation, is a type of company that’s recognized for meeting higher standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. B Corps are committed to generating positive impacts on society and the environment.

The application process includes an extensive review of the company’s mission and where its impact is and is not aligned with that mission. The review looks at things like donation of money, products, or services to social causes and at-risk communities; decreasing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and production of waste; use of renewable energy and resources; support of tree planting and other forms of carbon sequestration; equitable compensation of team members; integration of mission-related responsibilities into employee performance evaluations and job descriptions; and providing employment and advancement opportunities for women, people of color, and other traditionally marginalized groups.

Since we started FRN in 2012, our mission has been front and center. We’re committed to healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all! So becoming a certified B Corp seems to be a natural next step to formalize our values.

Our 2023 Contributions to the Food Revolution

Ocean Robbins giving his TED talk at TEDx Alexander Park
Ocean Robbins giving his TED talk at TEDx Alexander Park

In 2023, thanks to you, our million+ community members, and 25+ FRN staff, we accomplished an amazing amount.

  • We published 106 articles on nutrition, health, and sustainability topics and more than 148 new plant-based recipes. Our content reached more than six million unique readers, and our website was accessed over 13 million times.
  • Through customer purchases of our digital products, we supported the planting of over 75,000 organic fruit or nut trees that will sequester more than 6,000 tons of carbon dioxide while providing food to low-income communities with Trees for the Future.
  • In terms of non-digital products, Food Revolution Network put out its first physical cookbook this year. Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health was published by Hay House on October 31, 2023. Over 9,800 people took part in the Real Superfoods Challenge leading up to its publication. And the book was an Amazon bestseller in its first week!
  • Ocean delivered a captivating and inspiring TEDx Talk at the prestigious TEDx Alexander Park this year, and the excitement is contagious! His presentation, entitled Eating Your Way to Happiness,” has already racked up more than a million views.
  • Ocean was a featured speaker at Holistic Holiday at Sea, a plant-based cruise to the Caribbean, where he presented two keynotes. More than 150 FRN members and hundreds of other wellness enthusiasts participated in the cruise. To find out more about the cruise and get a $50 onboard credit for the next one, visit the Holistic Holiday at Sea website.
  • Across our social media pages, Food Revolution Network had a combined reach of 5.6 million people, over 6.2 million impressions, and over 560,000 followers. Video content was the preferred medium on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
  • The 2023 Food Revolution Summit was a special one, debuting as a full docuseries for the very first time. This year’s Summit reached 437,302 participants who viewed over 209,800 hours of empowering and groundbreaking content.
  • We debuted FRN’s first foray into the coaching world with our Plant-Based Coaching Certification (PBCC). New and experienced coaches learned unique skills to help them empower their clients to transform their lives through a plant-based lifestyle. In the first cohort, PBCC welcomed 244 students. Graduation timing is flexible, but by the end of 2023, more than half of the inaugural cohort had already graduated. After completing a brief exam administered by the Lifestyle Prescriptions University in partnership with the nonprofit Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation, graduates received 24 CE/CPD credits from the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching and 24 CE/CPD credits from the CPD Standards Office. Additionally, for RDs/RDNs, all activities offered by the Food Revolution Network’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification were eligible to receive CPEUs by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
  • FRN helped over 10,468 people improve their blood sugar balance and metabolic health with our Tackling Type 2 Masterclass and course with Brenda Davis, RD.
  • Over 46,990 people received transformative guidance on implementing a healthy diet with our Food for Health Masterclass, and nearly 2,900 went on to enroll in the Plant-Powered & Thriving course it introduces.
  • We shared The Need To GROW — an award-winning, solutions-based environmental documentary — with more than 181,300 audience members.
  • We gave an awe-inspiring look into the mushroom kingdom to more than 61,600 people with the film Fantastic Fungi.
  • The groundbreaking health film From Food to Freedom debuted to over 81,300 viewers.
  • Our Healthy Heart Masterclass reached over 23,500 people, with 1,500 enrollments in the Healthy Heart course with holistic integrative cardiologist Mimi Guarneri, MD.
  • FRN relaunched our Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass, taught by husband and wife neurologist team Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, to over 31,700 people, and shared their Healthy Brain course with over 1,750 people.
  • More than 19,850 people participated in our first-ever Eat the Rainbow Challenge with the reopening of WHOLE Life Club registration.
  • We helped over 3,300 people take small steps every day for two weeks with our 14-Day Plant-Powered Accelerator. Participants received healthy eating secrets straight to their inboxes to support lasting changes to their diets.
  • And within WHOLE Life Club, we provided 53 Action of the Week videos, 12 expert interviews, 312 recipes, and monthly live member events (In the Kitchen Live Calls, Culinary and Coaching Q&As, and Community Connection Calls) with our WLC community, which has grown to more than 10,000 active members.

The Most Popular Food Revolution Network Blog Posts Published in 2023

Mature woman with long gray hair  working on laptop from home, smiling

These were FRN’s most popular new posts of 2023.

The Most Popular Food Revolution Network Recipes of 2023

Snacks dominated the top-viewed recipes list this year, along with a couple of tasty and legume-filled curries. Unsurprisingly, our Super Simple Homemade Date Paste made the top ten again but has been dethroned as the most popular recipe.

Our most popular recipes for 2023 were:

On a Personal Note

In 2023, my dad, colleague, and dear friend — and FRN cofounder — John Robbins, experienced the progression of a health condition, post-polio syndrome, that has had a significant impact on his life and on our family. He is working with it in a profound way, and we shared about it in this video. We have received nearly a thousand deeply moving responses to this sharing, and they have lifted our family’s spirits. The way my dad is working with this condition is profoundly moving to me — and to many other people, too.

My dad and I are profoundly privileged to work with an amazing team of 25+ at FRN. This is, without a doubt, the most friendly, cooperative, dedicated, accountable, and effective team either of us has ever been a part of. The FRN team works virtually, and as much as digital tools like Zoom and Slack allow us to collaborate and be in each others’ lives, they aren’t a perfect substitute for in-the-flesh human interaction. So I’m delighted to share that in October 2023, we hosted our first in-person team retreat since 2019.

Thank You for All that YOU Do

We've built a business that runs solely on support

We work hard at FRN, and sometimes the mission that we’ve staked out, along with the tasks and deadlines that bring that mission to life, can feel daunting. So it’s important for us to constantly remind ourselves that the food revolution movement is a mission much bigger than my dad, much bigger than me, much bigger than any one person, and much bigger than the FRN staff. It’s a movement that is growing and gaining traction, saving lives and bringing healing to our world.

And that movement includes you, about whom I’ve saved the last word.

FRN has a voice and influence because of you. When famous and influential people and brands consider whether to partner with us, one of the things they look at is our “reach.” Because we’re over a million members strong, we can work with the folks who gave the world movies like Fantastic Fungi and The Need to GROW. We can interest a book publisher like Hay House in publishing our cookbooks (with another coming back for final editing next week for publication in 2024).

We can attract an all-star lineup to share their ideas in our annual Food Revolution Summit because they know that a huge audience is there to “eat up” their wisdom — and use it to improve the lives of themselves and their loved ones, their communities, and the entire world.

There’s a video that was published in 2009 on YouTube that went viral and has now amassed over 24 million views. Titled “Sasquatch Music Festival 2009 — Guy Starts Dance Party,” it’s a 3-minute clip showing a lone dancer doing a series of pretty goofy moves. After a while, he’s joined by his first follower and then a second. A little over one minute into the video, it suddenly turns into a dance party — a mass movement. The energy grows and becomes contagious. When I first watched it, I wanted to jump through my laptop screen and join in.

Without you, dear reader, my dad, our staff at FRN, and I would still be the first three dancers, enjoying ourselves but lacking impact at scale. Your willingness to embrace the mission and the frequent calls to action — and to share and amplify the messages and make them your own — is what allows us to make the contributions highlighted above.

So please know how absolutely grateful we are to you for all the ways you generously support our work and provide loving and helpful feedback to help us improve. And for all the ways you assume leadership in your families and communities, day in and day out.

Like: Moving toward a plant-based diet. Choosing organic produce when you can. Buying local, from farm stands and farmers markets. Buying less and loving more. Donating to worthy causes. Loving the people you love with your whole heart. Trying new healthy recipes from our blog articles. Sharing articles, films, and healthy food with friends and loved ones.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for caring about the food that you eat and the food you share with others. Thank you for caring about the well-being of the people who produce that food.

Thank you for aligning your actions and purchases with your values, and for being willing to look at inconvenient truths and adapt your behavior accordingly.

Thank you for all the ways in which you strive to be the change we all wish to see, and to manifest, in the world.

Here’s to all we accomplished together in 2023, and to the healing, compassion, and beauty we’re creating, one meal at a time.

May all be fed. May all be healed. May all be loved.

Ocean Robbins and John Robbins

Cofounders, Food Revolution Network

Tell us in the comments:

  • How has the food revolution impacted your life in 2023?
  • What was your favorite Food Revolution Network article from this past year? What made it special for you?
  • What are you looking forward to in 2024?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Irina_Strelnikova

Read Next:

The post Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage https://foodrevolution.org/blog/neuropathy-nutrition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=neuropathy-nutrition Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=45872 In people suffering from neuropathy, diet could be playing a major role in their discomfort. But which foods can help, and which might be making things worse? And is there any evidence that supplementation can provide relief or healing? In this article, we’ll explore the science behind the relationship between damaged nerves and diet.

The post Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

In 1993, the magazine Computerworld published a short article titled “Doomsday 2000.” The authors predicted that because of a universally adopted coding shortcut that abbreviated any four-digit year to two digits (i.e., 1993 was rendered “93”), the world’s computer infrastructure would collapse once the new millennium rolled in.

The collapse didn’t happen, thanks to, depending on what you believe, the hundreds of millions of dollars spent upgrading code in the late 90s (whoops, 1990s) or because there was never any real risk of calamity.

But the hype — some would say hysteria — that gripped many as January 1, 2000, was approaching forced the world to consider what would happen if our information networks shut down. Now, imagine if those information networks were inside your body instead.

Your nervous system is kind of like a miniature version of the internet. Your bodily tissue (or fascia) contains approximately 250 million nerve endings, all of which are continuously gathering and sharing electrical impulses back and forth between your brain and the rest of your body. When everything works well, you can just go about your day without giving your nerves a second thought.

But when even a few of those quarter billion nerve endings are damaged or otherwise dysfunctional, you may experience a cascade of calamities throughout your body. Damaged nerves can’t deliver electrical signals optimally, or in some cases at all. This dysfunction can cause pain and a number of other symptoms, including the sensation of pins and needles, muscle problems, and even loss of normal bodily functions like digestion and breathing.

The word for this kind of nerve damage is neuropathy.

Many neurologists recommend surgery or medications as first-line treatments for neuropathy, and in fact, many advanced cases can benefit from this approach. But there’s evidence that some neuropathies, especially in their early stages, could benefit more from what’s in your pantry than what’s in your medicine cabinet.

In this article, we’ll look at neuropathy nutrition and the relationship between what we eat and nerve health.

What Is Neuropathy?

neuropathy - medical check of list and pencil

Neuropathy is the medical term for damage to nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. This damage can cause pain, numbness, weakness, and other uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous symptoms. It’s also called peripheral neuropathy, as it disproportionately affects nerve endings that are located closer to the body’s extremities than the core.

Neuropathy can mess up nerve signals in three ways. It can lead to complete loss of signaling, inappropriate signaling, or distortion of the messages that are sent.

If only one nerve is affected, that’s called mononeuropathy. A common mononeuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is often caused by repetitive use damage to the median nerve of the arm. Polyneuropathy, which involves multiple nerves (and not talking parrots), is the more common condition.

Types of Neuropathy

There are also subcategories of neuropathy, named for the nerve function they affect.

Motor Neuropathy

Motor neuropathy interferes with the movement of the muscles typically under conscious control, such as those used for walking, grasping things, or talking. Examples include muscle weakness or shrinking, or uncontrollable muscle twitching (which is also called fasciculation).

Sensory Neuropathy

Sensory neuropathy interferes with the transmission of sensory data from the extremities to the brain, such as temperature, the pain from a paper cut (ouch!), the feeling of a light touch, or information about the location of limbs in relation to one another. This can lead to loss of reflexes, coordination, or balance; burns or infections because there’s no impulse to pull away from a hot stove or clean a wound; and feeling pain from stimuli that aren’t actually harmful, such as the weight of a blanket on the feet.

Autonomic Neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy impairs the brain’s ability to regulate activities that people do not control consciously, such as breathing, digesting food, and heart and gland functions. People who suffer from this type of neuropathy can experience heat intolerance and excessive sweating, light-headedness from low blood pressure, and vision problems, among other things.

Proximal Neuropathy

Proximal neuropathy is a type of nerve damage centered in the hip, buttock, or thigh. It usually causes pain in just one side of the body.

Focal Nerve Neuropathy

Focal nerve neuropathy affects a single nerve and may cause symptoms such as double vision, weakness on one side of the body, or partial paralysis, and associated pain. This type most often targets nerve endings in the legs, hands, head, or torso.

What Causes Neuropathy?

There are more than 100 different conditions, both inherited and developed, that can lead to neuropathy. But a few of them cause the vast majority of cases.

Neuropathy and Diabetes

Fresh salad, glucose meter with result of sugar level, tape measure and dumbbells for fitness, concept of diabetes, slimming, healthy lifestyles and nutrition

Diabetes, both types 1  and 2, commonly causes neuropathy. That’s because high glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels that supply your nerves. As those nerves cannot access the nutrients they need, their fibers suffer damage and they may eventually die. At this writing, there’s no known way to reverse the damage once the nerves have atrophied. But there are many ways to prevent and reverse prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. (I hosted a whole masterclass on the topic with diabetes expert Brenda Davis, RD — to watch it for free click here.)

Neuropathy and Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases cause harm by attacking the body’s own cells and tissues as if they belonged to a foreign invader. Two autoimmune conditions that target the nerves include Guillain-Barré syndrome and celiac disease.

Guillain-Barré syndrome typically presents after a gastrointestinal or respiratory infection, or following a vaccination. For some reason, the immune system responds to these challenges by starting to destroy the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of many nerve cells. It can then progress to damaging the axons themselves.

Most people recover fully, a process that can last from a few weeks to a few years. But in some cases, the neuropathy progresses to paralysis that can threaten the ability to breathe.

The most common form of neuropathy that accompanies celiac disease involves both motor and sensory nerves. Other autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Sjögren’s syndrome, are linked to both neuropathy and celiac disease. Because the nerve damage appears to be triggered by exposure to gluten, symptoms may improve or even resolve on a gluten-free diet.

Neuropathy and Alcoholism

Alcoholism or Alcoholic concept : Close up young Asian guy feeling depressed drinking alcohol alone in pub or bar because life problem or stress.

Neuropathy is among the most common negative side effects of chronic alcohol overconsumption. It typically shows up as pain, pins and needles, and lack of muscle control in the lower extremities. Alcohol, it turns out, directly poisons nerves. And the poor nutrition that often accompanies alcoholism is a separate risk factor for neuropathy. Patients who abuse alcohol also tend to consume fewer other calories, and their gastrointestinal tracts struggle to absorb the nutrients they do encounter.

Because alcoholism is a chronic condition, the neuropathy it causes may become permanent. But in cases that are caught early enough, stopping alcohol consumption may help improve neuropathy.

Other Causes of Neuropathy

Toxins other than alcohol can also cause neuropathy, among them mercury, certain types of toxic mold, and chemotherapy drugs. Injury and trauma can also induce neuropathy if it involves compression or crushing of a nerve, as can happen in automobile accidents, falls, sports, and even some medical procedures.

What Vitamins and Minerals Help with Neuropathy?

Hispanic woman examining a vitamin supplement in a pharmacy

We know that certain vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy nerve function. And a lot of studies have looked at specific nutrients focused on supplemental forms and doses, but very few have looked at the impact of dietary nutrients on neuropathy. So it makes sense that one of the best ways to reduce your odds of developing neuropathy is to eat a diet rich in the nutrients known to nourish your nerves. But unfortunately, the evidence for this statement is a bit indirect and circumstantial. Therefore, let’s look at the specific nutrients that have been studied, remembering that all of these nutrients are available in foods as well as in supplements.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps your body produce a substance called myelin that shields some nerves and helps them transmit information and sensations faster and more efficiently. You can think of them as the insulation on electrical cables and wires. Getting enough B12 is essential for your health, and specifically for the prevention of neuropathy, which is the most common symptom of B12 deficiency.

Supplementing with B12 (especially in plant-based eaters who have a harder time getting this nutrient from food) can improve peripheral neuropathy, including the forms that are primarily caused by diabetes.

For more on B12, including how to ensure that you’re getting enough along with the best plant-based sources, check out our comprehensive article: Vitamin B12: Why it’s Important and How to Avoid B12 Deficiency.

Vitamin B1

Top view of wholegrain and cereal composition shot on rustic wooden table. This type of food is rich of fiber and is ideal for dieting. The composition includes wholegrain sliced bread, various kinds of wholegrain pasta, wholegrain crackers, grissini, oat flakes, brown rice, spelt and flax seeds. Predominant color is brown. High resolution 42Mp studio digital capture taken with SONY A7rII and Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF lens

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is also a critical nutrient for your nerves. Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a B1 deficiency, something that’s seen as part of the cluster of symptoms associated with beriberi. That’s because B1 plays a key role as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism, which is the main energy supply for nerve fibers. It also protects nerves from oxidative damage.

Supplementing (with food-based thiamine or with a synthetic analogue, benfotiamine) or eating foods rich in B1 can help prevent or treat deficiency and neuropathy. In severe cases, patients may need intravenous thiamine to relieve symptoms.

Vitamin B3

Another neurological superhero from the B-Vitamin Cinematic Universe is vitamin B3, aka niacin. B3 plays a key role in the development and survival of nerve cells. Studies of rats have shown that supplementation with this family of vitamins can protect against nerve pain and injury, preserve muscle function and vision, and lessen pain and discomfort. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

For people who are dealing with ongoing neuropathy, B3 supplementation appears to help only when done in combination with other B vitamins. When neuropathy is associated with cardiovascular disease, there’s research indicating that B3 may work better in conjunction with statins.

For more on the B vitamin family, check out our article: What B Vitamins Do You Need — And What Are The Best Vegan Sources of B Vitamins?

Vitamin E

Close-up of raw vitamin E rich food in bowls on black table. Fresh green spinach, edamame, wakame and lentil seeds in bowls on a table.

Your central and peripheral nervous systems are both big fans (and avid users) of vitamin E. Deficiency of this nutrient negatively affects both systems and can lead to peripheral neuropathy. That’s because not having enough vitamin E can cause changes in peripheral nerves and hasten the loss of a type of neuron known as a DRG cell. DRG — dorsal root ganglia — cells are of particular importance because they are afferent neurons, conveying information inward from the body to the brain and spinal cord.

A 2014 study found that vitamin E supplementation reduced neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes. And a 2021 study of people with peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy also found that vitamin E supplementation was an effective treatment.

For more on vitamin E, including its health benefits and some possible risks of supplementation (spoiler alert: it’s probably better to get it from food than from pills!), read our article on Vitamin E Benefits: Why it Matters & the Best Places to Find It.


Magnesium is important for the nerves to transmit messages optimally, as well as for neuromuscular coordination. Magnesium plays a bunch of roles in the nervous system, including keeping overexcited nerve cells from self-destructing. In blocking a nerve receptor called N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), magnesium both calms the nervous system and prevents pain hypersensitivity.

Patients with diabetic neuropathy also tend to have lower levels of magnesium in their blood. And a 2015 study of rats showed improved neurological function recovery and enhanced nerve regeneration with a high-magnesium diet.

Find out more about magnesium in our article: All About Magnesium: Health Benefits, Risks, & Magnesium-Rich Foods You Should Know About.


Close-up of omega 3 vegan food ingredients on the table. Fresh green spinach in a bowl with flax seeds, walnuts, brussel sprouts, and lentil seeds in bowls.

Omega-3s are another nutrient group that’s essential for the development and maintenance of healthy nerves. They can help prevent the death of nerve cells and improve their function by chilling out pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways.

A 2017 study that gave supplements of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA to mice showed that the supplementation sped up their nerve regeneration and, based on observations of a reduction of pain behaviors, reduced their pain as well.

A 2021 study of humans with diabetic neuropathy also found that the lower the plasma DHA levels, the more prevalent multiple neuropathies were. Giving the subjects omega-3 therapy led to greater nerve regeneration.

Find out more about omega-3s in our comprehensive article: Omega-3s: Why Are They Important — And What Are the Best Sources for Your Health?

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that your body manufactures in the mitochondria (or energy center) of your cells. It works to eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS), and helps with neuropathy by improving circulation and enhancing the dilation of blood vessels. It also helps suppress a cytokine called prostaglandin E2, which is a key compound involved in inflammation. By affecting several different pathways of oxidative stress, alpha-lipoic acid may reduce sensory neuropathy pain.

Foods That May Help with Neuropathy

Top Foods for Neuropathy infographic


What to Avoid with Neuropathy

Worst Foods for Neuropathy infographic


Recipes That May Help with Neuropathy

Increasing consumption of healing plant-based foods could be a wonderful and gentle support to anyone who is suffering from (or wants to avoid) nerve pain. With these tasty plant-based recipes, incorporating foods that contain supportive nutrients necessary for your nervous system can be enjoyable, simple, and nourishing for your nerves and your entire body.

1. Matcha Muffins

Whether enjoyed with your morning tea or as an afternoon pick-me-up, our Matcha Muffins are a testament to the idea that wholesome ingredients can be both delicious and supportive of your well-being. Made with oats, which contain a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucans, these muffins may aid in reducing inflammation and supporting overall nerve health. Their subtle sweetness and earthy undertones create a harmonious flavor blend that will satisfy your sweet cravings without the refined sugar.

2. Kale Caesar with Tofu Croutons

Kale Caesar with Tofu Croutons has many vital nutrients that can positively influence the health of your nerves. Kale contains sulforaphane, which may go a long way in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, providing relief to those experiencing nerve damage and discomfort. The creamy Caesar dressing, nutty walnut parmesan, and crunchy tofu croutons are also brimming with nutrients such as B12, omega-3s, and magnesium — all essential for proper nerve functioning. This wholesome salad is a great go-to meal when you are looking for something consistent to enjoy in your journey toward improved nerve health.

3. Saffron Cauliflower and Chickpeas

Saffron may not be the first thing you think of when you consider natural remedies to help with pain relief, but it has actually been shown to have therapeutic effects for those living with neuropathy thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with sulforaphane-rich cauliflower, this wholesome side dish will not only be a savory delight for you to enjoy but a nourishing experience for your nervous system as well.

Consider Your Diet When Dealing with Neuropathy

Healthy nerves require good nutrition. And without some specific nutrients, neuropathy can develop or become worse. For people with diabetes, it’s particularly important to eat a diet rich in nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, all of which contain compounds that act like superheroes for our nerves.

On the other hand, some foods, especially those high in sugar and saturated fats, act a bit like neuropathy villains, worsening the problem and causing additional suffering. Once you understand the connection between what’s on your plate and how your nerves feel and function, you can make choices to support your health and quality of life.

Editor’s note: Some friends of ours created Complement Essential to deliver a carefully chosen amount of important nutrients that even a healthy plant-based diet may be lacking — including DHA, EPA, B12, and magnesium, which are some of the nutrients that are profiled in this article. If you’re interested, find out more about Complement Essential here. Note: If you make a purchase, Complement will make a contribution in support of FRN’s mission. So you can support your health and healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all at the same time!

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you or anyone you love ever experienced neuropathy?
  • What are your favorite foods for neuropathy?
  • Which neuropathy-busting recipe will you try next?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Sorapop

Read Next:

The post Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You https://foodrevolution.org/blog/what-are-polyphenols/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-are-polyphenols Wed, 15 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=45312 Polyphenols are compounds that give many plant foods their vibrant colors and distinctive tastes. They not only protect plants from disease and sun damage, but when you eat those plants, you’re getting similar benefits. So what does the evidence say about how polyphenols can fight chronic disease, and what the best sources are?

The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Imagine you’re a plant. You can’t run away from the insects trying to eat you alive. You can’t wash off bacteria, viruses, or fungi before they can infect you. And you can’t put on SPF 50 sunscreen or a big floppy hat to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

What do you do to stay alive and thrive in the face of all these challenges? If you answered “synthesize polyphenols,” then congratulations! You’ve just won this round of “Are You as Smart as a Plant?”

Polyphenols are a class of compounds (a huge class, actually, made up of at least 8,000 different ones that we know of) that are in a wide variety of plant foods. You may have heard of some of them, like resveratrol (found in grapes and red wine) and EGCG (featured in green tea).

Plants produce them as protection from various threats, including disease and sun damage. And animals who consume those plants can also benefit from polyphenols in similar ways.

As industrialized societies struggle to contain multiple epidemics of chronic disease, many medical experts and researchers are now pointing to polyphenols (and other nutrients found in whole, minimally processed plant foods) as powerful allies in preventing and treating a variety of chronic conditions.

So in this article, we’ll explore the world of polyphenols, including how they work in your body, their health benefits, and whether you should get them from food or supplements.

What Are Polyphenols?

Curcuma longa, powder and rhizomes. Complementary medicine

Polyphenols are natural compounds found in various plants. Researchers consider polyphenols to be kind of “bonus” compounds, or in their jargon, “secondary metabolites.” This means they’re not directly involved in the growth, development, or reproduction of a plant.

Plants produce polyphenols as a defense mechanism against ultraviolet radiation and aggression from pathogens. But they aren’t purely defensive; they’re also deployed to attract pollinators.

From our perspective, polyphenols play a significant role in the flavors and health benefits that many plant foods offer. They can change the way plants taste, and determine their colors and aromas.

Polyphenols are also antioxidants, so their presence can keep plant foods from rotting (a trick known as “oxidative stability”). They also can help prevent oxidative stress in your body after you consume them, which can help stave off many types of disease.

There are several subfamilies of polyphenols, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lignans. In addition to resveratrol and EGCG mentioned above, another well-studied polyphenol is curcumin, found in turmeric root and powder.

What Are the Health Benefits of Polyphenols?

The “poly” in polyphenol means that all compounds in this family have multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups — but could just as easily refer to their ability to prevent and treat multiple health conditions.

Polyphenols and Cancer Prevention

Both test-tube and animal studies suggest that polyphenols can help prevent the initiation and progression of several cancers. They do this via a number of mechanisms, including inhibiting the proliferation and spread of cancer cells, suppressing tumor growth, preventing the formation of new blood vessels, and fighting inflammation.

Different classes of polyphenols exhibit different anticancer properties. For example, flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, can inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death. Resveratrol suppresses tumor growth, inhibiting metastasis and reducing angiogenesis. And curcumin, derived from turmeric, is multitalented; it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, apoptotic, antiangiogenic — and a bunch of other words that don’t begin with A.

Many forms of polyphenols are also known to influence critical signaling pathways that are integral to the initiation, advancement, and spread of cancer.

And polyphenols aren’t just cancer fighters on their own; they’re also team players. Researchers have found that polyphenol combinations are more powerful than the effects of each one individually. For example, a mixture containing quercetin, curcumin, green tea, Cruciferex (a proprietary blend of polyphenols found in cruciferous vegetables), and resveratrol significantly inhibited the growth of a particular cancer of the head and neck.

Polyphenols and Heart Health

Heart shaped blueberries with one raspberry on a gray wooden background

Polyphenols can also protect your heart in a bunch of different ways. They reduce cardiac inflammation and oxidative stress, support cell mitochondria in doing their job properly, and increase survival signaling (the ways cells talk to each other when they encounter a potential threat).

Some polyphenols have also been found to reduce the formation of blood clots, which decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And the flavonoid family of polyphenols promotes the dilation of blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow — both of which help with cardiovascular health.

Polyphenols can also improve your cholesterol profile — specifically, lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Some polyphenols are not easily absorbed by your small intestine, but it turns out that these polyphenols can be metabolized by the microbes in your gut into compounds that contribute to cardiovascular health.

Impressed by these myriad beneficial mechanisms, some researchers are now studying therapeutic protocols for using polyphenols in medicine to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.

Polyphenols and Diabetes

One of the most dangerous consequences of diabetes can be vascular disorders, where persistent high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels through inflammation, oxidation, and cell death. Polyphenols can combat all three mechanisms. And scientists are exploring how to use them to modulate the expression of the genes involved in the development of vascular conditions.

Human and animal studies (our views on the use of animals in medical research can be found here) show that polyphenols can lower high blood sugar levels and enhance the body’s ability to secrete insulin quickly and respond to it effectively.

It appears polyphenols accomplish this via several mechanisms. They slow down how quickly your body absorbs sugar from the food you eat. And they encourage your pancreas to produce more insulin in response to carbohydrate consumption. They also regulate how much glycogen the liver releases into your blood in the form of sugar.

If all that wasn’t enough, polyphenols also help insulin receptors work more efficiently and help tissues absorb more sugar than they would otherwise.

Polyphenols also fight diabetes by helping to protect pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage due to high glucose levels. They also promote the growth of these cells and slow down their death.

Polyphenols and Osteoporosis Benefits

Mid adult black woman having snack at home office

As you age, you lose bone mass — that’s natural. But your diet and lifestyle can significantly influence the rate at which that happens. In some people, the process accelerates due to oxidative stress messing with the living tissues in bone: the osteoblasts and osteoclasts that build and break down bone, respectively.

Since polyphenols are such powerful antioxidants, researchers theorized that eating berries (one of the richest food sources of the compounds) could help reduce bone loss due to stress and aging. And they might have been on to something because several studies have now shown that people who eat a lot of berries also have higher bone mass. Since the standard pharmaceutical treatments for osteoporosis have a high rate of serious side effects, there’s a lot to be gained by exploring how eating polyphenol-rich foods can help prevent or slow bone loss.

In addition to oxidative damage, it appears that bone loss can also be caused by inflammation. A 2019 literature review found evidence that polyphenol-containing foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, and soy may combat osteoporosis by reducing inflammation, thus allowing the body’s bone remodeling process to proceed without hindrance.

A 2023 study out of Korea also found concrete evidence for the link between high polyphenol intake and protection from osteoporosis. Researchers gave bone density tests and food intake questionnaires to 4,600 women and followed up with them for an average of five years. They found that the postmenopausal women who reported eating the most phytochemical-rich foods (i.e., those high in polyphenols) had a 16% lower risk of developing osteoporosis than those who ate the least.

Polyphenols and Brain Health

One of your body’s most important functions goes by the strange name autophagy, which literally means “eating oneself.” Instead of visualizing someone chomping on their own arm, however, think of your tissues constantly absorbing and discarding malfunctioning cells, proteins, and other bits and bobs that are no longer doing their jobs. This process in the brain is key in protecting you from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and other types of dementia.

Research shows that polyphenols support the brain’s clean-up process by removing misfolded proteins. They also reduce brain inflammation and stress, helping protect the brain from damage that can lead to neurodegenerative conditions.

Polyphenols are especially suited to supporting your cognitive health for several reasons. First, unlike many other nutrients, they can easily pass into your brain from your bloodstream (crossing that very finicky blood-brain barrier). Second, they help to remove harmful substances known as reactive oxygen species that can damage your brain cells. Third, they can capture and neutralize certain metal ions, such as copper and iron, that could be harmful to your brain in high concentrations.

But wait — there’s more! Polyphenols have another special brain ability: They can increase the amount of neurotrophic factors in your brain that promote the health and growth of your nerve cells. By attaching themselves to the receptors of these neurotrophic factors on the surface of nerve cells, polyphenols enhance the cells’ abilities to adapt, survive, multiply, and grow. It appears, in fact, that polyphenols can not only protect your brain from degeneration but may even support learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities.

Is There an RDA for Polyphenols?

Colorful vegetarian or veganuary plates on table, view from above, top view. Healthy diet or lifestyle concept with green, healthy salads and hummus.

Given how awesome polyphenols are, you might think that government bodies tasked with setting nutritional standards would have come up with a recommended daily allowance (RDA). But no such standard exists in the US because the compounds aren’t considered “essential” nutrients — that is, there aren’t any diseases specifically caused by a deficit, the way insufficient vitamin C leads to scurvy and not enough B1 inevitably produces beriberi.

Instead, not getting enough polyphenols can shorten a lifespan by making a person more likely to develop one of the chronic diseases mentioned above. For example, a 2013 study found that people who consumed more than 650 milligrams of polyphenols per day had a 30% lower chance of dying in any given year compared with people who got less than 500 milligrams per day.

So instead of a numerical RDA, the quasi-governmental Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends five fruits and/or vegetables a day, which theoretically would give you a significant amount of polyphenols. And if you “eat the rainbow” pretty much every day — that is, consume foods of many different colors (and no, Skittles don’t count) — you’ll also therefore get a wide range of polyphenols.

What Foods Are Rich in Polyphenols?

Foods High in Polyphenols Infographic

What Influences Polyphenol Amounts?

Unfortunately, you can’t simply look up a food’s polyphenol content in an online database and know exactly how much you’ll get when you eat that food. And even if you could, there are various factors that can influence how much you actually absorb.

Polyphenol Bioavailability

On the whole, polyphenols tend to have low bioavailability, which means your body can absorb and use only a small percentage of what you swallow.

The exact conversion ratio is based on many factors, including the health and makeup of your gut microflora. Since your microbiome can change on a constant basis, depending on what you feed it, how much of the polyphenols in your food you can actually get into your cells may also vary widely from day to day.

Also, the different polyphenols differ greatly in how bioavailable they are. The most abundant dietary polyphenols typically have lower absorption rates than less common ones.

Food Handling Impact

Organic apples and citrus fruits in a container from a fridge. Close up.

How plant-based foods are processed, stored, and cooked also strongly influences their polyphenol content.

If you remove the peels and hulls of certain foods, you can lower their polyphenol content. On the other hand, macerating (such as in a blender or food processor) some foods can increase their polyphenol content.

When it comes to food storage, the cold storage of apples, pears, and onions appears to maintain high polyphenol levels. But when cut fruits turn brown, which tends to happen if they are exposed to air, they begin to lose polyphenols.

Many foods lose polyphenol levels with time. For example, in wheat flour, concentrations of polyphenols drop by about 70% after six months. But black tea actually increases its polyphenol content after some oxidation.

Some polyphenol levels also increase with cooking, while others decrease — it depends on the food, the particular polyphenolic compound, and the cooking method. For example, onions and tomatoes lose between 75% and 80% of their initial quercetin content after boiling for 15 min, and 65% after cooking in a microwave oven.

So Should You Take Polyphenol Supplements?

A limited amount of research has indicated that people may possibly see benefits from polyphenol supplements. For example, athletes who were experiencing physiological stress were given polyphenol supplements, and they experienced some benefits in performance and recovery.

But the evidence is a bit murky: Many researchers don’t use pure polyphenols or mixtures, but add in other antioxidants — so it’s hard to know how much of the benefit is coming from the polyphenols, the other active ingredients, or some synergistic interaction of multiple elements.

There’s also not a lot of safety data available about these supplements. And as polyphenol marketing gives these compounds their place in the sun, some manufacturers are taking advantage of their popularity to create mega-dose formulations that have never been tested for safety or efficacy.

Because research on the benefits of polyphenols typically uses amounts much higher than those commonly found in human diets, we just don’t know the levels at which they are safe and beneficial for human consumption.

Some supplements (including those containing polyphenols) could cause liver damage in high doses, and may also block the absorption of nonheme iron, which is an essential nutrient.

Perhaps the best argument against supplementation is that it’s probably completely unnecessary for most people, as polyphenols are abundantly available in a wide variety of fresh and healthful foods.

Plus, just like every other plant-based antioxidant and phytonutrient, polyphenols work better in harmony with other nutrients that naturally occur in food. And when you consume whole plant-based foods, you also get the benefit of fiber and other health-promoting micronutrients.

In general, most people are better off getting their nutrition from food rather than from supplements, and there’s no reason to think that polyphenols are an exception.

Polyphenol Recipes

From bitter to salty, from sweet to tart, polyphenols are in abundance in many of your favorite plant-based foods. These delicious and nourishing polyphenol recipes are a great way to experiment with and incorporate them into your daily meal routine.

1. Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Coffee is a plentiful source of polyphenols as it contains chlorogenic acids, which fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress damage, making it a potent antioxidant-rich ingredient. Not only does it give you a burst of energy — you get a powerful health boost, too! Together with creamy banana, nutty tahini, nutrient-rich cauliflower, and sweet spices, this Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie is an easy-peasy and ultra-creamy way to enjoy polyphenols.

2. Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apples have an abundance of polyphenols, more specifically anthocyanins, flavanols (catechins), flavonols (quercetin, rutin), chlorogenic and caffeic acids, and dihydrochalcones, which can help to reduce inflammation, support your immune system, and even help with seasonal allergies! We don’t think you’ll need any more convincing, but this creamy Apple Walnut Sage Dressing is an inflammation-fighting, health-promoting, and deliciously sweet and savory sauce that is the perfect polyphenol-rich addition to your favorite summer or fall salad.

3. The Shine Brightly Salad

Shine Brightly Salad

We love The Shine Brightly Salad for many reasons. And the addition of sweet and juicy blueberries is a major factor! Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins, resveratrol, and flavonols (quercetin), which are all under the umbrella of polyphenols. You’ll also get a hefty dose of health-promoting spinach, red onion, sunflower seeds, and lemon juice. With so many colorful plant foods combined, you know you’ll be getting a wide variety of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other polyphenols that will keep your body in tip-top shape — and shining brightly from the inside out!

Eat More Plants to Reap the Benefits of Polyphenols

From fending off cancer and heart disease to supporting healthy blood sugar levels and bone density, polyphenols are like real superheroes of our dietary choices, working tirelessly to safeguard our well-being. These compounds are readily available in a wide array of whole foods.

While some individuals may find benefit from polyphenol supplements, on the whole, the safety and efficacy of high-dose polyphenol supplements remain unclear. So it’s probably best to get your polyphenols from food. And let your plate be a canvas of color and flavor, celebrating the goodness that polyphenols have to offer.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite foods from each color of the rainbow?
  • Are there polyphenol-rich foods that you’d like to add to your diet?
  • Which recipe will you try next?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Aiselin82

Read Next:

The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What Is Fonio? Get to Know This Ancient Supergrain from Africa https://foodrevolution.org/blog/what-is-fonio/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-fonio Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:45:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=44865 Imagine a food crop that defies drought, thrives in depleted soil, and is easy on the environment. It packs a powerful nutritional punch, and is gluten-free and rich in whole grain goodness. This supercrop not only tastes amazing but also cooks quickly, conserving energy. Introducing fonio, the most amazing cereal crop most people have never heard of. Discover why, despite its many positive qualities, fewer and fewer farmers want to grow it, and what you can do to help.

The post What Is Fonio? Get to Know This Ancient Supergrain from Africa appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Pretend you’re an entrepreneur with magical powers and a mandate to design a food crop that can save the world. You’d probably start by identifying the problems such a food would address.

The list would almost certainly include persistent droughts in many heavily populated parts of the globe, depleted soils, global hunger, nutritional deficiencies, overuse of pesticides, and climate chaos caused by the carbon footprint of burning fossil fuels.

The bad news is you probably don’t have actual magical powers that allow you to create such a food. (If you do, please apply for a job at Food Revolution Network!)

The good news is, that crop already exists. It’s called fonio (pronounced “fone-yo”), and it’s the oldest known cultivated grain in Africa.

While many Indigenous West Africans revere the grain and incorporate it not only into their diets but also into their healing and spiritual practices, its cultivation was discouraged by decades of agricultural and economic policy that sought to “modernize” the region and grow monocropped grains for food and export.

But fonio is making a comeback, growing in popularity around the world. And for good reason. It’s highly nutritious, exceptionally delicious, and environmentally resilient, making it an important crop for arid regions. Those include its home, West Africa, but also many other places around the world prone to prolonged heat and drought: southern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, much of the US (including California, Texas, the Midwest, Sunbelt, and Southeast), Southeast Asia, and Australia, among others.

In this article, we’ll explore all things fonio. We’ll look at where and how it grows, its nutritional profile and health benefits, its environmental impacts, and why you might want to add fonio to your diet even if you don’t live in West Africa.

We’ll also cover its versatile culinary uses, and share some fonio-filled recipes.

What Is Fonio?

Richard Nyberg, USAID

Fonio, aka Digitaria exilis (Latin for “slender fingers”), has been cultivated in parts of Africa for about 7,000 years. In the Dogon language of Mali, one of the names for the plant means “seed of the universe.” In a narrative strikingly similar to the Big Bang, Dogon mythology describes the Creator bringing the universe into existence by exploding a single fonio grain.

Fonio is a member of the millet family and is related to other grains important in African agriculture, including pearl millet and sorghum. Technically, fonio is a very tiny pseudocereal, like quinoa and buckwheat — which basically means it’s a seed that’s eaten like a grain.

You may have also heard of fonio by one of its other names. These include acha, fundi, findi, iburu, Asian millet, fonio millet, pearl millet, and hungry rice. (That last name is something of a smear, implying that fonio is a lesser food that’s eaten only when there’s not enough rice.)

Fonio is native to West Africa with roughly 70% of the world’s fonio grown in Guinea. Additional production occurs in Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, and several neighboring countries.

Fonio has played a critical role in food security in these countries, especially in rural areas. For reasons that we’ll soon discover, fonio is a reliable staple crop even when other food sources are scarce.

The plant is prized for its resilience, able not just to grow, but to positively thrive in poor soil conditions. As a significant bonus, fonio is also the speed champion of grains. It’s the world’s fastest maturing cereal, going from seed to harvest in as little as 60 days. And it’s drought tolerant. In fact, the less rain the plant receives, the faster it matures.

Types of Fonio

There are two main types of fonio:

  • white fonio, called acha (the more common of the two, and quicker cooking)
  • black fonio, called iburu (less common, and higher in fiber)

Both types of fonio have a similar taste that’s been described as rich and nutty — similar to couscous (but unlike couscous, fonio is a whole grain, and it’s gluten-free!).

Fonio Nutrition

Nigerian Fonio Acha supper grain porridge prepared with vegetables and fish - Gluten Free
iStock.com/Osarieme Eweka

On a nutrient-by-nutrient basis, fonio appears to be one of the most nutritious of all African cereals, as well as one of the tastiest. A cup of cooked fonio (which requires a quarter cup of dry grain) provides about 170 calories, largely from carbohydrates, and a small amount of protein.

It’s also a rich source of gut-healthy fiber, providing as much as five times as much fiber as a serving of white rice. (I don’t know about you, but I sometimes opt for white rice over brown rice when I’m in a hurry since it cooks much more quickly. Well… fonio cooks even faster yet! So it is a winner by many measures of comparison.)

What about the essential amino acids that make up protein? The acha variety of fonio is particularly rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, like methionine, which is an amino acid that is typically low in legumes. However, similar to whole grains, acha is low in lysine (where legumes excel!). While we love fonio, we don’t recommend that you only eat fonio all day. Variety, including beans and other legumes, is important to ensure you’re receiving a variety of nutrients, including plenty of all the different essential amino acids.

Fonio is also a solid source of several minerals, including calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper. Since fonio is gluten-free, it can substitute for gluten-containing grains such as wheat, barley, and rye for people with Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

Fonio Health Benefits

Just as fonio has been systematically neglected and marginalized by industrialized agriculture, it’s also largely ignored by nutrition researchers. While its powerful nutrient profile is well-documented by modern science, the same is not true of its potential for supporting human health.

To give you a sense of the gap, when I did a search for “fonio nutrition” in the database of the US National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine, I got 17 hits (only one of which even looked at the relationship between fonio and human health). By comparison, “corn nutrition” generated over 12,000 articles, and “sorghum nutrition” almost 1,200.

So in order to make useful statements about how fonio might help you prevent and heal from disease, we have to consider both its nutritional properties and Indigenous healing practices.

In West Africa, fonio is considered to have medicinal properties for several health conditions. In Senegal, fonio has been traditionally used to alleviate conditions such as meteorism (or bloating and abdominal distension caused by an accumulation of gas in the digestive system), constipation, and as a diuretic. Also, the Senegalese use fonio to treat blood clots, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dysentery, stomachache, chicken pox, and asthma.

In Burkina Faso, fonio is known for its slimming properties. Roasted, it’s used for wound healing. And fonio dough is given for relief of symptoms in people with type 2 diabetes.

Based on its nutritional profile and similarity to other pseudocereals, it’s probable that fonio may reduce the risk of developing both type 2 diabetes and some cancers. And with a low glycemic index (in the low 40s, to be imprecise) and favorable amounts of both resistant and nonresistant starch, fonio may help improve blood glucose management in diabetic and prediabetic patients.

Challenges Facing Fonio

“L’entraide au village: les jeunes du village se retrouvent pour la moisson du fonio d’une famille” by Toujours Passages on Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

We’ve seen that, in many respects, fonio is a near-perfect crop to address hunger on a planet that’s growing increasingly hot and dry. But now it’s time to address the one drawback to fonio: It takes a huge amount of hard human labor to produce.


In West Africa, where fonio is still a staple food for millions of people, all stages of its growth cycle are very labor-intensive.

Men harvest the grain by uprooting the plant or cutting off the grain head with a homemade knife or sickle. Threshing the grain — separating the edible from inedible parts of the plant — is just as labor-intensive. It’s done by either beating or trampling over the dry straw.

In West African countries, women perform the lion’s share of the work. Women typically do the weeding, collecting seed heads, dehusking the grain, cleaning, drying, and processing as well as selling the fonio. On average, a woman must pound fonio for an hour to dehusk just two pounds of the grain.

Although this unfairly puts a large burden on women to process the fonio and get it ready for market, from a climate perspective, the hard work does pay off. Its impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as soil and water contamination, is minimal to nonexistent. There’s also no need for fuel to run giant harvesters and other agricultural machines, or to power running water for irrigation.

And in a region with chronically high rates of unemployment, some would argue that providing more jobs for people (as opposed to having the work done by machines produced overseas) makes good economic sense, too. Plus, there’s the fact that farmers don’t have to spend money on fertilizers or pesticides since fonio thrives in poor soil and has few natural enemies.

But in terms of growing enough fonio to feed the world, the fact that the crop hasn’t, at least so far, been able to benefit from economies of scale has been a very real stumbling block.

In the 1990s, a Senegalese mechanical engineer named Sanoussi Diakite invented a fonio husking machine that could process eleven pounds of grain in just eight minutes. However, there are very few machines in use, even today, because the $3,000 price tag renders them too expensive for the vast majority of West African farmers.

Low Demand and Rural Depopulation

Capitalizing on fonio’s status as a highly nutritious and easy-to-grow whole grain is a serious challenge facing West African farmers. In addition to the difficulties of production and postharvest processing, there are two other stumbling blocks: low market demand and rural depopulation.

Because demand from the wealthier nations is low (at least before this article was published!), farmers fear not receiving a return on their investments of money and effort. It’s more secure to grow maize, which has a predictable market, or some of the higher-margin cash crops like coffee, bananas, cashews, or cacao, which can be exported to wealthier countries.

Another obstacle is a lack of younger farmers willing to do the work of fonio farming. Many move away from rural areas to seek employment in the cities, sparking a depopulation crisis that continues to spiral as more and more people view farm life as an economic dead end.

Garnering Interest in Fonio

Some people are trying to encourage increased fonio production by creating demand for it in the US and Europe. Making fonio more fashionable, somewhat akin to what’s happened to quinoa, can mean higher profits and more stable income for farmers.

For example, Senegalese chef Pierre Thiam has been instrumental in bringing fonio to US markets. He cofounded Yolélé Foods in order to, quoting from their website, “create economic opportunity for smallholder farming communities; to support their biodiverse, regenerative, and climate-resilient farming systems.”

Yolélé Foods is also building processing facilities and collaborating with governments, intergovernmental agencies, and NGOs to train and equip smallholders for increased productivity through conservation farming.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try fonio for yourself, check out some of Yolélé’s fonio products online. If they’re out of stock (as seems to happen from time to time), Aduna makes an organic variety, linked here. The cost tends to be a bit higher than rice or quinoa but is lower than wild rice.

How to Cook Fonio

Detail of smoke coming out of a pot as a man opens the lid while cooking at home.
iStock.com/Lucas Ninno

If you do decide to try fonio (and create more demand for it), you’re in luck. Not only is it super delicious (at least in my opinion), but it cooks super fast (just a few minutes!). This speedy quality also makes it a great option when you want to eat a whole grain but don’t have a long time to wait for one to cook fully.

One cup of fonio cooks in two cups of water and yields four cups of grain!

You can use fonio in any recipe that calls for other types of grains. Examples include grain bowls, porridge, side dishes (like couscous or pilaf), stuffed vegetable recipes, and so on.

Fonio flour has been used to make biscuits, bread, and dumplings. Some researchers have experimented with making sourdough bread using fonio. It’s also possible to make delicious cakes, cookies, and other snack foods and desserts from fonio. And you can use whole meal fonio flour to create gluten-free biscuits and other baked goods.

Fonio Recipes

This ancient West African grain deserves to be making some serious culinary waves because it offers a delightful canvas for kitchen creativity. From savory to slightly sweet, get to know this delightful ancient grain that can add wonderful texture and substantial nutritional value to your meals.

1. Savory Turmeric Fonio Porridge

Nigerian Spicy acha / fonio in white bowl
iStock.com/Osarieme Eweka

Savory Turmeric Fonio Porridge feels like a warm and comforting hug for your belly. Full of antioxidant- and anti-inflammatory-rich ingredients, it’s a wonderful breakfast to begin your day on a nourishing note. What’s more, thanks to fonio’s nuttiness, the cashews (or your favorite nut or seed of choice) really bring out its flavor, rounding out the taste profile of this hearty breakfast porridge.

2. Fonio, Fennel, and Fruit Salad


Since fonio is a mild grain, you can use it the same way you would quinoa, brown rice, or millet. In this salad, it’s truly a hit! Fonio, Fennel, and Fruit Salad is bursting with juicy and aromatic citrus fruit and berries, lively fennel, and creamy Macadamia Nut Ricotta. The cherry, or should we say the grain on top, is the subtly sweet fonio that ties it all together. If you are new to working with this grain, we highly recommend you give it a try in this refreshing and vibrant salad!

3. Moroccan-Inspired Fonio Pilaf


Fonio is highly versatile. There are so many ways to enjoy its taste, texture, and nutrients — and this Moroccan-inspired Fonio Pilaf will not disappoint! With savory vegetables, cooling mint, nutty pistachios, and healing spices, this is a highly nourishing all-in-one meal that is simple to prepare and a delight to enjoy as a tasty side dish or a delectable main!

The Bottom Line on Fonio

Fonio is a nutritious and versatile whole grain that has a low environmental impact. It also tastes delicious, cooks quickly, and provides many nutrients that are crucial to human health. Plus, it’s gluten-free and so is suitable for those with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Unfortunately, farmers face many challenges growing fonio because demand is unpredictable, and it’s labor-intensive to harvest and thresh. While some technology is now available to lessen that burden, until demand grows, few farmers will be able to afford to use these machines to increase production.

Increasing awareness of and demand for fonio in industrialized countries can be a win-win. Not only does the crop have the potential to improve the nutritional status of those populations, but increased demand may translate into funding to make harvesting and processing more efficient. If done in an environmentally low-impact way, this could pave the way for greater economic opportunities for farmers in West Africa.

If being a part of that solution sounds good to you, check out the recipes included above and consider making fonio a part of your life.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Had you heard of fonio before reading this? If so, where did you first come across it?

  • What is the most interesting thing about fonio that you discovered in this article?

  • Which fonio recipe will you try?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Karisssa

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The post What Is Fonio? Get to Know This Ancient Supergrain from Africa appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Figs: Are They Good for You and the Planet? https://foodrevolution.org/blog/are-figs-good-for-you/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=are-figs-good-for-you Wed, 04 Oct 2023 22:54:36 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=44778 Ready to explore the amazing world of figs? Would you be surprised to discover that they aren’t actually fruits? Or that their pollination can involve a multigenerational family drama? From their unusual biology to their nutritional value and health-giving properties, get ready to dive into the hidden secrets of figs.

The post Figs: Are They Good for You and the Planet? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Have you ever had an experience where you thought you knew someone well, and then they turned around and totally surprised you? Like, the quiet guy in your yoga class turns out to be a world-famous YouTuber, or your cranky aunt used to be a trapeze artist?

Well, that’s the experience I just had researching this article about figs. I thought I knew a lot about this yummy fruit until I started digging into the topic. Spoiler alert: They’re not even fruits! And when I discovered how they get pollinated — that’s a drama worthy of a Game of Thrones episode!

But aside from their storied pollination method, figs have a lot to offer. In addition to being a delicious food, figs have also traditionally been used for healing and for some very practical purposes. For countless generations, people around the world have made poultices from fresh or dried figs, fig leaves, and fig wines. Fig stems and leaves contain latex. And, of course, fig leaves have served as, well, strategically placed garments since the Garden of Eden (at least according to some Renaissance painters).

You can also find mention of figs in both the Bible and the Quran. Biblical writers often use figs as metaphors for the physical and spiritual health of the people, with phrases like “everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree” depicting a time of peace and prosperity. The Quran quotes the prophet Muhammad as telling his followers to eat the fig “as it cures various diseases.”

In this article, we’re going to focus on the culinary uses of figs. We’ll explore what figs are, how they taste (and how they differ from dates), the nutritional value of fresh vs dried, and their health benefits and downsides.

We’ll also look at how they get pollinated (so dramatic!), and if that process might render figs unfit for a vegan diet.

What Are Figs?

Ripe fig fruits on the tree. Closeup shot.

Fig trees (or Ficus carica) are native to the Mediterranean region and were one of the first plants to be cultivated.

Figs are members of the mulberry family, which, contrary to the nursery rhyme, is mostly populated by trees, not bushes to “go ‘round and ‘round.” (Other family members include the banyan, breadfruit, jackfruit, and Osage orange.)

A fig fruit (which, again, is not really a fruit) is known as a syconium. According to the Ecological Society of America, “a fig is not actually a fruit; it is an inflorescence — a cluster of many flowers and seeds contained inside a bulbous stem.” And as we’ll see, it’s that structure that makes its pollination so darn interesting.

Because the fig flower is arranged so unusually, the seeds — which are actually the ovaries of the fig — can’t be pollinated by ordinary flying insects like bees, moths, and butterflies. Instead, it requires a pollinator with the skills of a safecracker who can operate in dark, confined quarters (more on that later).

Types of Figs

There are more than 750 different varieties of fig. Some of the types you’re likely to encounter include Adriatic, Black Mission, Turkish/Brown Turkey, Calimyrna, Kadota, Celeste, and Tiger. Different types have different flavor profiles, and feature in a variety of dishes, from sweet desserts to more savory fare.

The most common dried figs in the US are Black Mission and Golden, both of which are grown in California.

Figs are light green as they grow. They may remain green or change color as they ripen, ranging from yellow to brown to dark purple, depending on the cultivar.

The Differences Between Figs and Dates

Figs and Dates
iStock.com/AlasdairJames and banusevim (Combined)

Figs and dates are two very different foods that people sometimes get confused with one another, kind of like the actors who play Harry Potter and Frodo. Here are some key differences. Frodo didn’t go to Hogwarts — oops, I mean, here are some key differences between figs and dates.

While figs originated in the Mediterranean region, dates are native to several geographical locations, including North America. Figs grow on trees, while dates are the fruits of palm trees, which are technically grasses and not trees (this is such a genus-bending article!).

Furthermore, figs grow on fig tree branches, while dates grow in clusters on offshoots from the main trunk of the palm tree. Dates contain a single pit, while figs have many small edible seeds.

When it comes to eating the fruits, they’re also quite different. Figs have three times the amount of water as dates, which also makes them much lower in calories (about four times lower, if you’re counting). So dates are a much more concentrated source of carbohydrates, mostly in the form of simple sugars. Dates are also richer sources of some minerals, such as calcium and potassium.

Nutrients in Figs

The good news is figs deliver a lot of essential nutrients. The predominant macronutrient (the one that provides calories) is carbohydrates, but they’re also rich in some vitamins and organic acids. As whole plant foods, they also provide important dietary fiber.

According to the US National Nutrient Database, two medium raw figs contain roughly 3 grams of fiber. Doing the math, this means that if you ate just 8 figs a day and nothing else, you’d still get about half as much fiber as the average US resident consumes in a day. (To be clear, I am NOT recommending the “8 Fig a Day Diet,” although someone could probably write a best-selling diet book with that title.)

However, some researchers have measured much greater amounts of fiber in different fig cultivars. According to the American Botanical Council, two fresh or 4–5 dried figs provide a whopping 12 grams of fiber.

So we have credible authorities telling us that two figs provide 3 grams of fiber, while others say the correct figure is 12 grams of fiber. It reminds me of the old saying, “A person with one watch knows what time it is. A person with two watches… is never quite sure.” So for now, let’s just say that figs are high (potentially very high!) in fiber, and leave it to the good folks at the US National Nutrient Database and the American Botanical Council to duke it out on the details.

Figs are a good source of many bioactive phytonutrients, too, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, and tocopherols.

(Here’s a fun article all about flavonoids, which starts with a weird story about a bunch of soldiers trying to cross a bridge.)

They’re also solid sources of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus. What’s more, figs provide essential trace elements, including iron, manganese, zinc, and copper.

You’ll get the most nutrients if you don’t peel your figs; the highest concentrations of phytonutrients are in their skin. And darker fig varieties contain more polyphenols and antioxidant power than lighter ones.

Figs also lose some phytonutrients when dried. Studies show a loss of 29% to as much as 86% of the polyphenol content when figs are dried.

Health Benefits of Figs

closeup of a young caucasian man outdoors with a handful of ripe figs in his hands, freshly collected on an organic orchard

In the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, figs have long been revered for their contributions to human health and longevity. The fruit, leaves, latex, bark, and roots of fig trees have been used to treat gastrointestinal, respiratory, inflammatory, and cardiovascular disorders, as well as ulcerative diseases and cancers. The various parts of the fig tree possess a wide variety of properties; they can help you poop, relax muscle spasms, fight viruses and bacteria, bring down high blood sugar, and even help your body expel parasites.

And modern scientific research has only added to our understanding of the power of figs to promote health.

Figs and Gut Health

When patients with irritable bowel syndrome add figs to their diet, they often experience decreased symptom occurrence and severity. A 2019 study gave IBS patients 90 grams of dried figs per day for four months. Compared to controls who didn’t get anything, the fig-enhanced group had reduced frequency of pain, less intestinal distention, more frequent pooping, and softer stools. Unsurprisingly, they also reported “a significant increase in quality of life.”

In a 2018 animal study, rats with induced ulcerative colitis were fed a liquid extract containing figs. The treatment had a natural laxative effect but did not lead to diarrhea, and it improved their gastrointestinal functioning. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

Figs and Diabetes

Fruit and vegetable salad and glucose meter with result of measurement sugar level, concept of diabetes, diet, healthy lifestyles and nutrition

Figs (and fig leaves) can also be deployed to treat diabetes. A 1998 study found that people with type 1 diabetes who drank tea made from fig leaves were able to lower their blood sugar immediately following meals. And a 2019 study showed that a fig leaf decoction was able to lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes by about half as much as the drug metformin (after two months of treatment).

It’s not just the leaves, though — fig fruits contain a compound called abscisic acid (which should definitely be included in spelling bees) that has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels after meals.

Figs and Cognitive Decline

Studies with experimental animals have shown that figs may help us stay sharp and avoid or delay cognitive decline. One animal study compared the effects of a diet that included figs to a fig-free diet in mice that were genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The mice who ate figs did better on memory tests, displayed fewer anxiety behaviors, learned new things more quickly and fully, and had better motor coordination. Furthermore, the fig-eating mice had lower levels of the toxic amyloid beta proteins that are associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Are Figs Vegan?

by Nikhilmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

This may seem like an odd question, but remember that Game of Thrones reference from earlier? It turns out, fig tree pollination is a bit controversial.

You see, there are two types of fig trees: wild and cultivated. And wild-growing fig trees require pollination to bear fruit. The critters that have volunteered for the job are fig wasps, a term that describes any of several hundred different, mosquito-like tiny creatures from the Agaonidae family. Each species of fig wasp pollinates only one variety of fig.

Basically, here’s how it works.

A female wasp, loaded with pollen, flies to an unripe fig and burrows into its center to deposit her eggs. While she’s doing this, two things happen. One, she spreads her pollen onto the female flowers. And two, the effort of fighting her way through the flower strips her of her wings.

Now the fig goes to work, building structures called galls over the wasp eggs and producing seeds in the flowers that don’t contain the eggs. Meanwhile, the mama wasp dies, whereupon her exoskeleton is dissolved by figgy enzymes. (Cue the emotional orchestral music.)

The heroic male wasps hatch first, and travel around the syconium fertilizing their sisters who are still pupating in their galls. (This is definitely HBO-worthy stuff!) Then they dig holes through which the fertilized females can escape with their wings intact. Once the females hatch, they fly off to repeat the process, leaving the males to die in the maturing fig.

Pretty intense family drama, huh?

As a result, some vegans do not eat figs because they don’t want to consume dead wasps, and also because animals died as part of the process that produced them. However, there’s good news if you want to adhere to a vegan diet and still enjoy delicious figginess.

First, the wasps are completely dissolved by the plant enzymes, so you are not likely to encounter a dead insect in your fig. And second, almost all figs produced and sold in the US are of the cultivated variety and are self-pollinating. This means they don’t need the sacrificial services of the fig wasps, and are considered vegan-friendly.

Fig Downsides

Aside from the fig wasp controversy, there are some other things about figs to consider. For one, some people may have to avoid them because of allergic reactions, including oral allergy syndrome. The latex in the plant may also be a source of irritation and allergy, especially if you’re harvesting figs.

Also dried (but not fresh) figs are high in compounds called salicylates, which may cause swelling, itching, hives, worsened asthma, and food intolerance symptoms in people who are sensitive to them.

The other thing about figs is that it takes a lot of water to grow them. Although they’re not as needy as some other crops like citrus, almonds, alfalfa, and pasture grasses, in places straining under multiyear droughts, such as California and Spain, this can be a problem.

On the other hand, fig trees, like almond trees, are drought tolerant, so they can be a good solution in some cases. While they may not bear fruit during times of drought, they can survive until the rains return. There are several strategies growers can implement, including mulching, thinning fruit to help the remaining fruit develop fully, and protecting trees with shade cloth during the hottest parts of the day.

One other challenge with growing figs, and I say this from personal experience, is that for some reason gophers love their roots. So if you aim to grow a fig tree, it may be wise to place a wire gopher barrier in the planting hole to protect the root ball from those sharp little teeth.

Overall, growing figs appear to be a net positive for the environment. Offsetting their water needs and their moderate carbon footprint, they don’t require heavy use of pesticides. Plus, fig trees sequester carbon in their biomass, keeping it out of the air and not contributing to the climate crisis.

We Dig Figs!

Figs on wood background

As you’ve probably gathered by now, figs are pretty unique! Their biology is fascinating, and the saga of their pollination is dramatic, to say the least. They also offer a wide range of essential nutrients and health benefits. From their versatile culinary uses to their historical uses as healing agents, figs have proven themselves valuable partners to the humans who have loved, cultivated, and revered them for millennia.

If you’re inspired to add more figgy goodness to your diet, we’ve got you covered: Here’s an article all about different ways of preparing and eating figs.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What’s the most surprising fig fact you got from this article?

  • Can you find fresh figs where you live? If so, what do you do with them?

  • Have you ever planted a fig tree?

Featured Image: iStock.com/SGAPhoto

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The post Figs: Are They Good for You and the Planet? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What Are AGEs & How Do You Avoid Them in Food? https://foodrevolution.org/blog/what-are-ages/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-are-ages Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=44318 Advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs, are compounds that live up to their acronym by speeding up the aging process when we consume them or synthesize them from certain foods cooked in certain ways. While AGEs are in almost all foods, some have much higher concentrations than others. And some foods and beverages can actually counteract the damage that AGEs can do to your tissues. So what are the most effective dietary strategies to slow down the aging health problems caused by AGEs?

The post What Are AGEs & How Do You Avoid Them in Food? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The first recorded mention of a “fountain of youth” comes from the Greek historian Herodotus. Writing about 2,500 years ago, he reported that members of an Ethiopian tribe, the Macrobians, routinely lived to 120 and beyond thanks to the water of a certain spring. He told us that the water was unusual in many ways: It smelled of violets; it was so light that nothing, not even wood, floated in it; and drinking it reversed aging and extended life.

Since then, the search for a fountain of youth has been a recurring obsession of kings and explorers, pilgrims and pirates. As far as I know, none of them ever found it (or if they did, they aren’t sharing any details). No spring, river, pond, lake, or sea has magically rejuvenated the bathers who submerged themselves in its water to the point where creaky elders limp in and dewy-eyed adolescents leap out.

If you’re searching for clues to living a long and healthy life, you probably need to look elsewhere. And a huge factor in the rate of aging turns out to be a class of compounds found in many of our most common (and sadly, most beloved) foods. If you want to slow down your biological clock, limiting your consumption of these foods appears to be a much more reliable and effective strategy than dunking yourself in a mangrove swamp in Bimini or a waterfall pool at the foot of a South Indian mountain.

The compounds are known to biochemists as advanced glycation end-products, which might be hard to remember except for their most excellent acronym: AGEs. As in, AGEs that accumulate in your tissues — make you age faster.

Aging isn’t just a vanity issue that sells stock image licenses to fashion magazines and anti-wrinkle creams to their readers. It’s a big deal for your overall health because, statistically speaking, the single biggest risk factor for disease and death isn’t your genes, or your diet, or how much you exercise, or whether you live downwind of a Superfund site, or whether you drink enough water or put on sunscreen, or any lifestyle or environmental factor; it’s your age.

Which means that because AGEs can contribute to the development of various age-related diseases and conditions, they can shorten your lifespan.

The good news is, you have a lot of control over the amount of AGEs you consume, which in turn largely determines the concentrations of these compounds that accumulate in your body and how much harm they get to perpetrate.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of AGEs and their impact on your health. We’ll see how your food choices — as well as various cooking methods — can affect the formation of AGEs. And we’ll discover some simple and delicious ways to minimize AGEs in your diet — so you can increase your odds of a longer, healthier, and happier future.

What Are AGEs?

Pensive attractive curly African American female being deep in thoughts, raises eye, wears fashionable clothes, stands against lavender wall.

Advanced glycation end-products are harmful compounds that form through a natural process called glycation. It takes place inside your body when the sugars in your bloodstream react with proteins, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids from the food that you eat.

You can also introduce AGEs into your body fully formed, as it were. They form exogenously (that is, outside the body) when foods are browned and their outer layer becomes crispy and crunchy. This chemical reaction is known as the Maillard reaction, or nonenzymatic browning. The Maillard reaction gives foods a texture, taste, color, and aroma that most people find very pleasing.

You can also introduce AGEs into your body through drinking alcohol and smoking.

As you age, AGEs can start to accumulate in your tissues and organs. The more your blood sugar levels fluctuate, the more AGEs form, and the more the effects of glycation intensify and accelerate the aging process.

AGEs can also cross-link with various proteins in your body, leading to the formation of abnormal structures and interfering with the functioning of important molecules. This further contributes to the aging process.

Why Are AGEs Bad for You?

Advanced glycation end-products have been shown to be toxic, immunogenic (triggering an immune response, typically unwanted and over-the-top), and capable of triggering cellular injury. Another remarkably on-point acronym, RAGE, stands for Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products. It is a receptor protein for AGEs that plays a role in the inflammatory response and has been implicated in various age-related diseases and conditions, including skin damage, respiratory disorders, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Skin Health

Asian woman having skin problem checking her face with dark spot, freckle from uv light in mirror

AGEs contribute to skin aging, including the formation of wrinkles and brown spots. They affect how proteins work in the dermis (the middle layer of your skin), leading to lots of problems: decreased elasticity, delayed recovery from wounds, accelerated skin aging, and inflammation that can contribute to skin conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis.

Collagen (a type of protein found in our connective tissue, cartilage, bone, and tendons) is one of the structures most easily attacked by AGEs. Over time, AGEs can accumulate on collagen, causing the skin to turn yellow.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Autopsies of people who died from or with Alzheimer’s disease have shown accumulations of AGEs have been found in their brain plaques, as well as in their blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid. AGEs can also hasten the ravages of Parkinson’s disease by contributing to neuronal cells’ self-destruction as well as the formation of Lewy bodies (structures associated with abnormal deposits of a particular protein in the brain).

Respiratory Disorders

Female doctor using stethoscope listening to senior patients breathing

The more AGEs a person consumes, and the more frequently they eat meat, the more likely they are to experience breathing problems. This includes symptoms of asthma in children, such as wheezing. Kids who consume the most AGEs typically need more asthma meds, have their sleep interrupted by wheezing episodes, and are most limited in their ability to exercise without shortness of breath.

When COVID-19 hit, many of the initial deaths were linked to an immune system overreaction known as a cytokine storm. AGE consumption appears to be linked to worsening outcomes in COVID patients due to more extensive lung damage. AGEs also can lead to severe pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung tissue) by impairing the immune response, triggering inflammation, changing the structure of lung tissue in a way that decreases lung function, and enabling bacteria to adhere more easily to the lungs.

Type 2 Diabetes

The AGEs that are created by cooking certain foods in certain ways (known as exogenous AGEs, to differentiate them from the endogenous AGEs that are synthesized inside our bodies) can be extremely harmful to people with type 2 diabetes. In addition to adding to the inflammation that can trigger the development of the disease, AGEs also contribute to diabetic retinopathy and other related issues that can damage eyesight.

Some of the vascular dysfunction associated with diabetes can be prevented by blocking the RAGE receptors. And proactively consuming a diet low in AGEs can increase insulin sensitivity, which can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.


An Asian woman with cancer is consulting her doctor. The two women are seated at a table together. The patient is wearing a bandana to hide her hair loss. The medical professional is showing the patient test results on a digital tablet. They are discussing a treatment plan.

With cancer, AGEs can act like gasoline thrown on a fire, increasing carcinogenic processes in a wide range of cancers and promoting their malignant behaviors. A 2015 study of male members of the US-based AARP found that the more AGEs they consumed, the greater their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. And a 2022 study of over 14,000 Japanese men found that high AGE intake was significantly associated with an increased risk of liver cancer.

AGE-Forming Foods

I hope by now you’re motivated to find out where these AGEs are hiding, so you can consume as little of them as possible. So here are the five main categories of AGE-forming foods.


Fresh Ribeye Steaks at the Butcher Shop

In the standard industrialized diet, meat is typically the largest contributor to AGE formation. They’re created when the proteins in meat get a little too friendly with sugars, particularly glucose and fructose, that can be added during processing (some examples are many forms of bacon, hot dogs, and corned beef) or via marinades.

When meat is cooked at high temperatures, especially over an open flame or on a grill, it can produce harmful compounds that contribute to AGE formation. Some of the worst offenders are heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are classified as potential and known carcinogens, respectively.

Regardless of the cooking method, any blackened or charred meat will contain these compounds. The levels depend on the type of meat (beef is worst), cooking conditions, and final internal temperature.

If you’re wondering why humans tend to love the color, smell, texture, and taste of something that’s so bad for us, it’s probably because the Maillard reaction is a good indicator that the meat has been cooked enough to kill the pathogens that could kill you. From an evolutionary perspective, the AGEs that keep us from reaching old age are far preferable to the germs that could end your life in the next few hours or days.

Fried Foods

Frying and other high-heat cooking methods also increase the AGEs in foods. A big culprit here is the repeated heating and use of cooking oil in commercial settings. That oil accumulates large amounts of AGEs, which get transferred to those fries or mozzarella sticks when they’re submerged in their fryer basket.

The longer the food is exposed to high-temperature frying, the more opportunity there is for the Maillard reaction and AGE formation to occur. Even changing the cooking oil daily leaves room for lots of AGEs. Swapping out large containers of hot oil is a dangerous and not very fun job, so some restaurants or commercial kitchens schedule the task only every few days. (I asked a friend’s son who once worked in a local restaurant how often they changed their cooking oil, and he responded, puzzled, “I have no idea if they ever do.” Sometimes I’d rather not know certain things.)


Different dairy products with bread and tomato
iStock.com/Sinan Kocaslan

The highest concentrations of AGEs are found in aged and hard cheeses in particular, probably because they’re pasteurized and/or they spend a lot of time aging or curing at room temperature — conditions that make up a veritable AGE factory. But all dairy cheeses are potential sources of AGEs, perhaps because dairy contains large amounts of fat along with natural lactose sugar.

Processed and Packaged Foods

Processed and packaged foods are often high in AGEs. Many of them contain added sugars, and undergo high-temperature processing as they’re baked or fried. They’re high in AGEs via that good old Maillard reaction, which is responsible for the browning and flavor development in cooked foods, and which can also extend shelf life.

Sugary Foods

Eating sweet beans at work

Since AGEs form via glycation (essentially, sugarcoating proteins and fats), foods high in added sugars, such as candies, pastries, and sugary beverages, can provide fodder for the glycation process and contribute to the formation of AGEs.

There’s data that suggests that the glycation process following high sugar intake may be a key player in the development of metabolic disturbances.

Foods and beverages with a high fructose-to-glucose ratio may promote AGE formation. These can include anything with high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, honey, and filtered fruit juices. A glaring exception to this rule is fruit, which is actually protective against AGE-related disease thanks to its high fiber content.

Especially worrisome are commercial soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, which are often high in an intermediate product of the Maillard reaction called methylglyoxal.

Why Eating a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet Is the Best Way to Avoid AGEs

You can’t avoid AGEs entirely — pretty much every food contains some. But whole plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and herbs and spices, naturally have lower levels of AGEs than animal-derived foods. And some cooking methods commonly used on plant foods — steaming, boiling, and baking — produce fewer AGEs than the higher-temperature methods like frying, grilling, and broiling that are commonly used for foods of animal origin.

It’s definitely possible to get exposed to significant quantities of AGEs on a plant-based diet if you routinely fry starchy foods like potatoes (I’m looking at you, potato chips and french fries!). These foods also produce acrylamide, another compound that may be problematic for some people when consumed in large quantities.

But even when fried or broiled until brown and crispy, most whole plant-based foods offer compounds that can mitigate the damage caused by AGEs. Many are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, the provitamin beta-carotene that your body converts to vitamin A as needed, and various phytochemicals that help neutralize the free radicals that can contribute to AGE formation and oxidative stress in the body.

Also, the soluble fiber available from plants helps regulate blood sugar levels and can reduce the glycation process by slowing down the absorption of sugars in the bloodstream.

5 Foods (and 1 Beverage) That Prevent Glycation

You can go a long way toward reducing AGEs and RAGE in your body by avoiding or limiting highly processed foods and those of animal origin, and by using lower-temperature cooking methods that don’t produce crispy, crusty browning on the outside.

In addition to those strategies, you can also consume some specific foods that contain compounds that inhibit the glycation process, so that the AGEs you do inevitably consume have less risk of causing aging and accompanying health problems.


Close up / Macro photography of wild berry mix - strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries

The antioxidants in berries help reduce the conditions that lead to glycation by scavenging and neutralizing free radicals. Polyphenols found in berries, especially anthocyanins and quercetin, may directly inhibit the formation of AGEs. And extracts made from the skins of red grapes (which are, botanically speaking, berries) were able to inhibit the creation of AGEs in a test tube containing fructose-glycated proteins.

Berries also deliver anti-inflammatory and blood sugar-balancing effects.

For more on berries and some “berry” great recipes, see our article here.


Three transparent glass bowls filled with ground spices are arranged in a triangle shape on a rustic wood table. Other spices like black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, clove and bay leaf are around the bowls. In the foreground there is a little wood spoon filled with paprika. Main light comes from the top-left giving a nice shadow to the picture. Very saturated and colorful image taken with DSRL Canon EOS 5D Mk II.

Many spices, some commonly used in modern kitchens and some still awaiting their turn as superfood du jour, have been shown to prevent AGE formation through their powerful antioxidant activity. Examples include star anise, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves, which are staples in many traditional cuisines around the world. And good old black pepper also performed well at this task.

Other powerful anti-AGE spices include garlic and turmeric which contains the powerful antioxidant curcumin.

For more on herbs and spices, see our article here.


High angle view of three bowls filled with hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts shot on dark rustic table. Some nuts are out the bowls spilled on the table

Nuts, led by walnuts and pistachios, are great at inhibiting the glycation process in early and intermediate stages, before they even have a chance to reach the end stage indicated by “AGEs.” They are also powerful anti-inflammatories, helping to prevent damage related to any glycation that still occurs. Additionally, nuts have high antioxidant capacity (thanks to their concentrations of vitamin E) and are rich in phenolics and flavonoids that fight free radicals.

For more on nuts, see our article here.

Cruciferous Vegetables

cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower,broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale in wooden bowl, reducing estrogen dominance, ketogenic diet

Cruciferous vegetables contain the powerhouse antioxidant and anti-inflammatory sulforaphane, which is famous not just for giving cabbage and broccoli their distinctive odors, but also for being one of the most effective cancer fighters ever identified.

One of the ways sulforaphane delivers its massive health benefits is by inhibiting AGE-induced damage. In this way, it may prevent cardiovascular and diabetes-related complications. Broccoli sprouts, in particular, may play a protective role against vascular injury by inhibiting the AGEs’ (and their receptors’) axes and exhibiting anti-inflammatory actions.

For more information about sulforaphane and how to get it into your diet even if you aren’t a cabbage fan, check out our comprehensive article here.


Lemon, lime, tangerine, orange  and grapefruit background

Perhaps the OG antioxidant, and certainly the one with the most publicity, vitamin C lives up to its reputation by helping to inhibit glycation processes. When researchers marinated lean beef in lemon juice for an hour before cooking, it ended up with half the AGEs as the same cut of beef marinated in vinegar.

It’s not just the vitamin C in citrus foods that deserves the credit. Flavonoids such as hesperidin, naringin, and quercetin have anti-inflammatory effects and help reduce the conditions that promote glycation. Hesperidin in particular is being studied for its potential to treat glycation-induced neurotoxicity involved in Alzheimer’s disease.

Citrus fruits also support healthy endothelial function. The endothelium, a layer of cells that lines your blood vessels, can contribute to the development of AGEs when it isn’t working properly, so the support of compounds in citrus fruits can go a long way in keeping glycation in check.

For more on the health benefits of oranges, see our article here.

Green Tea

Healthy and relaxing hot drink with a mixture of linden, sage, lemon slice, green tea, thyme

There’s a compound found in green tea called epigallocatechin 3-gallate, which goes by its fun acronym EGCG, which sounds like the name of a trendy dance club from the 1980s (there may be an alternate universe in the multiverse in which I know very little about nutrition and a great deal about house music). EGCG helps protect proteins and other molecules from glycation by neutralizing free radicals before they have the chance to party and form AGEs. In this way, green tea consumption may help prevent neurodegenerative disease.

Through the same pathways, EGCG may also reduce plasma glucose and alleviate complications of diabetes.

For more on the health benefits of teas, see our article here.

Recipes to Fight Aging from AGEs

Defending yourself against the rapid formation of AGEs can feel like a mighty task, but with these nourishing recipes, it couldn’t be more simple. These recipes have powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients that actually counteract the damage that AGEs can do to your tissues. So grab your favorite kitchen knife and cutting board and get ready to unlock a world of fresh, wholesome, and nutritious plant power!

1. Strawberry Pistachio Iced Matcha Latte

Strawberry Pistachio Iced Matcha Latte

Matcha, strawberries, and pistachios offer triple the anti-inflammatory support to stop AGEs in their tracks! Keep your skin, hair, nails (and everything in between) looking youthful, healthy, and vibrant with this creamy, fruity, and naturally sweet latte!

2. Summer Citrus Salad

Summer Citrus Salad

This Summer Citrus Salad is as refreshing as it sounds. Juicy grapefruit, sweet oranges, floral blackberries, and earthy spinach are tossed in bright and zesty lemon juice. Together, these tantalizing plants offer a potent dose of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and powerhouse antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound sulforaphane. This salad is not only mouthwateringly nutritious, but it’s a great way to neutralize free radicals and prevent AGE formation and oxidative stress in the body. If that is not enough to convince you to give it a try, the aroma of the freshly segmented orange and grapefruit is simply delightful!

3. One-Pot Curry Cauliflower Chickpea Chili

One-Pot Curry Cauliflower Chickpea Chili

One-Pot Curry Cauliflower Chickpea Chili offers a sweet and savory flavor profile with the addition of cinnamon and turmeric. Loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from both of the spices, and plenty of sulforaphane from the cauliflower, this Indian-inspired chili has an abundance of AGE-fighting plant power in every bite!

AGEs can Age You!

AGEs contribute to a number of health conditions, from skin aging and respiratory disorders to neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Although AGEs occur naturally as you age, and are found in food and produced in your body, you do have a lot of control over how much you’re exposed to them through diet. By avoiding AGE-forming foods such as animal products and processed foods, you can minimize your intake and protect your body from further harm. You can also reduce your exposure by embracing healthier cooking methods, reducing or eliminating added sugars, and choosing antioxidant-rich plant foods like berries, spices, nuts, cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, and green tea.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are some foods that you’ve cut back on or eliminated for health reasons?
  • What foods that counteract glycation do you regularly eat?
  • What’s one anti-AGE food that you can begin to add to your diet?

Featured Image: iStock.com/frantic00

Read Next:

The post What Are AGEs & How Do You Avoid Them in Food? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Are Grapes Good for You? https://foodrevolution.org/blog/are-grapes-good-for-you/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=are-grapes-good-for-you Wed, 30 Aug 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=44048 Grapes are the world’s biggest and most valuable fruit crop — and are among the sweetest natural foods we can eat. But given their high sugar content, can grapes truly be part of a healthy diet? And what about wine, grape juice, and jelly?

The post Are Grapes Good for You? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

If you’re writing a screenplay and want to show how over-the-top wealthy and powerful someone is in a single image, one tried-and-true method is to have someone feed them a grape. While mansions, Ferraris, and yachts are probably much more common expressions of extreme affluence, the endurance of the “Grapes of Luxury” trope speaks to how deeply embedded grapes are in our collective imaginations.

Humans have been cultivating grapes for a long time — possibly as long as we’ve been living in civilizations. Babylonian ruler Hammurabi, famous for publishing the world’s first written code of laws, used his power to regulate the wine trade in the 18th century BCE.

The ancient Greeks and Romans worshiped the God of Wine (named Dionysus and Bacchus, respectively) with festivals, rituals, and, yes, drunken parties, too. When the Vikings first landed in North America, they found it so covered in wild grapes that they named it “Vinland.”

And the grape’s popularity hasn’t diminished with time. By edible weight, grapes are the world’s number one fruit crop, with about 74 million tons produced each year.

Grapes are grown for three purposes: eating fresh (as table grapes), eating dried (as raisins), and drinking (as wine and grape juice). But roughly half of all grapes grown around the world end up in wine bottles.

Given that grapes are high in naturally occurring sugars, and that they’re frequently fermented in alcoholic beverages, are grapes actually healthy? What about when that sweetness is concentrated in raisins? And how do we make sense of all the conflicting information about whether compounds in wine help us live longer, or cause disease?

What Are Grapes?

Branch of blue grapes on vine in vineyard

Grapes are small, round fruits — technically berries — that grow in clusters on deciduous vines of the flowering plant genus Vitis.

There are a number of grape colors, ranging from yellow to green to red to crimson to purple to black (with even some dark blue and orange varieties thrown in for good measure). The darker grapes get their hue from differing kinds and concentrations of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that’s very interesting to health and antiaging researchers because of its unique antioxidant effects.

The taste of grapes can vary from very sweet to slightly tart, depending on the variety. They’re commonly enjoyed both fresh and as a key ingredient in various culinary preparations such as juices, jams, jellies, wines, and raisins.

Types of Grapes

While you could theoretically dehydrate any old grape into a raisin, cook it into jelly, or press and ferment it into wine, there are different varieties that are considered optimal for each of these culinary purposes.

Vitis vinifera is the dominant grape species for winemaking (in Latin, its name means “grapevine carrying wine”). You may be familiar with some of its more famous varieties, including Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah, Riesling, and Muscat Blanc. Vinifera grapes have a high sugar content and come in a wide range of berry sizes.

Table grape varieties include Thompson, Flame, Crimson seedless, Concord, Muscat, Niagra, and Red Globes. Most are bred to be seedless.

I know that seedless fruit can seem weird and unnatural (how do they have children!), but they are created through natural mutation and cultivated via cuttings. That’s a completely different process from genetic engineering. Interestingly, the descendants of this process are clones of their parents (meaning that they are genetically identical).

Raisin grapes are also typically high-sugar cultivars that are seedless. Some of the most popular raisin grapes include common table grapes like Muscat, Sultana, Thompson seedless, and Fiesta.

Grape Nutrition

Young woman working in a vineyard. She's cutting grapes from the vine and pretenting to eat a ripe grape  Vendemmia in the Chianti Region - Tuscany - Italy

As proud members of the fruit and berry families, grapes are nutritional powerhouses. According to the USDA, a serving of grapes is one cup or about 32 grapes. (I would have guessed fewer. But this is one experiment that is totally safe to do at home, so the next time I buy a bunch of grapes, I’m going to count one cup’s worth myself.)

In addition to a hefty dose of hydration, a cup of grapes will provide, on average:

  • 104 calories
  • 27.3 grams of carbohydrates
  • 23.4 grams of sugar
  • 1.1 grams of protein
  • 1.4 grams of fiber
  • 18% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin K
  • 6% DV for potassium
  • 21% DV for copper
  • 9% DV for thiamin
  • 8% DV for riboflavin
  • 8% DV for vitamin B6

Raisins also contain a decent amount of potassium, copper, and fiber. However, because the water content of the grapes has been removed, you’re mostly left with a concentrated sugar source. One small 1.5-oz box of raisins can contain a whopping 28g of sugar! However, as you’ll see below in the section on health benefits, raisins do share many of the health benefits of raw grapes. But make sure to brush your teeth after, as dried fruit tends to stick to the teeth.

For more on dehydrated foods like raisins, check out our Guide to Dehydrating Food: Methods, Foods to Try, and Recipes.

Antioxidants in Grapes

When it comes to antioxidants, the darker the grape, the higher the antioxidant concentration. And the red and purple grape varieties are highest in anthocyanins. Research shows that these compounds may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and type 2 diabetes, as well as support healthy weight maintenance and a normal inflammatory response.

Grapes also contain resveratrol, which has been associated with increased nitric oxide (NO) production. This NO isn’t a Bond villain, but a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation, both of which are associated with heart health.

Resveratrol also acts against tumors, and people are looking into using it to help prevent and treat several kinds of cancer.

One challenge is that, in general, resveratrol has a low bioavailability, which means that even if you consume large quantities, your body can only absorb a little. The good news is resveratrol can interact with fatty acids, so you can increase its bioavailability by consuming foods that contain it (like grapes!) alongside a healthy source of fat.

Grapes and avocado toast, anyone?

Don’t turn your nose up at green grapes just because they aren’t anthocyanin or resveratrol superstars, though. They also deliver a wealth of phytonutrients and antioxidants, most of which belong to the flavanol family of polyphenols.

What Are Grapes Good for?

With all those antioxidants and polyphenols and anthocyanins and NO boosters, you’d expect grapes to provide oodles of health benefits. And luckily, they don’t disappoint.

Grapes and Type 2 Diabetes

Glucometer and fresh natural bunch of grapes on wooden cutting board, concept for healthy eating and diabetes

Grapes can be very sweet. So you might be surprised to learn that both red and green grapes, as well as unsweetened grape juice, are considered to be low on the glycemic index and have a low glycemic load. Apparently, the fiber, water, and other cofactors in grapes help to create balance and to slow the absorption of the sugars they contain.

And might grapes also contain compounds that are helpful in the prevention of type 2 diabetes? Yes! The skin and seeds of the Vitis vinifera grape can reduce inflammation, prevent cell death, and encourage cell growth in people with type 2 diabetes. They can also reduce oxidative stress (which can damage cells) and improve the way your body metabolizes fats. Ironically, the skin and seeds of grapes, called grape pomace, are typically discarded in the wine-making process. But they are included in many fresh grape juices.

In 2021, researchers discovered that grape pomace can help treat type 2 diabetes. They chose a grape called Carménère (used in Chilean winemaking) and subjected its pomace to hot pressurized liquid extraction (which would make a great name for a spy thriller about a plot to smuggle hot water balloons out of the country).

Several of the polyphenols of interest in the resultant mixture were found to inhibit diabetes-related enzymes. A cluster of proanthocyanidins reduced the activity of two of the enzymes more effectively than the drug acarbose (you might know it as Precose or Prandase) that’s prescribed to accomplish the same thing.

Grapes’ Metabolic Benefits

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions, often caused or worsened by diet, that can lead to serious problems like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The polyphenols found in grapes may protect the body from some of the health problems that are often associated with a high-fat, highly processed diet: high LDL cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. The polyphenols also appear to protect the stomach and liver, and can help prevent obesity.

A 2017 study found that a compound extracted from the skin of grapes also improved metabolic markers in rats fed a high-fat diet. Protection included lower cholesterol, decreased insulin resistance, protection against oxidative damage, and reduced inflammation. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

Are Grapes Good for the Liver?

Medical illustration series about abstract human.The nervous system.

In 2012, researchers studied the effects of extracts from the Suosuo grape variety, which is popular in China, on mice whose livers had been damaged by an overactive immune response. They discovered that two substances from the grapes, triterpenoids and flavonoids, seemed to calm this response down. They also reduced the concentrations of harmful chemicals in the liver, helped restore its enzyme activity, and balanced out proteins that control cell death, as well as regulated immune system messengers in the liver.

Eight years later, scientists were able to more or less replicate these findings in humans. A 2020 study found that the flesh and skin of seedless black grapes protected people’s livers from chemical damage more effectively than the standard-of-care drug, silymarin. A particular class of polyphenols known as phenolics decreased stress and inflammation in the liver, which in turn helped to reduce damage and prevent liver scarring.

Grapes and Inflammation

Inflammation in the body is a good thing — until it’s not. Acute inflammation helps with wound healing, but chronic inflammation can cause damage to tissues and organs, lead to diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease, and lead to premature aging.

IL-8, also known as Interleukin-8, is a type of protein in the body that plays a major role in the inflammation process. It’s needed to fight infections and heal wounds, but too much IL-8 can also lead to excessive inflammation and potentially contribute to disease. And many people in the modern world suffer from ongoing and excessive chronic inflammation.

A 2016 study found that a Turkish variety of raisins had a significant effect in reducing the release of IL-8. It was discovered that this was mainly because these raisins have seeds, unlike many other types.

In 2020, Romanian researchers tested fresh and fermented extracts of the pomace of a local grape variety, Fetească neagră, as well as pomace from Pinot Noir grapes, to compare their effects on inflammation, oxidative stress, and cancer cell growth in test tubes and in rats with inflammation. Both fresh and fermented pomace extracts reduced oxidative stress caused by inflammation, while the fermented Fetească neagră extracts most powerfully inhibited cancer cell growth.

And a 2023 review article noted that grape extracts’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make them ideal ingredients in skin care products, due to their potential to improve skin condition and reduce signs of aging.

Grapes’ Antimicrobial Benefits

Closeup portrait of an attractive woman eating grapes

Grape extracts can also do a number on potentially harmful microbial pathogens. Compounds from grape pomace may help control gum inflammation caused by harmful bacteria, suggesting that you might start seeing grapes in the ingredient list of some brands of toothpaste.

A 2015 study measured the antibacterial and antifungal activity of black grape peel extracts against antibiotic-resistant bacteria and toxin-producing molds. Impressively, researchers found that the extracts significantly inhibited many bacterial and mold species.

Are Grapes and Grape Products Good for You?

Fresh grapes check a lot of nutritional boxes. They contain antioxidants and flavonoids that can help to reduce inflammation and lower heart disease risk. They’re high in fiber, which can promote healthy digestion. And thanks in part to their fiber, which is especially high in grape skins and seeds, grapes’ high sugar content doesn’t appear to be a problem for most people. But what about other grape products, like wine, raisins, jams, juices, and jellies? Do the benefits of consuming those foods outweigh the negatives?


red wine in glass and ripe grape on old wooden barrel with vineyard on the background

There’s a lot of evidence that drinking alcohol, even in moderation, can increase your risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. But recent research has found what appears to be an exception for wine. A 2023 review determined that wine differs from other alcoholic beverages in how it interacts with our cells. Drinking wine in moderation not only does not increase the risk of chronic degenerative diseases, the researchers concluded, but it may actually be associated with health benefits.

One reason could be wine’s high polyphenol content, including but not limited to resveratrol, anthocyanins, catechins, and tannins. Polyphenol content and composition vary from grape to grape and wine to wine, but red wines tend to contain more polyphenols than whites.

Variations in winemaking techniques matter as well when it comes to potential wine health benefits. Fermentation, maceration (grinding up the grapes), aging, clarification (fining and filtering), and the use of preservatives can impact what polyphenols make it into the bottle and how long they remain active.

And there are other well-known catches related to alcohol to consider, too, including its negative effects on mental health and its well-known propensity for addiction.

Grape Juice

iStock.com/Irina Vodneva

So maybe the best way to get all these awesome polyphenols is to drink the juice of the grape before it’s fermented into alcohol. It’s certainly a common way to consume grapes: Grape juice is one of the most popular fruit juice flavors in the US. And it has a similar biochemical makeup as wine, so it could potentially deliver similar health benefits minus the alcoholic toxicity and danger of dependence.

The downside here is that many brands of grape juice contain added sugar. If you want to drink grape juice, you may want to consider making your own, so you can be sure the final product is 100% juice.

But — even if you find a brand with zero added sugar, or make your own, the juice still may deliver large concentrations of sugar to your body all at once. That’s because it’s missing the fiber that can act to slow down absorption, meaning it could trigger an unhealthy blood sugar spike in some people.

Grape Jam and Jelly

Homemade grape jam or marmalade

Grape jams and jellies are another popular way to consume grapes. And for a fruit that’s already so sweet on its own, you might be shocked to discover how much refined sweetener is often added to the final product. Many brands of grape jam and jelly use high-fructose corn syrup manufactured from bioengineered (GMO) corn. They may also contain other harmful additives, such as artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.

The bottom line here? If you want to derive the maximum health benefits from grapes, the safest way is to consume them in their whole food form.

If you need ideas on how to use grapes in recipes, check out our article on How to Store, Clean, and Eat Grapes.

Other Downsides and Risks of Eating Grapes

That’s not to say that all grapes are safe for all people. Many grapes (as well as the wines, raisins, and condiments made from them) contain concerning levels of pesticide contamination. So much so, in fact, that grapes have “earned” a spot on the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list, meaning they are among the 12 types of produce you should consider purchasing organically. That goes for grape products as well.

While rare, grape allergy is also a thing for some people — although those who react in an allergic fashion to grapes are more likely to be experiencing oral allergy syndrome, a condition that affects some people who are already allergic to different types of pollen.

And then there’s the issue of FODMAPs — short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed and can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome. Grapes are generally considered low-FODMAP, but the amount of FODMAPs may depend on the grape variety and how they’re processed. Raisins and sultanas may also contain more FODMAPs than raw grapes because their sugars are concentrated (and primarily fructose and glucose).

Grapes Can Be Great!

Online marketing, Happy and beautiful son sharing grape products from their vineyard on live streaming and tells their customer that watching her live streaming can orders from now.

Grapes are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. In their whole food form, they offer a host of health benefits, including lessening symptoms of metabolic syndrome, providing anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the liver, and fighting harmful pathogens.

While there are some risks associated with consuming nonorganic grapes in particular, for most people they’re an excellent fruit to include in a balanced diet. And a one-cup serving can be a sweet, juicy, and delicious way to help you meet the five-a-day recommendation of fruits and vegetables.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite kinds of grapes?

  • Do you have any recipes or dishes that include grapes?

  • What other sweet whole foods do you enjoy?

Featured Image:iStock.com/Fani Kurti

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The post Are Grapes Good for You? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Rutin Explained: Top Uses and Sources for Maximum Health https://foodrevolution.org/blog/rutin-benefits/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rutin-benefits Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=43810 Rutin is a natural compound found in various fruits, vegetables, and grains that offers an impressive range of health benefits — from improving vascular health to reducing inflammation to managing type 2 diabetes to fighting cancer to supporting heart and brain health. But where can you find rutin in your diet? And given how beneficial it is, should you consider supplementation?

The post Rutin Explained: Top Uses and Sources for Maximum Health appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

In the summer of 1842, a German pharmacist-chemist named August Weiss was trying to discover the secrets of a common garden plant, rue (known to botanists as Ruta graveolens, or “smelly rue” due to the aggressive stench of its leaves). To his delight, he managed to extract a compound he called rutin, in honor of the plant in which he found it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find a single useful thing about it, except that it was a bit yellowish and could be used as a dye.

It took over 100 years for scientists to recognize the tremendous healing potential of rutin. Nobel Prize-winning Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi was working with vitamin C and noticed that many of the foods containing vitamin C had more of a health-boosting punch than they should have.

He determined that there must be some other compound(s) in plants acting synergistically with vitamin C. As a result, he began looking for what he called “vitamin P” in a mixture of Hungarian red peppers (which gave the theoretical vitamin its letter) and lemon juice.

If you’re rootin’ for rutin to fit the bill, congratulations! While “vitamin P” never really caught on (eventually, it was discovered that rutin, along with many other plant compounds, were totally different from vitamins, and were dubbed “phytochemicals”), it did show that rutin is a nutritional powerhouse, with more health benefits being discovered all the time.

If rutin is already on your radar, you may have come across it as a supplement recommended for a variety of health conditions, including varicose veins and inflammation. You may also have heard about it in association with buckwheat, one of the plants highest in the nutrient.

But there’s much more to rutin’s uses than just vein-free skin. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of rutin, exploring its top health benefits, where and how to get it in food, and whether you need to take supplements to get enough.

What Is Rutin?

Thoughtful blond woman with hand on chin looking up against gray background

Rutin is a bioflavonoid formed by the flavonol quercetin and the disaccharide rutinose, which are plant chemicals that offer health benefits when consumed. Technically, rutin is what’s known as a glycoside, meaning it contains a sugar group that’s bonded to a non-sugar group (kind of like a merger of The Partridge Family and Death Cab for Cutie). Some plant-derived glycosides are poisonous to humans, but luckily, rutin isn’t among them.

As we’ve seen, it’s also sometimes referred to as vitamin P, but to be fair, it’s not the only compound that is. Rather than pick one flavonoid and give it all the glory, it’s more accurate to say that the whole lot of them, collectively, act as a “vitamin P” which increases the beneficial effects produced by citrus compounds.

Rutin is also an antioxidant powerhouse and may contribute to healing in the body. When combined with vitamin C, both antioxidants increase their effectiveness; the action of C combined with P exceeds the sum of the two compounds on their own. (Like how Paul McCartney and John Lennon were great songwriters individually, but transcendent as a duo. Or Abbott and Costello. Or — you get the idea.)

What Is Rutin Good for?

The more researchers look, the more good things they’re discovering about how rutin can support your health. But we have to be a little cautious here since many of the studies involved either test tubes or animals. That means the results may not translate directly into human benefit. (And here’s what we think about the use of animals in medical research.)

That said, there are some promising human trials on rutin. Even though they’re small, with not a lot of participants, the benefits of rutin have been so great that they were detectable even in small numbers.

One further disclaimer: Although there are a lot of studies that have looked at the health applications of rutin, they’ve all used rutin or rutinosides in supplemental form, and not in the context of whole foods. So just keep that in mind since, as with any plant compound, rutin likely works best synergistically with the variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are found in whole foods.

Rutin and Vascular Health

Female medical practitioner reassuring a patient

Rutin has been shown in a number of clinical trials to produce modest improvements in severe symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a condition in which blood pools in the veins rather than circulating freely back to the heart. (I like to imagine the endothelial cells crooning the Back Street Boys’ “Back to Your Heart” over a soulful saxophone solo by the one-way valves in the legs.)

A 2016 meta-analysis found that rutin (also referred to as rutosides) reduced swelling, leg pain, and discomfort in people with varicose veins. To determine the mechanisms involved, researchers fed rutoside extracts to arthritic rats. They discovered that the extracts blocked certain genes responsible for inflammation in cells, and also inhibited the release of certain molecules that cause swelling.

Rutin’s Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Inflammation and oxidation are at the root of many chronic diseases, so substances that protect you from those processes can deliver significant health benefits. An obviously cruel 2021 study out of India explored whether rutin could protect the livers, kidneys, and brains of rats from damage. The researchers administered different doses of rutin to the rats for six days and then exposed them to harmful substances called D-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide on the sixth day.

After those exposures, several liver and kidney blood markers increased significantly, and tissue samples also showed signs of increased toxicity. But the rats who were given rutin beforehand showed fewer harmful effects.

The reason for this protection, according to current scientific understanding, is that rutin protects tissues by reversing inflammation, blocking the action of free radicals, and stopping healthy cells under attack from self-destructing prematurely.

Rutin Brain Benefits

Shot of a doctor using a digital tablet to discuss a brain scan during a consultation in her office
iStock.com/Charday Penn

Rutin has been found to have numerous positive effects on the brain, including reducing inflammation, protecting against toxic buildups of proteins, and improving the function of important enzymes. Researchers hope that rutin can help treat neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and prion diseases (I looked this up; they’re infectious brain diseases and not caused by being in an accident with a Prius).

Iranian scientists in 2018 conducted a pair of experiments to assess rutin’s potential to protect the brain and nervous system from damage. In the first one, rutin was found to enhance cell viability, reduce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation (a nasty process that’s basically a cascade of molecular damage), and decrease DNA damage and self-directed cell death. These results suggest that rutin may have neuroprotective properties and could help prevent and treat strokes and neurodegenerative disorders.

Their second experiment investigated the effects of rutin in rats with reduced blood flow to the brain. The flavonoid protected against oxidative damage, inhibited apoptotic mechanisms (that is, it stopped cells from self-destructing when there was no need), and reduced DNA damage.

A 2023 mice study also explored the potential therapeutic effects of rutin and its related flavonoid, quercetin, in Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found that both compounds may have beneficial effects on various markers of Alzheimer’s, including antioxidant enzyme activity, BACE1 activity (that’s an enzyme that’s key in the production of damaging amyloid plaque), and amyloid precursor protein (APP) expression, neurodegeneration, and inflammation.

In plain English, it looks like rutin is very good for your brain.

Rutin and Type 2 Diabetes

A 2016 study investigated the effects of rutin on diabetic neuropathy in rats. Rutin showed significant protection by reducing pain sensitivity and improving nerve conduction. It also lowered blood glucose and reduced oxidative stress and inflammation. In fact, rutin actually outperformed insulin, making it a promising treatment for diabetic neuropathy.

Then in 2023, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial examined what happened when adults with type 2 diabetes took 500 mg of rutin every day for three months. One group got the rutin, and the other got a placebo. The rutin group improved on a bunch of different disease markers, including fasting blood glucose, insulin, A1c (a long-term and stable measure of blood sugar), and various cholesterol levels and ratios.

Rutin and Cancer

Healthcare, insurance and hospital planning by doctor and patient doing paperwork before surgery or during checkup. Help from a professional consulting with a sick man about a drug trial for cancer

Rutin is also getting more and more attention as a potential cancer fighter. It has demonstrated the ability to inhibit the growth of various cancers and tumors, including breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancers. Rutin regulates key signaling pathways involved in cancer development and apoptosis (cell death). And when used alone or with other drugs, rutin shows promise in preventing tumor growth, reducing drug resistance, and minimizing chemotherapy side effects.

In a 2021 test-tube study, rutin showed strong inhibitory effects against the Jab1 oncogene. This pugilistic-sounding gene inactivates proteins that suppress tumors, so switching it off allows the body to fight cancers with its own innate tools.

A 2022 test-tube study also explored mechanisms by which rutin slowed the progression of pancreatic cancer. Researchers found the flavonoid significantly inhibited pancreatic cancer cells’ proliferation and migration while promoting their self-destruction.

Rutin Heart Benefits

Rutin appears to counteract the harmful effects of certain pollutants on the heart. A 2021 study exposed rats to two environmental toxins, bisphenol-A (BPA) and dibutyl phthalate, on the cardiovascular system. Researchers found that these pollutants caused oxidative stress and inflammation in the heart. However, when the rats were given rutin, it prevented these negative effects by activating certain protective pathways in the heart.

What Foods Contain Rutin?

food shopping in store
iStock.com/SDI Productions

So now that you know how powerful rutin is for your health, where can you get it?

Unsurprisingly, you can get rutin from many different kinds of plant foods.

1. Buckwheat

Buckwheat has the most dietary rutin of any plant studied so far. Tartary buckwheat malt and sprouts, in particular, can deliver as much as 54 grams per kilogram.

To find out more about the wonderful world of buckwheat, including the different kinds and how to include it in your diet, check out our article on buckwheat.

2. Apples

All apples contain rutin, but there are wide variations in how much. Some varieties have up to 20 times the rutin of others. Of the popular types you can find in the US, Granny Smith is the winner, although some Indian varieties, such as Lal Ambri, contain almost twice as much.

3. Olives

Both green and black olives are good sources of rutin — although a 2017 study gave green a slight edge.

For more information on the health implications of eating olives, including whether their salt content is a problem, check out our article here.

4. Teas

Moringa leaves owe much of their well-deserved reputation as rich sources of antioxidants to their rutin content. And matcha green tea also delivers a significant amount of rutin when brewed.

5. Citrus

Citrus fruits contain both rutin and vitamin C, in that synergistic combination that so interested the Hungarian biochemist, Szent-Györgyi. Mandarin oranges are a particularly rich source of rutin.

6. Stone Fruits

Stone fruits, including apricots, cherries, plums, and peaches, are also great places to get your dietary rutin. If you can find an Eastern European plum variety called “Rausvė,” you’ll have met the rutin champion of stone fruits.

7. Asparagus

If you’re more of a veggie person looking for rutin, then asparagus is your friend. Green asparagus is a rich source and can contain between 1.51 and 7.29 mg/g.

Rutin Supplements

Handful of rutin supplement tablets

Aside from specific foods that contain rutin, supplements containing rutin are also available, often in combination with vitamin C, citrus bioflavonoids, and quercetin.

However, even though it’s a potent antioxidant, health authorities like the FDA and the World Health Organization have never established a specific recommended dietary allowance for rutin. That said, it may be useful for some conditions, including one mentioned in the health benefits section of this article.

So how much rutin should you take? Is there such a thing as too much rutin?

Well, Spanish health authorities suggest an upper daily limit of 600 mg of supplements that contain both rutin and quercetin. As most rutin supplements deliver 500 mg, they’re under that limit.

Nevertheless, side effects of rutin supplementation may still occur. Rutin supplements could, at least in some rare cases, cause blurred vision, dizziness, headache, nervousness, slow or fast heartbeat, and swollen feet and ankles.

Rutin may also interact with some medications, such as blood thinners like warfarin. It’s usually a good idea to consult with a health care professional before starting any new supplement or medication.

Ultimately, if you want the health benefits of rutin without potential side effects, and in the synergistic combinations that inspired Albert Szent-Györgyi to search for the amazing vitamin P, you may want to get it from your diet with whole plant foods.

Recipes with Natural Rutin

As you have learned, rutin is a nutritional powerhouse that can do wonders for your health. So we’ve made it easy (and delicious) to enjoy rutin-rich foods any time of day. Whether you’re looking to help improve type 2 diabetes symptoms, protect your heart from cardiovascular disease, or nourish your brain, these rutin-rich recipes are a great addition to a well-rounded diet!

1. Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Muffins

Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Muffins

Both blueberries and buckwheat are great sources of rutin, and together (with a few other nourishing ingredients), you’ve got a heart-loving and brain-boosting recipe! Blueberry Buckwheat Breakfast Muffins, loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, protein, and fiber, pack a hearty dose of plant-based nutrition that is uniquely satisfying and fun to eat!

2. Olive Tapenade

Olive Tapenade

Calling all olive lovers! If you are a superfan of salty, briny flavors, you’ll be happy to hear this Olive Tapenade is a good source of rutin, too! A savory combination of kalamata and black olives (or green if you’d like an additional boost of rutin) along with walnuts creates a delicious plant-based spread. Each bite is packed with healthy monounsaturated fats from the olives and healing omega-3 fatty acids from the walnuts, plus phytonutrients galore. This tapenade works well as a topping on your favorite creamy or tomato-based pasta, pizza, or herb crackers!

3. Matcha Mint Lemonade

Matcha Mint Lemonade

Were you excited to hear that matcha is a rich source of rutin? Us too! Enjoy the healing benefits of rutin (and many other antioxidants found in matcha) with Matcha Mint Lemonade. Refreshing cucumber, sweet pineapple, zingy lemon (which also contains rutin and vitamin C), and gently energizing matcha become a nourishing and invigorating beverage fit for a healthy diet and lifestyle!

We’re Rootin’ for Rutin!

Rutin, a natural pigment found in buckwheat, apples, olives, teas, citrus, stone fruits, asparagus, and other plant foods, is a powerful antioxidant with numerous health benefits. Rutin may be helpful with vascular health, inflammation reduction, brain health, type 2 diabetes management, cancer prevention, heart health, and more.

You can get rutin from dietary sources. And if you’re looking for even more, supplements may also have some potential benefits. However, it’s important to note that supplementation is not necessary for most people, and you may want to consult with a health care professional before starting a new supplement regimen. Incorporating rutin-rich foods into your diet will allow you to naturally enjoy the benefits of this remarkable compound and support your overall well-being.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What have you heard about rutin and other flavonoids? Were they on your radar before this article?

  • What are your favorite foods rich in rutin? Which ones would you like to try?

  • What high-rutin recipe will you make next?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Michelle Lee Photography

Read Next:

The post Rutin Explained: Top Uses and Sources for Maximum Health appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What Are the Benefits (and Downsides) of Eating Papaya? https://foodrevolution.org/blog/papaya-health-benefits/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=papaya-health-benefits Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=43204 Papaya is a tropical fruit with significant culinary versatility and nutritional benefits — and considerable global popularity. But is it good for you? And if so, which varieties are best for your health and the environment? And are there people who should avoid papayas entirely? Let’s take a deep dive into one of the world’s favorite tropical fruits.

The post What Are the Benefits (and Downsides) of Eating Papaya? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

I wanted to start this article with something bizarre or shocking about papayas — a factoid or legend that would immediately grab your attention and draw you in. A story about the dangerous Running with the Papayas festival in Pamplona, Spain, or the famous Psychic Papaya of Enfield, Connecticut, or even the quirky “Take Your Papaya to Work Day” tradition inspired by a popular Mexican sitcom.

But alas, none of these is remotely real. As far as I can tell, papayas have been flying under the radar of popular culture for hundreds of years. The best I could come up with is the Nahuatl name for the fruit, chichihualtzapotl, which translates to “sweet fruit of the wet nurse.”

So in order to get you excited about papaya, I’m going to have to rely on its intrinsic value: its fabulous sweet taste, culinary versatility, and considerable nutritional benefits.

While less common in the US than its tropical cousins, mangoes, bananas, and pineapples, the papaya is nonetheless a global superstar. In fact, it’s the fourth most traded tropical fruit, after the three I just named.

The majority of the world’s papayas come from only ten countries, with India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Mexico leading the pack. The US produces only a tiny fraction of the world’s supply but is the largest papaya importer, getting most of them from Mexico.

In the places where they grow, papayas are both an important source of nutrition as well as a common ingredient in traditional medicine. So what are the health benefits of papayas? And are there any downsides to their consumption?

What Is Papaya?

Photo close up of papaya tree with green fruits. Nature fresh green papaya on tree with fruits in nature landscape.
iStock.com/Somchai Sookkasem

The papaya is known botanically as Carica papaya, which is actually a mistake. It’s named after the fig tree, Ficus carica because early botanists saw enough resemblances between papaya and fig leaves to think they were closely related. You’ll have to excuse them. The papaya is a tricky plant in many ways. While it looks like a tree, it’s actually an herb. And its fruit, thought by many to be a melon, is botanically a berry.

Speaking of confusing names, papaya is called “pawpaw” in Australia but is different from the North American pawpaw (Asima triloba), which belongs to a completely different family.

The papaya is a tropical fruit whose skin ranges in color from pale green to safety yellow to sunset orange. And its flesh can be anywhere from red to orange to yellow to pink (and possibly some of the more obscure Crayola colors, including Mango Tango, Atomic Tangerine, and the decidedly un-vegan Macaroni and Cheese).

Most scholars of papayology (yes, I made that up; and no, I’m not thinking of copyrighting it) believe the plant to have originated somewhere around southern Mexico or eastern Central America. By the time Spanish conquistadors arrived, the fruit had spread throughout Central and South America. The Spanish took papaya seeds with them to other tropical regions, including the Caribbean (remember that swashbuckling blockbuster, “Papayas of the Caribbean”?) and southeast Asia, where the plants flourished and soon found their way into local cuisines.

Types of Papaya

There are two main types of papaya fruit: Mexican and Hawaiian. Mexican papaya is by far the more common one, shaped like a semi-deflated American football and reaching up to 15 inches in length. Most papayas imported into the US are this kind. And with the exception of the Big Island of Hawaii, it’s the variety grown in most US states with tropical or semitropical climates. The most common Mexican papaya cultivar is called Maradol, which originally comes from Cuba.

Hawaiian papayas are smaller and often sweeter than Mexican varieties, with thicker skin. The best-known cultivar is Solo, which actually originated in Barbados and made its way to Hawaii. One concern with Hawaiian papayas is that the majority of them — roughly 82% — are now bioengineered (aka GMO). We’ll talk more about this in a bit.

A third variety of papaya is Thai Green, which is meant to be eaten before ripening and turning yellow. While you can technically eat any unripe papaya at its green stage, this particular variety, used both raw and cooked in Thai recipes, is elongated (kind of like a hefty burpless cucumber) with a thin, smooth, firm, and slightly waxy skin.

[Find out how to choose, store, and use different types of papaya, and get some great papaya recipes.]

Papaya Nutrition

whole and half ripe papaya with green leaves isolated on white background

The first thing you’ll notice when you pick up a papaya at the grocery store is it’s pretty heavy for its size. That’s because, by weight, the papaya is 88% water. It’s a very hydrating food — almost up there with the watermelon’s 92% (and papaya doesn’t even advertise “water” in its name).

Papaya is also a good source of minerals like potassium and magnesium, and vitamins such as A, C, and folate (B9).

Papaya is high in antioxidants like lycopene and carotenoids. And these phytonutrients appear to be more bioavailable in papaya than in many other sources, including tomatoes and carrots.

Additionally, papaya is low in fat and protein, but it does provide a modest amount of fiber — roughly 2.5 grams per cup of fruit.

What Is Papaya Good For?

A 2022 review of papaya by an international team of scientists called the plant a “quasi-drug,” thanks to its broad range of pharmaceutical properties. The authors note that the plant’s fruit, seeds, and leaves have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Let’s survey some of papaya’s most examined and important health benefits.

Papaya and Digestion

Woman in yellow swimsuit with exotic fruit papaya on the beach at sunset

Papaya contains a substance called papain, a protease enzyme (which doesn’t mean it’s an expert at making fun of people, but rather that it breaks down proteins).

A 2022 study explored the effect of papain on the health of intestinal tissue taken from humans and mice. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.) And the researchers found that papain changed the composition of gut bacteria for the better, growing the populations of beneficial strains and reducing the concentrations of harmful ones. It also increased the activity of a digestive enzyme produced by the pancreas and thickened the linings of intestinal walls.

A 2021 study also looked at how the fiber from unripe and ripe papayas affects the bacteria in the human gut that produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which are beneficial for both gut and overall health. Both types of fiber increased the growth of beneficial Clostridium and Bacteroides bacteria species and increased SCFA production.

Papaya Cancer Benefits

The chemical makeup of papaya suggests that the fruit may possess anticancer properties. A 2014 study tested this hypothesis by examining what ripe papaya extract did to two strains of human breast cancer — one hormone-dependent, and one non-hormone-dependent. Researchers found that the papaya extract was both antioxidant and antiproliferative (meaning it inhibited the growth of the cancers in vitro), and was able to induce cell death in both cancer lines.

The 2021 review article mentioned in the previous section also notes that the antioxidant activity of papaya could help fight skin cancer and other types of cancer by preventing damage to cells that might otherwise become cancerous.

Papayas and Metabolic Syndrome

Pill and stethoscope with papaya fruit ,Vitamin supplement and nutrition concept

A 2019 review article out of Brazil reported that the nutrients in papaya have positive effects on the cardiovascular system, protecting it from disease and damage caused by free radicals. The fruit has also shown potential for the treatment of diabetes and the reduction of cholesterol levels, which may improve metabolic syndrome.

Papaya pulp, seeds, and leaves have antioxidant, antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering), hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering), and hypolipidemic (cholesterol-lowering) properties — all useful in preventing and treating obesity and related metabolic disorders.

A 2023 study examined the effects on human cells of beneficial polyphenols in both ripe and unripe papaya pulp and seeds. Whether ripe or unripe, the researchers found that papaya helped cells to take in glucose, and reduced triglyceride levels.

Papaya Eye Benefits

Some studies have shown that the carotenoid lycopene can protect retinal cells of the eye from oxidative stress and inflammation, reducing cataract formation and slowing the development of diabetes-induced retinopathy. And papaya turns out to be one of the top sources of lycopene.

Papaya also contains a modest amount of the phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin, which can protect eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

[Find out more on how to eat for healthy eyes.]

Papaya and Inflammation

Three generations. Mom, son and grandmother. Enjoying some papaya on a sunny spring day in their garden at home.
iStock.com/Anna Frank

Chronic inflammation is at the root of just about every disease, so eating anti-inflammatory foods is one of the keystones of a healthy lifestyle. Papayas also fit the bill here, thanks to their high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients.

There are many antioxidants in papaya, including caffeic acid, myricetin, rutin, quercetin, alpha-tocopherol, papain, benzyl isothiocyanate (BiTC), and kaempferol. They help protect your body from the damage caused by oxidative stress.

Studies have shown that papaya extract can decrease free radicals in the body, inhibit the release of certain enzymes that accelerate inflammation, and mitigate some of the harmful effects of a high-fat diet.

A 2021 review article also suggests that extracts from papaya could be incorporated into drugs or supplements to help treat various diseases by countering the effects of harmful chemicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS). As a fan of whole food, I’m more partial to just eating papaya, so we don’t have to wait for the pharmaceutical and supplement industries to create expensive papaya pills in order to bring down oxidative stress and inflammation.

Papaya Downsides and Risks

Even with all that good news about papaya, life is not all unicorns and rainbows in papaya land. There are at least three issues to contend with when considering whether to incorporate papayas into your diet: bioengineering, allergic reactions, and food waste.

GMO Papayas

Tropical Hawaiian papaya fruit at farmers market

As mentioned earlier, most of the Hawaiian papayas you’ll find are genetically modified (or, put another way, bioengineered).

Hawaii produces mainly small-sized Solo-type papayas, which include Kapoho, Sunrise, SunUp, and Rainbow varieties. Kapoho and Sunrise are not bioengineered cultivars, while Rainbow and SunUp are. And unfortunately for fans of Mother Nature, more than three-quarters of all Hawaiian papayas are the bioengineered Rainbow type.

Bioengineered papayas came about because the Hawaiian papaya industry was threatened with collapse in the 1970s when the papaya ringspot virus began decimating crops. This disease nearly wiped out entire papaya farms, so growers turned, understandably, to bioengineering to create papayas resistant to the virus.

China also produces a type of GMO papaya called Huanong No. 1, which came about in 2006. But its resistance started breaking down about six years later, as researchers discovered transgenic varieties infected with the virus despite their genetic modifications.

Although there’s currently no evidence to suggest these papayas are unsafe for consumption, or that they contribute to food allergies, some people still worry that there’s just not enough research to feel confident eating them. If you want to avoid GMO papayas, go for the Kapoho or Sunrise Hawaiian papayas, or try one of the far more prevalent Mexican or Thai varieties.

Papayas grown organically are always non-GMO, with the added advantage of reducing exposure to pesticides, which is good for consumers, farmworkers, and the environment. If you can’t access organic papayas, you can still reduce your pesticide exposure by choosing Mexican varieties, which are not only non-GMO but are also on the Environmental Working Group’s Clean Fifteen list.

Papaya Allergy

Papayas are among the fruits most likely to trigger allergy symptoms in susceptible people. They may cause oral allergy syndrome due to polygalacturonase, a protein enzyme that is also a pollen allergen found in cedar and cypress trees. These proteins can confuse the immune system in people with food or outdoor allergies, the most frequent reaction involving itching or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, and throat.

Because papaya pulp and peel contain latex, they can also trigger cross-reactions in people with latex allergies, leading to a condition called latex-fruit syndrome. People with this condition must avoid contact with both rubber latex and latex-containing foods of fruit or vegetable origin, or they may suffer hives, gastrointestinal symptoms, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

While these problems are rare, they are serious. So if you’re allergic to papaya, then, of course, you should probably stay away from them.

Papaya Food Waste Issues

Ripe Papaya rot on the tree until the morning light.

Food waste is a big issue, especially in a world that overuses natural resources like clean water and has a global hunger problem. While a lot of the food waste occurs in our grocery stores, restaurants, and home kitchens, some crops are particularly susceptible in the fields. Hawaiian papayas, in particular, are a wasteful crop; fully one-third of Hawaiian papaya crop is discarded because it’s bruised or misshapen.

But there’s some good news on the horizon: Researchers are working to turn discarded papayas into biofuel by feeding them to a type of green algae to create energy. The hope is, this fuel may help make Hawaii energy independent eventually.

[Find out more about food waste and how to prevent it.]

Papaya in Perspective

Papaya is a delicious and nutritious tropical fruit that offers a range of health benefits — from aiding digestion and improving metabolic syndrome to promoting eye health and helping to prevent cancer.

With its high levels of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidant phytonutrients, papaya is an excellent addition to a healthy and balanced diet. As with any food, however, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks, especially to those with a known latex or pollen allergy.

For most people, though, adding papaya to meals and snacks can be a tasty way to boost health and wellness. And if you want to avoid GMO papaya varieties, stick to Mexican, Thai, or the Hawaiian Kapoho and Sunrise types.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you eaten Mexican or Hawaiian papaya? If you’ve tried both, what’s your preference?

  • Do you have any fruit, pollen, or latex allergies? What do you do to avoid triggering them?

  • Do you try to avoid bioengineered crops?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Nungning20

Read Next:

The post What Are the Benefits (and Downsides) of Eating Papaya? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

7 Mouthwatering Potassium-Rich Recipes to Meet Your Nutritional Needs https://foodrevolution.org/blog/potassium-rich-foods-recipes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=potassium-rich-foods-recipes Wed, 05 Jul 2023 17:09:05 +0000 https://foodrevolution.org/?p=43254 Potassium is an essential nutrient for health, participating in every biological process that relies on electrical signals, including heartbeat, muscle firing, and nervous system activity. But many people in the modern world are potassium deficient, which has contributed to an epidemic of high blood pressure and other chronic diseases. So why is this? Is potassium hard to obtain from food or necessary to supplement? Get the facts on this critical mineral and electrolyte.

The post 7 Mouthwatering Potassium-Rich Recipes to Meet Your Nutritional Needs appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

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Once upon a time, the ashes that remained after burning wood were considered a valuable commodity. Stirred into a pot of water and then leached, the resultant “pot ash” could then be used in the manufacture of textile dyes, soap, fertilizer, glass, and gunpowder, as well as many other products. It wasn’t until 1807 that the chemical makeup of potash was discovered by running an electrical current through it and observing the formation of a pure element, which was named potassium in a nod to its origins.

While potassium and its salts are critical for the world of industry, the mineral potassium is also very important nutritionally. For some reason, bananas are the food most commonly associated with the element, even though it’s found in a diverse range of foods, many of them whole plant foods.

Despite its availability in many foods, potassium is one of the nutrients of public health concern in the US because so few people actually manage to get enough of it. The US dietary guideline for potassium for adult females is 2,600 mg per day — almost 300 mg per day more than the average woman consumes. The 3,400 mg that males are told to aim for daily is likewise around 300 mg more than the average potassium US men get.

The good news is, just one or two additional servings of potassium-rich foods per day could totally eliminate both gaps.

But why do you need potassium in the first place? What happens when you don’t get enough? And what does it take to get adequate amounts from the food you eat?

Stay tuned, and you’ll get answers to those questions, along with seven potassium recipes to make it easy and delicious to meet your potassium needs.

Why Do You Need Potassium?

Why Do You Need Potassium
iStock.com/Viorel Poparcea

Potassium, designated as K on the periodic table, is an essential mineral required to keep your body running efficiently. It functions as an electrolyte, which is any substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water or melted, and which is crucial for any bodily function that relies on the sending and receiving of electrical impulses.

Potassium, in particular, helps keep your body hydrated and your nervous system healthy. It plays a vital role in keeping your heart beating steadily, your muscles working smoothly, and your nerves firing properly.

By regulating your body’s fluid balance, potassium also supports healthy blood pressure levels. It can also keep your kidneys functioning properly, protect the health of your bones, and regulate your blood glucose level. In short, potassium is crucial for just about every aspect of your health and well-being.

Important digression here: If you’re worried about your potassium levels and you currently have kidney disease, please check with your health care provider before loading up on potassium, either in food or supplement form. There’s a condition, hyperkalemia, that consists of dangerously high levels of potassium in the blood, caused by kidneys that lack the ability to filter the element.

Aiming for High Potassium, Low Sodium Foods

So far, I’ve been talking about potassium in a bit of a vacuum, nutritionally speaking. But to really understand the role that potassium plays in your body, you have to look a little more holistically. Because potassium works together with another element, sodium, to do an extremely important job: maintain fluid equilibrium across cell walls.

How they do this is kind of complicated, involving something called “membrane potential,” which has to do with the difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of your cells that determines whether fluids move in or out of those cells.

The upshot for your health, though, is quite straightforward: potassium blunts some of the effects of sodium to keep the fluids in a healthy balance. That way, your cells don’t blow up like overinflated balloons, or collapse like punctured ones.

In a perfect food world, this process would happen naturally, and you wouldn’t need to think about it. But because the modern industrialized diet delivers far more sodium than potassium, your potassium/sodium ratio may be skewed in the direction of not enough potassium. This can increase your risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Conversely, limiting your sodium intake by minimizing processed, packaged, and fried foods, all of which tend to be high in sodium, can balance the potassium/sodium teeter-totter from the other direction.

Top Potassium Foods

Top Potassium Foods
iStock.com/Svetlana Monyakova

While you may be tempted to pop a pill if you’re low in potassium, there are good reasons to get it from food if possible — the main one being that potassium-rich foods are also packed with other vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that work together to support your health.

So what are the potassium heroes of the food world? Here are some excellent sources of the mineral, along with their potassium and sodium levels per 100-gram serving (which, for the visually minded, is about the size of four button mushrooms or a quarter block of tofu).

Bananas:358 mg potassium1 mg sodium
Oranges:181 mg potassium0 mg sodium
Sweet Potatoes:337 mg potassium55 mg sodium
Spinach:558 mg potassium79 mg sodium
Tomatoes:237 mg potassium5 mg sodium
Papaya:182 mg potassium8 mg sodium
Butternut Squash:352 mg potassium4 mg sodium
Avocado:485 mg potassium7 mg sodium
Black Beans:355 mg potassium1 mg sodium

You don’t have to memorize this list or get it tattooed on your forearm to take advantage of potassium-rich foods. If you adopt the general strategy of opting for fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and flavor them with herbs and spices rather than pouring on the salt, you’ll likely get all the potassium you need.

Potassium-Rich Recipes

Potassium is abundant in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, making it a delicious way to meet your daily needs. You can find potassium-rich ingredients in both sweet and savory recipes. And, with a bit of food combining, you can craft a dish that has nearly 50% of your daily value in just one meal!

Whether you start your day with Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats or enjoy one of these savory potassium-rich dishes for dinner (like Moroccan Spiced Sweet Potato, Chickpea, and Spinach Stew, or Quinoa, Lentil, and Mushroom Stuffed Acorn Squash), you’ve got a few tasty ways to enjoy this magnificent essential nutrient!

1. Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats

Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats
iStock.com/Oksana Chaun

Meeting a portion of your nutrient needs can be as simple as enjoying a bowl of naturally sweet and tart cherry oatmeal with a hint of nutty pistachio goodness swirled throughout. Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats packs a whopping 740 mg of potassium in one serving alone. Not to mention, this sweet breakfast delight is chock-full of fiber, plant-based protein, and other healing plant nutrients, making this a nourishing breakfast that provides long-lasting plant power!

2. Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

homemade vegetarian tomato cream soup шт white bowl on wooden table

Tomatoes may not be synonymous with potassium-rich foods in everyday conversation, but, boy, are we glad they are a healthy source of this essential mineral! Roasted Tomato Basil Soup is a simple, classic dish to enjoy any night of the week. If you are wondering just how much potassium you can get in one serving, about 415 mg is the magic number.  Closing the potassium gap is easier (and tastier) than you think.

3. Citrusy Papaya Cauliflower Ceviche

Mango ceviche, vegetarian and vegan Mexican food. Fresh fruit seviche close up
iStock.com/Robert Patrick Briggs

If you’re looking for a fresh way to increase your potassium intake, why not give papaya a try? Sweet papaya adds a delightful and colorful twist to an otherwise sour and zingy flavor experience in this tasty Citrusy Papaya Cauliflower Ceviche. What’s more, the combination of mango, lime, and cauliflower brings even more potassium to the party, making this a nourishingly wholesome dish in so many ways!

4. Orange Shallot Vinaigrette

Orange Shallot Vinaigrette on a table

A simple and refreshing way to add a bit more potassium to your meals is through a healthy drizzle of Orange Shallot Vinaigrette over top of your favorite salad, grain bowl, plant-based protein, or pasta salad. With approximately 180 mg in just one orange, this dressing is a win-win for both nutrition and flavor!

5. Moroccan Spiced Sweet Potato, Chickpea, and Spinach Stew

Moroccan Spiced Sweet Potato, Chickpea, and Spinach Stew

Moroccan Spiced Sweet Potato, Chickpea, and Spinach stew is a nourishing bowl of scrumptious plant-based ingredients that is bursting with nutrients. It’s made with onions, carrots, sweet potato, chickpeas, and spinach; flavored with toasted spices; and finished with fresh herbs to create a flavor-packed meal you’ll be excited to make again and again. Not to mention, this dish is loaded with potassium (and a few other essential nutrients) from the sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and spinach. One serving of this comforting stew provides about 50% of your daily potassium needs!

6. Quinoa, Lentil, and Mushroom Stuffed Acorn Squash

Quinoa Lentil Mushroom Stuffed Acorn Squash

Quinoa, lentils, squash, bell pepper, and mushrooms are a tasty combination that provides plenty of nutrients like protein, carotenoids, vitamin C, and, you guessed it — potassium! This warm and comforting dish has all the nutrients you need to support a healthy immune system, maintain electrolyte balance, and keep your nerve function in tip-top shape. Bonus: The fragrant and cozy aroma of this stuffed squash that will fill your home is a win all by itself!

7. Chocolate and Almond Butter Avocado Mousse

Avocado chocolate mousse

Nothing says wholesome indulgence quite like Chocolate and Almond Butter Avocado Mousse. Potassium-rich avocados are the MVP of this recipe when it comes to bumping up the potassium content, but we can’t give avocados all of the credit. Cacao, almonds, and dates are all foods packed with essential minerals, including zinc, magnesium, manganese, and our star of the show — potassium! In just 15 minutes, the magic of a potassium-powered treat will appear before your eyes and tantalize your taste buds!

Get Your Potassium from Food

Potassium is a chemical element that plays a crucial role in supporting your health and promoting your overall well-being. Most people aren’t getting enough, while at the same time consuming too much sodium, putting them at risk of hypertension and chronic disease.

Fortunately, it’s easy to remedy this imbalance by consuming a variety of potassium-rich whole plant foods and reducing extra sodium. By doing so, you’ll not only add whole food flavor and diversity to your meals but also nourish your body with the many nutrients found in plants. Try the recipes we’ve just shared to get whole food sources of potassium and keep your sodium low in the process, too.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you ever struggled to maintain healthy blood pressure? What dietary changes did you make?

  • What are your favorite potassium-rich foods?

  • What potassium-rich recipe will you try first?

Featured Image: iStock.com/Tijana Simic

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The post 7 Mouthwatering Potassium-Rich Recipes to Meet Your Nutritional Needs appeared first on Food Revolution Network.
