Lifestyle Archives | Food Revolution Network Healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all. Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:50:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 More and more people are finding out how powerful food can be as a way to optimize health and contribute to a healthier world. In 2023, the Food Revolution Network both benefited from and contributed to this emerging zeitgeist. Here are some of the ways we made an impact in 2023.

The post Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

As you probably know, 2023 was another eventful year, with more than its share of ups and downs.

In the “at least things haven’t gotten worse” department, the price of food and other essentials stabilized somewhat but remains well above what it was pre-pandemic. Factors maintaining high prices include the continuing effects of the pandemic on the food chain and the impact of the Russia/Ukraine war.

Meanwhile, climate chaos (a phrase that’s much more accurate than the anodyne “climate change” or “global warming”) is already causing havoc, contributing to higher food prices by bringing droughts to some places and floods to others, leading to crop failures and economic hardship.

In many parts of the world, climate chaos will continue to hamper food production, particularly in areas suffering from prolonged drought and relying more and more on groundwater — leading to accelerated aquifer depletion. This threatens to create massive disruptions when wells run dry — something that’s already happening in many places and is likely to intensify dramatically in the years ahead.

I was stunned by a recent opinion piece in the New York Times about Uzbekistan’s disappearing Aral Sea. A photo accompanying the article shows rusted boats stranded in a lifeless desert that used to be a thriving port — now 75 miles from the nearest body of water.

All these developments highlight the critical importance of eating lower on the food chain. Doing so can save massive amounts of land, water, and other natural resources — and can significantly reduce the food system’s contribution to climate chaos.

And, as we frequently discuss on this site, eating more plants, fewer animals, and less processed food can also be a great move for your health.

In short, the mission of the Food Revolution Network is more important than ever.

A Couple of the Many Lives Changed by the Food Revolution

Rearview shot of a young woman embracing her mother while watching the sunset at the beach

At FRN, we’re privileged to hear, almost every day, from people whose lives have been touched by our message. Some of the stories we hear make us cry! And all of them fill us with determination to carry on and to spread the word.

Here are just a few of the memorable member stories from 2023:

WHOLE Life Club member Diane M. from Saugerties, NY, USA, wrote:

“With WHOLE Life Club, I sought support and information to help me on my journey to a…  whole food, plant-based diet. It has done that and a whole lot more! I have lost over 120 pounds since September 2022. My A1c dropped from 10.4 to 4.5, my triglycerides are now in a normal range, my LDL cholesterol has dropped tremendously, and my HDL cholesterol is in a healthy range and creeping higher. I feel so much better, with more energy, motivation, and a healthier mindset. Thank you to WLC and all its members! I enjoy how positive everyone is, and the nonjudgmental way the leaders include everyone as they teach, no matter what phase students are in on their journey.”

Plant-Based Coaching Certification graduate Terry Baker from Oro Valley, AZ, USA, wrote:

“Food Revolution Network’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification was truly the answer to my prayers, and I am so eternally grateful. I value the PBCC so highly because not only did I learn about the vast intricacies of the human body and exactly what it needs to be truly healthy at any age, but also I gained the knowledge and confidence to successfully share this vital information with others, hoping to end unnecessary suffering and disease. Do not hesitate in taking this course! You have no idea what a beautiful, powerful, and positive impact you could have in this world! Thank you to EVERYBODY in the Food Revolution Network for making this course possible.”

The Future of Plant-Based Eating

More and more people around the world are showing an interest in moving toward a more plant-based diet, and the number of people who make the shift is also increasing.

Veganuary — a fun portmanteau of vegan and January — broke all previous records with more registered participants than ever, from nearly every country in the world. And many of those folks maintained a more plant-based diet after the 31 days of the event.

More and more restaurants, businesses, and other organizations are responding to an increased demand for plant-based options — and sometimes leading it — by cutting down on animal products or eliminating them altogether. NYC Health + Hospitals, which operates 11 public hospitals in New York City, now serves plant-based meals to inpatients by default. Not only are the meals healthier than before, but they’re also changing perceptions of how “hospital food” tastes — with chefs creating dishes inspired by Latin American, Asian, and other cuisines representing the populations served by these institutions.

In a move that might have seemed unbelievable just a few years ago, the US Conference of Mayors (a nonpartisan organization that includes the mayors of all 1,400 US cities with populations of 30,000 or more) ratified a resolution supporting a plant-based approach to fighting the epidemic of chronic disease, mitigating climate chaos, and saving money desperately needed by the municipalities.

The number of restaurants offering plant-based menu options is also increasing. According to research by the Plant Based Foods Association, 95% of restaurants that offer plant-based selections expect sales of those items to remain steady or increase. And four times as many foodservice operators were planning to add plant-based options as the number that were planning to remove them.

A student-led campaign in the UK, Plant-Based Universities, is working to get all university catering facilities to transition 100% of their menus to plant-based. Begun in late 2021, the campaign has given a voice to students who are voting to remove animal products from university food halls specifically to address the climate crisis.

And in the US, Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts won our “best acronym” award by introducing the Peas, Legumes, and Nuts Today (PLANT) Act in the House of Representatives on July 28, 2023. If passed, the act would establish an Office of Plant-Based Foods and Innovative Production at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and help fund farmers who produce ingredients specifically for plant-based foods, like legumes and mushrooms. It would also create a research program to further the development of plant-based proteins that could replace meat and offer technical and financial assistance to businesses that move the food industry in a more plant-forward direction.

Plant-Based Diets Continue to be Better for Your Wallet, Health, and the Planet

Smiling young woman holding a basket full of groceries on the farmer's market and choosing fresh vegetables. She is paying with cash

One of the nice things about advocating for more plant-based eating is that it tends to make people’s lives better right away — starting with their wallets. A study by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found that adopting a low-fat vegan diet led to a 16% reduction in grocery bills, for an average savings of $500 per person per year.

If you’d like to avail yourself of the economic advantages of a plant-based diet, a good place to start is our article 7 Healthy Recipes for Eating Plant-Based on a Budget.

While the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet to your pocketbook can be felt immediately, it might take a few days, weeks, or months to notice health improvements. But scientific research continues to find more and more evidence that such improvements are likely.

A 2023 study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine followed 59 patients with type 2 diabetes as they were placed on a low-fat, plant-predominant diet for six months, along with receiving standard medical treatment. By the end of the study, 37% of the patients, whose average age was 71, had their diabetes in remission.

A 2023 study published in the journal Nutrients looked at how diet, genes, and lifestyle factors contribute to obesity by analyzing body fat in adults. Researchers discovered that a plant-based diet helped reduce the risk of obesity, even for those with a genetic predisposition to higher body fat.

Another article published in the past year collected data from 55 recent human trials on the effects of a plant-based diet on cardiovascular disease. The authors wrote that the preponderance of evidence showed that incorporating more plant foods into the diet can protect against heart disease and may also help prevent other chronic conditions.

Plant-based eating, especially a diet rich in whole foods, was also found to be predictive of mental health. A 2023 study found that a high-quality plant-based diet may offer protection against depressive symptoms and should be considered as a lifestyle-based treatment for people suffering from the condition.

And in November 2023, the results of a carefully conceived and remarkable randomized controlled trial involving 22 pairs of identical twins were published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Network Open. The study authors concluded: “The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet.”

What About the Earth?

One of the major drivers of the trend toward more plant-based eating is increased awareness of the scope of the chaos wrought by human-made climate change. While switching to electric vehicles and replacing energy-guzzling appliances with more efficient ones are steps in the right direction, the impact of these actions pales in comparison with the effects of adopting a plant-based diet.

Research published in the prestigious journal Nature in 2023 found that, on average, vegans produce 75% fewer food-related greenhouse gas emissions than meat-eaters. And plant-based dietary patterns also reduce harm to land, water, and biodiversity.

Becoming a B Corp

environment target of Green business, Business Development Strategies with Environmental Conservation. green green business. plan, Khirisutchalual

Speaking of impacts on the world around us, we wanted to share some exciting company news about FRN. In 2023, FRN submitted an application for B Corp status with high hopes that the submission will be approved in 2024 (our Owners and Board members are Ocean Robbins and John Robbins, as you might guess).

A B Corp, or benefit corporation, is a type of company that’s recognized for meeting higher standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. B Corps are committed to generating positive impacts on society and the environment.

The application process includes an extensive review of the company’s mission and where its impact is and is not aligned with that mission. The review looks at things like donation of money, products, or services to social causes and at-risk communities; decreasing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and production of waste; use of renewable energy and resources; support of tree planting and other forms of carbon sequestration; equitable compensation of team members; integration of mission-related responsibilities into employee performance evaluations and job descriptions; and providing employment and advancement opportunities for women, people of color, and other traditionally marginalized groups.

Since we started FRN in 2012, our mission has been front and center. We’re committed to healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all! So becoming a certified B Corp seems to be a natural next step to formalize our values.

Our 2023 Contributions to the Food Revolution

Ocean Robbins giving his TED talk at TEDx Alexander Park
Ocean Robbins giving his TED talk at TEDx Alexander Park

In 2023, thanks to you, our million+ community members, and 25+ FRN staff, we accomplished an amazing amount.

  • We published 106 articles on nutrition, health, and sustainability topics and more than 148 new plant-based recipes. Our content reached more than six million unique readers, and our website was accessed over 13 million times.
  • Through customer purchases of our digital products, we supported the planting of over 75,000 organic fruit or nut trees that will sequester more than 6,000 tons of carbon dioxide while providing food to low-income communities with Trees for the Future.
  • In terms of non-digital products, Food Revolution Network put out its first physical cookbook this year. Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health was published by Hay House on October 31, 2023. Over 9,800 people took part in the Real Superfoods Challenge leading up to its publication. And the book was an Amazon bestseller in its first week!
  • Ocean delivered a captivating and inspiring TEDx Talk at the prestigious TEDx Alexander Park this year, and the excitement is contagious! His presentation, entitled Eating Your Way to Happiness,” has already racked up more than a million views.
  • Ocean was a featured speaker at Holistic Holiday at Sea, a plant-based cruise to the Caribbean, where he presented two keynotes. More than 150 FRN members and hundreds of other wellness enthusiasts participated in the cruise. To find out more about the cruise and get a $50 onboard credit for the next one, visit the Holistic Holiday at Sea website.
  • Across our social media pages, Food Revolution Network had a combined reach of 5.6 million people, over 6.2 million impressions, and over 560,000 followers. Video content was the preferred medium on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
  • The 2023 Food Revolution Summit was a special one, debuting as a full docuseries for the very first time. This year’s Summit reached 437,302 participants who viewed over 209,800 hours of empowering and groundbreaking content.
  • We debuted FRN’s first foray into the coaching world with our Plant-Based Coaching Certification (PBCC). New and experienced coaches learned unique skills to help them empower their clients to transform their lives through a plant-based lifestyle. In the first cohort, PBCC welcomed 244 students. Graduation timing is flexible, but by the end of 2023, more than half of the inaugural cohort had already graduated. After completing a brief exam administered by the Lifestyle Prescriptions University in partnership with the nonprofit Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation, graduates received 24 CE/CPD credits from the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching and 24 CE/CPD credits from the CPD Standards Office. Additionally, for RDs/RDNs, all activities offered by the Food Revolution Network’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification were eligible to receive CPEUs by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
  • FRN helped over 10,468 people improve their blood sugar balance and metabolic health with our Tackling Type 2 Masterclass and course with Brenda Davis, RD.
  • Over 46,990 people received transformative guidance on implementing a healthy diet with our Food for Health Masterclass, and nearly 2,900 went on to enroll in the Plant-Powered & Thriving course it introduces.
  • We shared The Need To GROW — an award-winning, solutions-based environmental documentary — with more than 181,300 audience members.
  • We gave an awe-inspiring look into the mushroom kingdom to more than 61,600 people with the film Fantastic Fungi.
  • The groundbreaking health film From Food to Freedom debuted to over 81,300 viewers.
  • Our Healthy Heart Masterclass reached over 23,500 people, with 1,500 enrollments in the Healthy Heart course with holistic integrative cardiologist Mimi Guarneri, MD.
  • FRN relaunched our Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass, taught by husband and wife neurologist team Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, to over 31,700 people, and shared their Healthy Brain course with over 1,750 people.
  • More than 19,850 people participated in our first-ever Eat the Rainbow Challenge with the reopening of WHOLE Life Club registration.
  • We helped over 3,300 people take small steps every day for two weeks with our 14-Day Plant-Powered Accelerator. Participants received healthy eating secrets straight to their inboxes to support lasting changes to their diets.
  • And within WHOLE Life Club, we provided 53 Action of the Week videos, 12 expert interviews, 312 recipes, and monthly live member events (In the Kitchen Live Calls, Culinary and Coaching Q&As, and Community Connection Calls) with our WLC community, which has grown to more than 10,000 active members.

The Most Popular Food Revolution Network Blog Posts Published in 2023

Mature woman with long gray hair  working on laptop from home, smiling

These were FRN’s most popular new posts of 2023.

The Most Popular Food Revolution Network Recipes of 2023

Snacks dominated the top-viewed recipes list this year, along with a couple of tasty and legume-filled curries. Unsurprisingly, our Super Simple Homemade Date Paste made the top ten again but has been dethroned as the most popular recipe.

Our most popular recipes for 2023 were:

On a Personal Note

In 2023, my dad, colleague, and dear friend — and FRN cofounder — John Robbins, experienced the progression of a health condition, post-polio syndrome, that has had a significant impact on his life and on our family. He is working with it in a profound way, and we shared about it in this video. We have received nearly a thousand deeply moving responses to this sharing, and they have lifted our family’s spirits. The way my dad is working with this condition is profoundly moving to me — and to many other people, too.

My dad and I are profoundly privileged to work with an amazing team of 25+ at FRN. This is, without a doubt, the most friendly, cooperative, dedicated, accountable, and effective team either of us has ever been a part of. The FRN team works virtually, and as much as digital tools like Zoom and Slack allow us to collaborate and be in each others’ lives, they aren’t a perfect substitute for in-the-flesh human interaction. So I’m delighted to share that in October 2023, we hosted our first in-person team retreat since 2019.

Thank You for All that YOU Do

We've built a business that runs solely on support

We work hard at FRN, and sometimes the mission that we’ve staked out, along with the tasks and deadlines that bring that mission to life, can feel daunting. So it’s important for us to constantly remind ourselves that the food revolution movement is a mission much bigger than my dad, much bigger than me, much bigger than any one person, and much bigger than the FRN staff. It’s a movement that is growing and gaining traction, saving lives and bringing healing to our world.

And that movement includes you, about whom I’ve saved the last word.

FRN has a voice and influence because of you. When famous and influential people and brands consider whether to partner with us, one of the things they look at is our “reach.” Because we’re over a million members strong, we can work with the folks who gave the world movies like Fantastic Fungi and The Need to GROW. We can interest a book publisher like Hay House in publishing our cookbooks (with another coming back for final editing next week for publication in 2024).

We can attract an all-star lineup to share their ideas in our annual Food Revolution Summit because they know that a huge audience is there to “eat up” their wisdom — and use it to improve the lives of themselves and their loved ones, their communities, and the entire world.

There’s a video that was published in 2009 on YouTube that went viral and has now amassed over 24 million views. Titled “Sasquatch Music Festival 2009 — Guy Starts Dance Party,” it’s a 3-minute clip showing a lone dancer doing a series of pretty goofy moves. After a while, he’s joined by his first follower and then a second. A little over one minute into the video, it suddenly turns into a dance party — a mass movement. The energy grows and becomes contagious. When I first watched it, I wanted to jump through my laptop screen and join in.

Without you, dear reader, my dad, our staff at FRN, and I would still be the first three dancers, enjoying ourselves but lacking impact at scale. Your willingness to embrace the mission and the frequent calls to action — and to share and amplify the messages and make them your own — is what allows us to make the contributions highlighted above.

So please know how absolutely grateful we are to you for all the ways you generously support our work and provide loving and helpful feedback to help us improve. And for all the ways you assume leadership in your families and communities, day in and day out.

Like: Moving toward a plant-based diet. Choosing organic produce when you can. Buying local, from farm stands and farmers markets. Buying less and loving more. Donating to worthy causes. Loving the people you love with your whole heart. Trying new healthy recipes from our blog articles. Sharing articles, films, and healthy food with friends and loved ones.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for caring about the food that you eat and the food you share with others. Thank you for caring about the well-being of the people who produce that food.

Thank you for aligning your actions and purchases with your values, and for being willing to look at inconvenient truths and adapt your behavior accordingly.

Thank you for all the ways in which you strive to be the change we all wish to see, and to manifest, in the world.

Here’s to all we accomplished together in 2023, and to the healing, compassion, and beauty we’re creating, one meal at a time.

May all be fed. May all be healed. May all be loved.

Ocean Robbins and John Robbins

Cofounders, Food Revolution Network

Tell us in the comments:

  • How has the food revolution impacted your life in 2023?
  • What was your favorite Food Revolution Network article from this past year? What made it special for you?
  • What are you looking forward to in 2024?

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The post Looking Back: Food Revolution Network’s 2023 Year in Review appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Are Semaglutide Drugs Like Wegovy and Ozempic Safe and Effective for Weight Loss? Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Weight loss is often an on-again, off-again goal for many people, driven by societal trends and individual wellness goals. But recent developments in weight loss solutions have sparked renewed interest, with semaglutide drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy emerging as game changers in the industry. These medications, originally designed for managing diabetes, have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in promoting weight loss. But are they safe? And could there be drug-free ways to achieve similar results?

The post Are Semaglutide Drugs Like Wegovy and Ozempic Safe and Effective for Weight Loss? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Many people have had a long and complicated relationship with their weight. And it doesn’t help that popular culture is constantly trying to sell us a new “ideal” body weight. In April of 1967, Twiggy, a rail-thin supermodel, appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine and quickly rose to stardom. Soon that Twiggy-like body type was seen as the ideal look and dieting culture gripped the Western world, with doctors prescribing diet pills that were little more than methamphetamines. Commercial weight loss programs cashed in on the dieting fervor.

But by the end of the 20th century, the dieting trend was starting to decline. The reality that diets very rarely produce sustained weight loss started to sink in. People gradually shifted their emphasis from shrinking their size to improving their health.

The Health at Every Size and Body Positivity movements were central to this shift. And the Dove brand received widespread praise for its Real Beauty campaign, featuring models with full-figured bodies.

By the 2010s, polls were showing record lows in the percentage of people who wanted to lose weight, and news outlets were reporting that fewer than 1 in 5 people in the US was dieting. All this spelled trouble for the weight loss industry.

Fast forward to the present day, and — shazam! — the semaglutide drugs Ozempic and Wegovy have hit the scene. It turns out that people still want to lose weight after all.

The New Weight Loss Drugs

Weight Loss Drugs infographic

If companies needed reassurance that weight loss can still be big business, they’ve gotten it. Novo Nordisk, the Danish corporation that makes Ozempic and Wegovy, is now the most valuable company in all of Europe, with a market capitalization of $425 billion dollars, an amount greater than the entire economy of Denmark.

But what are these drugs, and how do they work? Are they really that effective for weight loss? What are the benefits of being on them, and what are the side effects? And, more importantly, are they safe?

There are indeed some surprising benefits — and also eye-opening risks — to semaglutide drugs for weight loss. And in this article, we will cover all of them. We’ll even introduce you to an alternative approach that research shows produces weight loss results equal to Ozempic and Wegovy, without the negative side effects. (Hint: it’s not weight loss surgery, and Big Pharma is not involved).

But first, we need to start at the beginning. Should people even try to lose weight in the first place? And why have conventional approaches to weight loss failed them?

A Rise in Obesity and its Health Effects

Cardiologist showing and explaining the electrocardiogram results to an overweight young woman with heart problems

Over the last 50–75 years, the average weight of the human population has risen steadily, in lockstep with dramatic changes to our food supply.

According to the World Obesity Atlas, by 2035, fully one-half of all people worldwide, over four billion people, will be living with overweight or obesity. And that’s not good news, for many reasons.

There is still a tremendous stigma associated with excess weight, making overweight and obesity difficult to live with, both socially and psychologically. Obviously, we should continue to strive to reduce that stigma. And people should aim to be healthy, and to love and respect themselves, their bodies, and the people around them, no matter their size.

If negative stigma were the only issue, universal size acceptance and body positivity would be the straightforward answer. However, research continues to confirm that body size is not at all irrelevant to human health.

Furthermore, health-promoting efforts like exercise do not fully offset the risks of carrying excess weight. For example, in a large study of over 50,000 people, researchers found that even robust levels of physical activity don’t neutralize the profoundly damaging toll that obesity takes on cardiovascular health.

Alas, excess weight is simply not benign. It’s linked with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, conditions of poor well-being like fatigue and chronic pain, potentially life-ending conditions like heart disease and 13 forms of cancer, and, of course (as we were all reminded by the media over and over in 2020 and 2021), severe illness and potential death from diseases like COVID-19.

Bringing our body composition in line with the body fat ratios that our ancient ancestors used to have may well be the healthiest for longevity, not to mention quality of life along the way.

The Truth Behind Weight Gain and Weight Loss

So, what’s driving all this weight gain?

It’s easy to assume that our sedentary lifestyles are to blame. But research shows that active people in hunter-gatherer tribes actually burn no more calories than sedentary people in the Western world.

How can that be?

It turns out that, when we’re very active, the body compensates by burning significantly less fuel the rest of the time, resulting in little to no change to overall daily energy output.

Keep that in mind the next time you think you’ll go to the gym to “burn off” the food you’ve just eaten. You can do that workout, and it will absolutely be healthy for you overall. But when you come home afterward, your body will shift into low gear. (And after a few days, you will have burned no more total calories than if you had just stayed home.) This is part of the reason why exercise won’t make you thin.

Ultra-Processed Foods

Homemade beef burgers with cheese, tomato, red onion, pickled cucumber and lettuce served on wooden board with french fries and ketchup. Close up. Dobrusina

More and more experts are starting to converge on the opinion that the true cause of the obesity pandemic is all the ultra-processed food we’re eating. And indeed, solid research shows that ultra-processed foods drive us to eat more and gain weight quite rapidly.

In fact, even when controlling for total presented calories, energy density, and grams of protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, sugar, and salt, on a processed foods diet (versus an unprocessed diet of nearly identical composition), participants in the above trial ate significantly more and gained weight in as little as two weeks.

People eating ultra-processed foods don’t just gain weight, though. Their brains and bodies change. Inflammation rises, baseline insulin levels go up, and triglycerides increase. Together these changes are associated with leptin resistance, a condition that means the brain never gets the signal to stop eating.

Plus, ultra-processed foods are addictive, creating the same deficit in dopamine receptors that’s characteristic of cocaine and heroin addiction. And this change in brain chemistry causes powerful food cravings that further drive people to overeat.

This is all bad news for humankind because ultra-processed food consumption is only becoming more and more prevalent.

Today, a full two-thirds of the calories children consume is not what their grandmothers would have called “food” at all, but rather industrial concoctions born in a factory and poured into a plastic wrapper. And the trends aren’t stopping — they’re just going global.

Every 10 hours in 2023, a new McDonald’s opened in China, with a record 900 new franchises added by the end of the year. That’s on top of the roughly 1,200 new KFC and Pizza Hut stores that opened in China as well. The US has spread its “cuisine” around the world — with devastating effects.

How the Brain Can Sabotage Weight Loss Efforts

On a personal level, for the 70% of people in industrialized countries today carrying excess weight, the conundrum is that once weight is gained, it’s incredibly difficult to shed for good. And this is by design.

The brain is happy to allow us to gain weight. After all, fat stores are what will keep us alive when food becomes scarce over a long winter. But the brain fiercely protects our current body weight (even if it’s too high for optimal health) by launching a full-fledged hormonal assault when we lose weight. It very deliberately toggles our hormonal dials: lowering thyroid hormones (reducing our metabolism), increasing ghrelin (triggering hunger pangs), and lowering leptin (so the brain comes to think we’re starving), making sustained weight loss about as easy as holding our breath while climbing a long staircase.

Many people engage in yo-yo dieting and ultimately find themselves demoralized. In a nutshell, diets don’t work. People tend to lose perhaps 2–7% of their starting weight (when they might be aiming to lose several times that much). And then, almost always, they gain it back. Indeed, weight loss programs don’t tend to publish results beyond one year, because after that, weight regain is the norm.

Enter Ozempic and Wegovy

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No wonder people are looking for a different solution. And for people who have tried everything else, the new weight loss drugs are offering much-needed hope again. Celebrities of every ilk, from actors, models, and comedians to business magnates and even the former Prime Minister of the UK, are talking about their use of these drugs. But is the hype warranted? Let’s dive in.

What Are the New Weight Loss Drugs and How Do They Work?

Semaglutide drugs were originally designed to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. They work by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which has an appetite-suppressing effect.

Tirzepatide drugs, which are also part of the current weight loss trend, mimic both GLP-1 and the hormone GIP, but overall have a similar effect. They increase insulin released from the pancreas and decrease glucagon from the liver, which balances out blood sugar. As a result, people lose weight because they become less interested in eating.

Additionally, these drugs modulate dopamine levels in the addictive centers in the brain, resulting in fewer cravings and decreased anticipation of pleasure from eating. In animal models (FRN’s stance on the use of animals in medical research is here), these drugs were able to reduce cocaine, amphetamine, alcohol, and nicotine use, too. And in fact, reports are flooding in that people on Ozempic and Wegovy are not just eating less, they’re also smoking fewer cigarettes and losing their taste for alcohol.

With the double whammy of less hunger and fewer food cravings, weight loss results can average upwards of 15% of starting body weight. This is many times greater than what people can expect from a conventional weight loss program.

From that perspective, it definitely is the case that semaglutide drugs can work for weight loss. However, from the perspective of a 300-pound person looking to lose perhaps 35–60% of their body weight, the prospect of losing 15% of their starting weight isn’t exactly a home run.

For context, the average person getting Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery — the approach that results in the most dramatic weight loss but also comes with a 3.34% mortality rate — can expect to lose a lot of weight initially and then regain a fair bit, settling at a net loss of about 25% of their starting weight after five years. Certainly, weight loss surgeries are far more invasive and involve a host of risks. But are weight loss drugs risky, too?

Is Semaglutide Safe?

Insulin injection pen or insulin cartridge pen for diabetics. Medical equipment for diabetes parients. Woman holding an injection pen for diabetic.

The question “Are they safe?” requires us to consider our standards for safety and our tolerance for risk. Is driving a car safe? Flying in an airplane? Jumping out of an airplane with a parachute?

One might argue that carrying a lot of excess weight isn’t “safe,” which means it really comes down to managing risk. So, what are the risks of semaglutide and other weight loss drugs?

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

The main side effects of semaglutide drugs are gastrointestinal in nature, and they can range from very mild to severe. Many people who start on these drugs experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, sharp pain, belching, gas, bloating, or intestinal blockage.

For some people, the side effects are problematic enough that they stop taking the drug. In fact, many prominent celebrities have done so because it made them feel too sick. But most people find that the side effects subside with continued use. Starting on a low dose and then gradually increasing it can reduce the likelihood that GI symptoms will be debilitating.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any clear long-term data on what these drugs do to the gastrointestinal system over time.

Thyroid Cancer Risk

Doctor, patient and feel throat in hospital of a black woman with virus, pain or infection. Health care worker and sick person check glands or sore neck for thyroid, tonsils or medical lymph nodes Wackerhausen

People taking semaglutide drugs may also have an increased risk of developing thyroid cancer, so people with a family history of the disease are cautioned not to take them. As a result, the FDA has put a black box warning (its highest level of warning) on the Ozempic and Wegovy packaging for thyroid cancer.

That said, a meta-analysis of 45 randomized controlled trials showed an increase in thyroid disorders, but not thyroid cancer. Because these instances are rare occurrences, more research is needed.

Muscle Reduction

Finally, many outlets have reported that semaglutide drugs reduce lean muscle mass (rather than just fat mass). But there are also several studies that contradict that claim — so the jury is still out on this point.

How Much Does Ozempic or Wegovy Cost?

Healthcare cost concept. US Dollars bills, stethoscope and medicine pills on blue background Victorero

One of the biggest downsides to semaglutide drugs for weight loss is the financial cost. Getting a weekly injection (and yes, most of these drugs are administered by injection) of Wegovy can cost over $1,300 per month in the US — that’s around $16,000 per year. The drugs are priced significantly lower in other countries (although still expensive). But these sky-high prices are resulting in insurance companies dropping these medications from their plans, so getting coverage can be difficult.

There are innumerable plans, and policies change frequently, so a Google search is not likely to help you determine whether insurance will cover Ozempic or Wegovy. If you have health insurance, the best way to find out is to contact your insurance provider directly. There are some coupons and programs that help people pay for the drugs. But the bottom line is that the financial investment is likely significant.

And the cost doesn’t just impact the user. Any time insurance providers, even including governments, pay for an expensive treatment, the cost is ultimately absorbed by everyone in their covered pool — through higher premiums and/or taxes. This means that if costly weight loss drugs come to be used widely, the price of medical insurance could go up for just about everyone.

Weight Regain

If you’re not prepared to be on the drugs for the rest of your life, then it’s also important to know that, once the drugs are discontinued, most of the weight tends to come back rather quickly.

One large study found that participants regained two-thirds of the total weight they’d lost within the first year of stopping the medication. This is perhaps not surprising. When you stop taking cholesterol medication, you expect your cholesterol to go up again. The same logic applies to semaglutide drugs.

It would be nice if the brain would adapt to your new, lower weight and allow you to maintain it as a “new normal.” But it doesn’t. This means that someone taking the drugs for weight loss will either need to prepare to be on them for life or adopt new lifestyle interventions that will allow them to manage their weight when they wean off.

The trouble is that, when appetite and cravings are artificially suppressed, motivation is not strong to adopt rigorous new eating habits. If the person could have done that in the first place, they would have lost weight without the drug.

Are There Long-Term Studies on the New Weight Loss Drugs?

As an unrecognizable nurse watches, the serious mature adult woman and her mid adult daughter talk to the unrecognizable male emergency room doctor. Productions

Unfortunately, no. We don’t have a lot of long-term data on Ozempic or Wegovy. But the first GLP-1 agonist to be approved for type 2 diabetes was Byetta (Exenatide) in 2005. You can think of it as a first cousin to Ozempic and Wegovy.

That drug does have a study on long-term outcomes. Results showed that Exenatide continued to provide blood sugar stabilization to type 2 diabetics with no unexpected adverse events for seven years.

Semaglutide drugs also seem to protect people from death and adverse events from heart disease, so much so that the FDA has approved Ozempic as a treatment for heart disease.

In a double-blind, randomized clinical trial with 17,604 patients, weekly semaglutide injections were found to reduce cardiovascular events like strokes and heart attacks by 20%.

Are There Alternatives to Ozempic and Wegovy?

Since the Ozempic and Wegovy craze has hit the world, reports have been coming out that eating more fiber (the kind naturally found in whole, plant-based foods) can have a semaglutide-like effect.

Interestingly enough, just the act of chewing increases GLP-1 release. It also decreases the release of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. That’s super interesting because ultra-processed foods are designed to minimize chewing, and experts have highlighted the stark difference in chewing intensity and frequency between eating the standard American diet versus a diet of whole, real foods.

In short, it’s reasonable to conclude that, if you’re eating the right foods, the results that people are getting with Ozempic and Wegovy should be achievable through diet alone.

And, there is a line of research that shows exactly that. Over the past nine years, a habit-based program focused on eliminating ultra-processed foods and eating only whole, real foods, Bright Line Eating, has published weight loss results comparable to semaglutide drugs.

Full disclosure: I developed this program, which grew out of my decades of research in the field, and I’m the CEO and owner of an organization that champions bringing this body of work into the world. The following graph shows the weight loss results, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, of many of the most common commercial weight loss programs, compared with Bright Line Eating and semaglutide drugs.

Weight Loss Results Graph from Weight Loss Programs


What follows is a list of sources for the graph above showing a comparison of results for semaglutide and various commercial weight loss programs. Note that each of these studies was conducted separately using different methods, thus making direct comparison difficult; a more rigorous procedure would involve one very large study randomly assigning participants to each weight loss intervention. Also note that not every study measured two-month weight loss outcomes, so initial weight loss was calculated on a pro-rata basis to result in a two-month figure for each program. In addition, two-year data were not found in the scientific literature for many programs. Where studies reported weight loss in kilograms, a percent weight loss figure was calculated from baseline weight.

Bright Line Eating is the only commercial weight loss program that addresses the addictive nature of ultra-processed foods. Indeed, it’s tailored mainly for people who score between 7 and 10 on a Food Addiction Susceptibility Scale that goes from 1–10. By taking this short quiz, you can see how you score.

Research also shows that losing weight within a community like Bright Line Eating is associated with positive “side effects” such as higher energy, greater feelings of connection, better quality of life, decreased depression, and fewer days of poor mental health — and that with this way of eating, hunger and food cravings go steadily down.

The Future of the Weight Loss Industry

Closeup shot of an unidentifiable doctor holding an apple and a variety of pills in her hands

Without a doubt, the genie is out of the bottle. Weight loss drugs are here to stay. And the development of further drugs in this category is progressing rapidly.

Currently, the drugs approved for weight loss require regular injections because the peptides in semaglutide don’t absorb well through the digestive system. But Novo Nordisk has innovated a pill form of semaglutide called Rybelsus that the FDA has already approved for the treatment of diabetes.

In November of 2023, the FDA also approved Zepbound, a new tirzepatide drug developed by Eli Lilly, for weight loss. Given the multibillion-dollar market that’s available here, there’s no doubt that the rapid development of new options will continue. And as generics come out (Novo Nordisk’s patent on Ozempic expires December 5, 2031), the cost will eventually come down at least somewhat from the current stratospheric levels.

About 45% of people polled in the US say they would consider taking a weight loss drug. That comes down to 16% if it’s not covered by insurance. But these are people who have come to believe that sustained weight loss is largely impossible without a pharmacological or surgical solution.

But the results of Bright Line Eating highlight the reality that lifestyle-based approaches are worth pursuing, and that ultra-processed food addiction needs to be addressed for people to be successful.

Losing weight when you’re hungry and plagued by food cravings is unsustainable. We now live in a world where there are drugs that can take away excessive hunger and addictive food cravings. But emerging evidence shows that we can eat to reduce hunger and cravings as well. Not to be Twiggy, but to be healthy.

Editor’s Note: The author of this article, Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, is the founder and author of Bright Line Eating. She’s developed a quiz to help you assess how susceptible your brain is to addictive foods. That information can be critical to helping you optimize your diet and lifestyle for a healthy relationship with food and weight. Take the quiz here.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Are you trying to lose weight or have you tried to in the past?
  • What do you find most challenging about weight loss?
  • Do you plan on trying a semaglutide drug like Wegovy or a more natural alternative?

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How to Cook: What to Do with Holiday Leftovers Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 During the holiday season, the amount of food wasted increases by 25%, according to the USDA. That translates into a lot of money that ends up in landfills, contributing to climate issues. The good news is that you can do something about that percentage by knowing how to minimize waste. Learn how to use leftovers from your holiday dishes and ingredients in new, creative, and tasty ways.

The post How to Cook: What to Do with Holiday Leftovers appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The holidays are a time to celebrate. And, if you’re anything like my (Italian) family, you have way too much food in the house — especially if you’re the one hosting! Whether it’s prepared leftovers or a handful of ingredients from making recipes (I’m looking at you, cranberries), having leftovers on hand may create an extra level of holiday stress.

Eating leftovers day after day can also get old. And having one or two ingredients left after preparing a dish feels like a waste as it creates extra work in figuring out what to do with those scraps. So, what are some tasty and easy-to-implement ways to use up those holiday leftovers to prevent food waste?

First Off, Wasting Food Is, Well… A Waste!

Sustainable lifestyle and zero waste concept. Domestic compost bin being used for fermentation of organic waste Kravchenko

Food waste is a big issue in the US and other industrialized countries. According to the USDA, food waste is estimated to be 30–40% of the food supply in the United States, increasing by 25% during the holidays. And in China, household waste is 10% of all food purchased, with the largest category being fruits and vegetables.

That being said, there they are, those leftover food scraps staring you right in the face on your plate, or in your fridge. Maybe you took more food than you could eat at once. Or you didn’t end up using an entire fruit or vegetable for a recipe. So what do you do with those food scraps before they go bad? Don’t throw them away! You can save those scraps in a bin or airtight container in your refrigerator. Or check out our article How to Use Food Scraps for all the know-how on making the most of those bits and pieces.

Another tip to avoid food waste is to not leave perishable food out for longer than two hours. If you’re planning on having a buffet-style meal with people coming and going throughout the day, consider placing cold, perishable food over ice or hot food over warming plates to keep everything at the proper temperature.

Or, if your party is more of a sit-down dinner, consider taking perishable food out of the refrigerator just before your guests arrive and putting it away immediately after they leave. If friends or family members still have food on their plate, or you have a significant amount of leftovers, consider providing eco-friendly to-go containers.

Store Leftovers Efficiently

Properly storing food and consuming it within a safe time period is key when it comes to perishable foods. The USDA recommends consuming refrigerated leftovers within four days. And storage containers should be airtight. You’ll want to practice first in, first out for prepared food — use up what you have on hand first before opening something new.

Another option is to freeze vegetables or whole meals. Portioning them into individual serving containers makes it easier to grab and go as needed.

Leftover dry goods and pantry staples can continue to be stored in a cool dark place (like a cabinet or pantry) in airtight containers. Things like whole grains, legumes, and flour do have expiration dates. Therefore, make sure to store them properly, use them before they expire, or consider freezing them to extend shelf life.

Visit our blog posts Healthy Plant-Based Pantry Food Essentials for tips on setting up a plant-based pantry and 10 Easy Pantry Meals to Make Using Minimal Ingredients for ideas on how to use those staples.

Get Creative and Think Outside the Box

Sauted mixed vegetables food photography recipe idea

When it comes to reusing leftovers, allow your creativity to shine. Think beyond what they were intended for. For example, “dinner food” doesn’t only have to be eaten at dinner. A savory breakfast can be delicious, or you can split meals up into snacks.

For an additional bit of flavor and nutrition, add a plant-based sauce to veggie dishes. Cauliflower Squash Cheese Sauce is a house fave, or try one of these homemade sauces.

Have ingredients left over that you tend to only use during the holiday? Try googling (or Ecosia-ing if you like to plant trees while you search) the name of your leftover ingredients along with the word “recipe” and see what pops up. You just might find yourself a new favorite dish, like Green Bean Casserole or a twist on mashed potatoes!

Ideas for Using Up Holiday Leftovers

Watch the video below for more creative ways to use up leftovers and create new recipes.

Leftovers Recipes

Need fresh ideas on how to use up your holiday leftovers? Even if you don’t have leftover food scraps from the holidays, you can still give new life to batch-cooked items from your weekly meal prep. These highly adaptable and delicious plant-based leftovers recipes will spark new life with whatever you have on hand!

1. Harvest Grain Breakfast Bowl

Harvest Grain Breakfast Bowl

If you love the idea of leftovers for breakfast, this is the recipe for you! Harvest Grain Breakfast Bowl is a wonderful way to use up leftover veggies you may have been holding on to as well as batch-cooked grains you may have on hand. Those leftover ingredients will come straight to life once you give them a try with this recipe’s creamy orange tahini dressing, crunchy pumpkin seeds, and sweet dried cranberries. The fall flavors add a pop of freshness and zing that makes even the simplest leftover ingredients into a winning recipe.

2. Energizing White Bean and Kale Soup

Energizing White Bean and Kale Soup

This soup has it all — lots of colors, tons of flavor, and the ability for customization based on whatever you have on hand. Perhaps you have some leftover collard greens from your family’s latest gathering. Or maybe you have leftover homemade vegetable broth from the food scraps you saved up during the week. Taking full advantage of any unused ingredients is a wonderful way to explore kitchen creativity, prevent food waste, and create a tasty meal, all at the same time. We think you’ll love this nourishing beans-and-greens leftover soup!

3. Green Bean Casserole

Green Bean Casserole

Casseroles are one of the easiest ways to use up any leftovers, especially if you have a leftover condiment or two. Just throw all the ingredients in a casserole dish and bake it in the oven. This Green Bean Casserole is seemingly indulgent but loaded with nutrition, and makes using up leftover mushroom gravy and cashew sour cream a breeze. Plus, the crispy (baked) onions on top take this recipe from good to great!

Eat Your Leftovers!

Don’t let leftover conundrums add to any holiday stress. With some proper planning and storage, a bit of curiosity, and a little creativity, you’ll be able to give those leftovers a second and third (tasty) life.

For starters, give some of the ideas in the video a try, or make one of the recipes provided. Let us know what you think. Or, if you have your own favorite way to use leftover dishes and ingredients, please share!

Tell us in the comments:

  • What’s your favorite way to use up leftovers?
  • What’s currently in your veggie scrap bin, and how will you use those veggies?
  • What’s the first tip you’ll try to reduce food waste this holiday season?

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The post How to Cook: What to Do with Holiday Leftovers appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Terrific Turmeric Recipes: How to Use Turmeric Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Turmeric is trending, thanks to its amazing nutritional benefits and its bold flavor and color. You may have enjoyed it in golden milk or as part of a curry, but what are other ways to get this wonderful spice into your life? And does it matter if it’s fresh or dried? Here’s what you need to know to incorporate the “golden spice” into your cooking.

The post Terrific Turmeric Recipes: How to Use Turmeric appeared first on Food Revolution Network.


If you’ve ever had curry or a trendy golden milk latte, you’ve had turmeric. This fragrant yellow spice is a potent anti-inflammatory lauded for its culinary and medicinal properties in India and other South Asian countries. It’s also popular around the world and is used in Jamaican, Middle Eastern, and Ethiopian cuisines, among many others.

Turmeric’s nutritional profile has also led to its status as a superfood for its multitude of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds. In fact, Food Revolution Network recently published a cookbook called Real Superfoods — written by Ocean Robbins with recipes by yours truly — where turmeric features prominently in many a recipe.

In addition to flavoring dishes and lending its powerful health benefits, turmeric also contributes its bright yellow color, which has led to its use as a natural food dye. (And if you’ve ever spilled curry on your shirt, you know that turmeric is also a powerful and permanent fabric dye.)

So how can you reap the highly prized benefits of turmeric? And what are some ways you can incorporate it into your own cooking?

In this article, we’ll look at where you can find the golden spice, whether it’s better fresh or dried, and how to use turmeric in recipes.

What Does Turmeric Taste Like?

Vegan Chana Alu Masala

I’m going to sound like a wine sommelier for a minute here because turmeric is a complex spice that isn’t easy to describe. So here goes nothing. I’d say that the best words for the flavor of turmeric are “earthy,” “fragrant,” and “somewhat bitter.” I might also throw in “peppery” and “pungent” for good measure. Those attributes, as well as the spice’s bright yellow color and potent health benefits, can be traced back to curcumin, the active compound in turmeric that’s a proud member of the polyphenol family.

And while turmeric bears a close resemblance to some curry powders, it’s not the same thing. You can often find turmeric as an ingredient in curry, which is actually a spice blend that also features cumin, coriander, cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon, among others (this curry is brought to you by the letter C).

Where to Buy Turmeric

Like curry powder, you can find dried, powdered turmeric in most grocery and health stores in the US and throughout the industrialized world. You can also find it online and at Indian grocery stores. Both of these options are good sources if you plan to use it often and prefer to buy it in bulk.

Fresh turmeric is harder to find. In the US, the tropical plant is grown mainly in Florida and Hawaii, where it’s in season from winter to summer. If you live in a tropical zone, you may be able to get fresh turmeric at a local farmers market. But because it’s hard to find US-grown turmeric, the US is actually the world’s largest importer of turmeric.

Some Western grocery stores (including Sainsbury’s in the UK and Publix, Walmart, and Whole Foods in the US) may carry fresh turmeric. It looks a bit like fresh ginger root, except the turmeric root is thinner and yellower. Natural foods and Indian grocery stores may also have it in stock. In Europe, the Netherlands has become the champion turmeric purchaser, surpassing the UK following the trade upheavals that accompanied Brexit.

However, India is the world’s largest producer of turmeric, with the majority coming from the state of Andhra Pradesh. The two turmeric growing seasons in India are February–May and August–October.

If you happen to be in India, you will have no trouble finding turmeric at the many spice markets in towns and cities across the country. The Indian healing tradition of Ayurveda has venerated turmeric for millennia for its culinary and medicinal properties. It’s also used on religious occasions and in wedding ceremonies. Brides don necklaces dyed with turmeric. And in the pre-wedding haldi ceremony, couples and loved ones are smeared with a turmeric paste.

How to Choose and Store Turmeric

Turmeric roots closeup. Fresh harvest of many turmeric roots background texture. Ahmad

Like its cousin ginger, turmeric is a rhizome, or subterranean plant stem. Shop for fresh turmeric the same way you would for ginger: Look for pieces that are plump, firm, and free of soft bits, mold, or cuts. The root should have a bright orange or yellowish color.

A healthy turmeric rhizome will keep for a couple of weeks in your refrigerator. Store it in a produce bag with a paper towel wrapped around the root to absorb moisture and prevent mold.

After cutting fresh turmeric, store it in an airtight container. You can also freeze turmeric. So if you find a nice root at a good price, you can preserve the goodness for up to six months. Just cut it into pieces first, and store them in a freezer-safe bag or container. For bonus points, peel or scrape off the skin, so you have cooking-ready turmeric as soon as you pull it from the freezer. Frozen turmeric is delightful to grate, as long as you remember to stop before adding your fingertips to the recipe.

Dried turmeric, like many other dried herbs and spices, can last up to three years. If you like, you can try your hand at making your own turmeric powder by first drying turmeric in a food dehydrator. After it’s dry, you just break it down in a food processor or blender and store it in a cool, dry place.

How to Cut and Prep Fresh Turmeric

Before using fresh turmeric, wash it well to remove any dirt. Research shows the best way to clean produce of any kind is in a solution of baking soda and water. This not only cleans the item but also helps remove surface pesticides.

Fresh turmeric can stain your hands, cutting boards, clothing, and pretty much anything else it touches. If you aren’t into temporary amber-colored tattoos, you may want to use kitchen gloves when cutting the roots.

Peeling turmeric is optional, but may be a good idea texture-wise since it removes the papery skin. Once peeled (or not; you do you!), the most common ways to prepare it for cooking are grating or thinly slicing the pieces.

Increasing its Bioavailability

Turmeric roots and black pepper combination enhances bioavailability of curcumin absorption in body for health benefits

While turmeric is a culinary superstar on its own, it’s also a team player with other spices. Pairing fresh or dried turmeric with black pepper increases the bioavailability of its curcumin.

While most of the research on this phenomenon has been conducted on rats, the levels are astounding and probably apply to humans as well.

A 2010 study found that adding pepper to turmeric that was fed to epileptic rats (our view on the use of animals in medical research is here) increased the absorption of turmeric by a whopping 20 times.

Another study (with human subjects) found that 2 grams of curcumin combined with 20 milligrams of piperine (the active component in black pepper) increased the bioavailability of curcumin by 2,000%! As you can see, you don’t need much black pepper to significantly increase the effects of curcumin.

If black pepper isn’t something you routinely add to meals, heat and the addition of fat alongside turmeric (like in FRN’s Creamy Golden Milk below) can also increase curcumin’s absorption — although these two methods are less effective than black pepper.

How to Use Turmeric

If you’d like to use fresh turmeric in a recipe that calls for dried turmeric powder, a one-inch piece of fresh turmeric is the equivalent of one teaspoon of dried turmeric.

Now that you know that, however, what are some of the best ways to use turmeric in your diet? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Raw and grated over salads
  • Cooked into stir-fries and rice
  • Steeped to make tea
  • Mixed into drinks like smoothies or golden milk
  • As part of a homemade spice blend for curries and other Indian dishes
  • In stews, soups, and chilies
  • In baked goods
  • In sauces, dressings, and marinades
  • To color tofu when used as an egg substitute, like in tofu scramble and breakfast hash (pro hint: you need less turmeric than you think)

Turmeric Recipes

Turmeric is a diverse and nourishing spice that is warming, comforting, and nourishing with its earthy flavor and vibrant golden hues. Whether you choose to use fresh or dried turmeric, there is no shortage of creative and delicious ways to enjoy the benefits of this healing spice. Discover some of the best ways to cook with turmeric!

1. Turmeric Tahini Slaw

Turmeric Tahini Slaw is a simple yet creative way to enjoy the healing benefits of turmeric, whether on its own as a crunchy and craveable salad, or as a topping for tacos, burgers, burritos, or grain bowls. There’s plenty of fiber, a cornucopia of colorful veggies, and powerful anti-inflammatory benefits from turmeric — what’s not to love?

2. The Ultimate Immune-Supporting Soup

The Ultimate Immune-Supporting Soup can help you feel well in cold weather and beyond. This savory soup is filled with powerful spices, including turmeric, ginger, and cumin, and alliums, like garlic and leek. Along with herbs and spices, it’s bountiful with cruciferous veggies and plant-based protein, too. Enjoy a big bowlful of this turmeric recipe whenever you need a boost in nutrition!

3. Buckwheat, Tofu, and Broccoli Curry

Hearty, satisfying, and invigorating, thanks to curry spices, plant-based protein, chewy buckwheat, and crunchy broccoli, this dish delivers flavor, texture, and nutrition. Turmeric gives this superfood buckwheat curry a deeply rich golden color (and lots of anti-inflammatory power) that will warm you from the inside out — which may have you glowing from the inside out, too.

4. Saffron Turmeric Rice

Saffron Turmeric Rice recipe photo

Fluffy, fragrant, and full of flavor, Saffron Turmeric Rice is a savory and vibrant fusion of fragrant saffron-infused brown rice. Along with the pure anti-inflammatory goodness of golden turmeric, this recipe creates a delightful rice dish that ranks high in nutrition. It’s also a fun and tasty way to enjoy the healing powers of both saffron and turmeric!

5. Zesty Turmeric Ginger Carrot Cake

Fresh ginger and turmeric bring this wholesome carrot cake to life. These two spices are anti-inflammatory superstars with their phytonutrients gingerol and curcumin, respectively. Heat activates the curcumin in turmeric. But you also have the option of adding a bit of black pepper to the dry ingredients, which has been shown to be most effective in turning on curcumin’s magical powers. Enjoy a slice of this carrot cake with your favorite plant-based milk, and let dessert nourish you!

6. Ginger Turmeric Pineapple Lemonade

Refreshing, yet invigorating and healing — that’s how this soothing Ginger Turmeric Pineapple Lemonade feels as you’re sipping and savoring it. Use fresh ginger and turmeric if you’re able to find them, as they really make a difference in the flavor of the drink. However, ground turmeric and ginger are lovely options as well (and just as healing as fresh). Let this drink comfort you as you’re enjoying a relaxing activity!

7. FRN’s Creamy Golden Milk

Creamy Golden Milk

If you love a bit of earthiness paired with a creamy texture and a touch of spice, then this golden milk is for you. Sip on this healing tonic in the morning as a replacement for coffee or as a calming beverage before bedtime, preparing your body for deep sleep. One of our favorite ingredients, tahini, gives this golden milk recipe a little extra creamy sweetness and is a great way to absorb the benefits of healing turmeric.

Get Cooking with Turmeric!

Now that you know how to choose, store, and use turmeric, you can welcome this golden spice into your kitchen to transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary creations. Its earthy and somewhat bitter notes, complemented by the magical health benefits of curcumin, make it a valuable spice across various cuisines, from Indian curries to Middle Eastern delicacies.

And when it comes to incorporating turmeric into your culinary adventures, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. Experiment with turmeric-infused recipes, creating dishes that delight both your taste buds and your well-being.

Editor’s Note: If you’re looking for a curcumin supplement, here’s my favorite. Purality Health has developed an outstanding product using a cutting-edge micelle liposomal formulation that’s been found to increase bioavailability dramatically. Their formula also contains ginger oil, vegan DHA fatty acids from algae, and beneficial phospholipids. The product is 100% vegan, organic, soy-free, and non-GMO. If you use our link, they’ll contribute a portion of the proceeds to the work of Food Revolution Network. Click here to find out more.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Do you already cook with turmeric? What are your favorite dishes using the spice?
  • Have you ever seen fresh turmeric root at your market or grocer? If so, have you tried it?
  • Which turmeric recipe will you try next?

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The post Terrific Turmeric Recipes: How to Use Turmeric appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

From the Heart: Homemade Food Gifts That Speak Volumes Fri, 08 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Are you searching for a gift that conveys warmth, thoughtfulness, and a personal touch, while nourishing the recipient and being kind to the planet? Look no further than your own kitchen! Homemade food gifts are a delightful way to show someone you care. Here’s how to find recipes, prepare them safely and efficiently, and package them beautifully and sustainably.

The post From the Heart: Homemade Food Gifts That Speak Volumes appeared first on Food Revolution Network.


According to Good Housekeeping magazine, three of the most popular holiday gifts include a set of fishing tackle for catching largemouth and smallmouth bass (for men), a waffle knit pajama set with long sleeves and short pants (for women), and a piece of molded plastic called a Bilibo, which according to the manufacturer’s description can serve as “a turtle shell, a sand scooper,… a rescue helmet,… a cradle for dolls,” depending on the recipient’s imagination.

If none of these seem like the perfect gift for the special people in your life, and you’re thinking of maybe even staying away from mass-produced items entirely, here’s another suggestion: Give the gift of homemade food.

Everybody eats. And while there are lots of delicious items you can buy in stores, there’s really nothing that compares to food made with love and care. And it’s even better when that food was created with you in mind.

Now, let’s put the oven mitt on the other hand and consider how cool it would be for you to make delicious homemade treats for the special people on your “nice” list. Whether for holidays, birthdays, or — my personal favorite reason for gift giving — “just because,”  there’s a unique joy in both giving and receiving something homemade, especially when it’s edible!

Unlike mass-produced food items, food gifts are not just about what’s inside the package but also about the love, effort, and care that you pour into the final product.

In this article, we’ll explore the art of giving homemade food gifts with seven delicious recipes that you can easily give any time of year. And in keeping with our mission here at Food Revolution Network, they all pass our triple test of “healthy, ethical, and sustainable” — in addition to being totally delicious and festive!

Why Homemade Food Makes a Great Gift

Glass jars with different kind of jam and berries on wooden background.

Gifting something homemade rather than store-bought is great for you, the recipient, and the planet.

1. Save Money on Gifts

For one thing, you can save money by making gifts in bulk for multiple recipients. For example, the toasted spice blend recipe below includes sunflower and sesame seeds, as well as small amounts of several spices. You might pay up to $15 for just one spice blend from the store — or you can spend $20 on ingredients and get up to a dozen homemade batches that you can gift to others.

2. Reduce Plastic Waste

The planet benefits when you avoid the plastic waste that often serves as packaging for store-bought food and gifts. (I hereby declare that you get bonus points for gifting the food in a reusable container like these stainless steel food storage containers or even wide mouth mason jars.

3. Practical and Useable

The recipient of a food gift gets something usable and delicious, and, if you’ve done your homework, something they actually want. And — since it’s made with your love — they’ll get something unique. You and your recipient will also know the item was made and given with love (and received with love), which can strengthen and enrich your connection.

4. Controlled Ingredients

Speaking of homework, I’d recommend finding out about your recipients’ taste preferences, dietary restrictions, and allergies, so you can tailor your homemade food gifts to each person. Not only does this ensure a personal touch that store-bought gifts often lack, but it can also avoid the unfortunate situation where your holiday nut brittle sends your favorite aunt to the emergency room in anaphylactic shock.

Even without allergies to think about, when you make food gifts yourself, you get to control the ingredients. You can choose high-quality, whole-food ingredients without any refined sugar or questionable additives.

5. It’s Fun!

Homemade food gifting can also be fun for kids and adults, both as givers and receivers. Let your creativity go wild and create something you’re proud of!

Tips for Choosing a Food to Gift

When choosing a food item to gift, do so with the recipient’s likes and dislikes in mind. The easiest way to gather this information is also the most straightforward: Ask them.

A high-probability strategy to avoid seriously bad outcomes — especially if kids are involved — is to make something that does not contain any of the nine major allergens (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, and sesame seeds). If you stick to 100% plant-based treats, you automatically avoid four of them, so you just have to be cognizant of the nuts and seeds, wheat, and soy.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of food gifting is the chance to cook in bulk, saving both time and money. If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of batch cooking, our meal prep guide has you covered.

Since you’re not FedEx, you may also want to consider making food gifts that are small or at least portable and easy to transport. If you’re going to gift wrap them, think about a form that’s easy to wrap, or at least to stick a bow on.

Some ideas of small and conveniently transported food gifts include the following:

  • Baked goods
  • Homemade canned goods, quick pickles, preserves, etc. (here’s where mason jars come in very handy)
  • Dried herbs, spice mixes, and loose-leaf teas (also a good use of mason jars — look for fancy ones often sold as wedding favors for that extra dash of class)
  • Spiced nuts and seeds or granola
  • Fire cider or kombucha
  • Sauces, soups, dressings, spreads (and DIY kits to make them)
  • Fruits, vegetables, and herbs from your garden

Unless you know that your recipient will want to consume the gift right away, it’s typically more convenient for them if the food is shelf-stable and doesn’t require refrigeration.

Alternatively, you can always gift a coupon for an item that the recipient can redeem at your mutual convenience (and you can have fun and use all your artistic creativity creating the coupon).

Where to Get Food Gift Ideas From

Young women reading recipe for meal, preparing food

To get ideas for food gifts, peruse your favorite cookbooks, or think about cherished family recipes. At the risk of immodesty, this feels like a good time to mention the very first Food Revolution Network hardcover recipe book, Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health.

Some of the recipes in that book that might qualify as excellent gifts include Golden Glow Lemonade (an awesome and delicious healing tonic), Crispy Miso Onion Chickpeas, Super Seedy Granola (seedy in a good way, I assure you), Velvety Chocolate Berry Dessert Cups (yes, healthy, although your recipient may not believe it after taking a bite), and Sublime Sweet Potato Mini Drop Biscuits. To whet your appetite, I’ve included two giftalicious recipes from Real Superfoods below: Sweet and Savory Spiced Pecans and FRN’s Fuel the Fire Cider.

You can also find candidates for food gifts in many other wonderful health-focused, plant-based cookbooks that we love. Check out the cookbook roundup on our blog for additional inspiration.

Practice Food Safety

Since you probably aren’t going to be preparing these food gifts in a commercial kitchen that has to undergo regular safety inspections, it’s really important that you practice fundamental food safety protocols. You do not want to share a side of salmonella with that jam because you did a slapdash job of washing a cutting board.

For kicks, let’s take a minute to review the basics:

  1. Keep things clean: wash your hands and food prep surfaces often.
  2. Separate: don’t cross-contaminate. Don’t chop veggies, for example, on a cutting board where you prepared a block of tofu (or meat if you eat it).
  3. Cook: heat all foods to proper temperatures to kill any pathogens, checking with a food thermometer to be on the safe side.
  4. Chill: refrigerate promptly to prevent bacteria from colonizing foods left for too long at room temperature.

If you will be canning items, be sure to also follow recommended food preservation guidelines to prevent spoilage.

What to Store or Wrap Your Gift In

While the food inside is the main attraction, the food gift packaging can also add fun, sparkle, and class to the experience. You won’t care how great your friend’s homemade applesauce is if they just ladle a pint of it into your lap — which I realize is an extreme example. But this is what my mind sometimes does when I’m a bit hungry while writing about food.

As we’ve seen, another great thing about homemade food gifts is the opportunity for sustainable or zero-waste packaging. And you can decorate this packaging with love and the help of your cleverness and creativity.

Mason jars — and here are a pair of very fancy ones that just scream “vintage” — or upcycled glass containers work well because they’re see-through, so a beautiful spice mix or granola can serve as its own decoration. You can also paint on the glass, or adorn it with ribbons (which I realized just moments ago is an anagram of my last name) and other accents.

You can wrap baked goods in a classy tea towel, a pretty fabric scrap left over from a project, or a reusable food wrap. Then you can deliver them in a basket, tin, or decorated produce bag.

Cereals and mixes can go in reusable silicone bags, which themselves make lovely and thoughtful gifts for someone who likes cooking. If you enjoy secondhand shops and garage sales, you might be able to amass a collection of vintage cookware that would make excellent containers for your homemade food gifts.

Recipes to Give as Food Gifts

Giving can be just as fun as receiving, especially when you tap into your creative talents as an expression of thoughtfulness, care, and gratitude. Giving the gift of scrumptious food not only provides an exciting and rewarding experience for you, it makes sharing delicious plant-based foods even more fun. We hope you enjoy creating and giving these wholesome gifts from the heart with the help of these nourishing recipes!

1. FRN’s Fuel the Fire Cider

FRN’s Fuel the Fire Cider food gift idea

Give the gift of warmth this holiday season with Food Revolution’s Fire Cider. Warming and immune-supporting ginger, turmeric, onion, garlic, and horseradish root create an invigorating, nourishing, and healing tonic that is the perfect gift to give those who could use a little plant magic. What’s more, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. When the vinegar runs out, simply refill and steep again!

2. Toasted Spice Blend

Toasted Spice Blend

Creating your own homemade spice blend as a gift is a thoughtful and tasty way to express your love and appreciation any time of year. This easy-to-make blend is bursting with flavor from the variety of healthy seeds and spices and can transform any meh meal into a fantastic one in a snap. Plus, it’s guaranteed to put a huge smile on the receiver’s face!

3. Pickled Beets

Pickled Beets food gift idea

Vibrant jewel-colored beets set the tone for a merry and bright gift that is as delicious as it is festive! These sweet and tangy beauties are quick to make and don’t require complicated canning. Just stick them in the fridge overnight and enjoy! Pickled beets are an affordable, sustainable, and unique gift that the receiver can enjoy again and again on their own or as an ingredient in a variety of plant-based recipes.

4. Sweet and Savory Pecans

Sweet and Savory Pecans giftable food

When giving the gift of Sweet and Savory Pecans, be prepared for many thank-yous and compliments. What may seem like a rather complex and elegant gift actually couldn’t be more simple to create. These easy-to-make pecans are perfectly sweet, a little savory, and plenty crunchy. To gift them, add them to a mason jar, reusable box, or storage container. In fact, you may spend more time considering how you’d like to present the gift than making the gift itself!

Editor’s Note: Obviously, this is not a recipe for those with nut allergies. If you or your recipient is allergic to nuts, you could make a variation of this with sunflower and pumpkin seeds or try our Super Seedy Granola instead.

5. Balsamic Fig Jam

Balsamic Fig Jam giftable food

This jam is sweet, savory, and just a little bit tangy. A delightful fusion of caramel figs, tart-yet-sweet balsamic, and minty thyme, Balsamic Fig Jam makes a great hostess gift to bring to your next gathering or to contribute to a celebratory vegan charcuterie board! We highly encourage you to whip up a few batches to gift to those on your list who love a sweet and sentimental gift made from whole fruit.

6. Crispy Rosemary Cracker Thins

Crispy Rosemary Cracker Thins

Cracker-making in your own kitchen?! It’s not only a fun activity for you and your family to do together, but it can also make gift-giving even more exciting! These homemade crispy cracker thins are a simple way to express your thoughtfulness and care. Best of all there are no natural or artificial flavorings needed. Thanks to the addition of rosemary, you’re left with a festive and delightfully herby flavor that’s perfect for the gift-giving season!

7. Pecan Cranberry Snowball Cookies

Pecan Cranberry Snowball Cookies gift

Show your appreciation to friends, family, and neighbors this year with the gift of these tasty snowball cookies. You can gift them in a recyclable container or large mason jar. And don’t forget to include a handwritten note about how much you appreciate them (the recipient, that is, not the cookies). Once they try these snowballs, however, they’ll likely send some appreciation right back to you. (P.S. Double the batch so you have some to keep for yourself!)

Editor’s Note: For a nut-free version of this recipe, replace the almond meal with another cup of oat flour and use seeds in place of the pecans.

The Gift of Food Is the Gift of Health

Homemade gifts can be incredibly special both for the giver and receiver. And food, in particular, makes a great gift. You know it’ll get used, and it won’t take up space the way many consumer goods do.

There are many different ways to give food as a gift. But you can start by unleashing your creativity in the kitchen. And then keep that creativity going by using reusable or upcycled items for packaging and containers. Because with homemade food gifts, you’re also giving a piece of your heart, time, and effort, which is a beautiful way to express your love and care for the recipient.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you ever received a homemade food gift? What was your favorite thing about the experience?
  • What are some dishes you make that might make great gifts?
  • Who are three people you can think of who would be grateful recipients of the gift of homemade food?

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The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction Wed, 06 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 The alkaline diet has been around for a while. And it presents a compelling theory about your body and health: that the food you eat determines the pH of your blood, and that a low pH causes all sorts of health problems. The good news is the alkaline diet promotes the consumption of many of the healthiest foods. The bad news is that it does so for some questionable reasons. So what’s useful about the alkaline diet, and where does it diverge from research-backed evidence?

The post The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What if choosing the right foods to eat was as simple as eating those that create a nonacidic or alkaline environment over those that create an acidic environment? Wouldn’t that make life simple? While you may not have thought of acids and alkalines since high school chemistry, this dichotomy is the basis of the alkaline diet.

The principles of eating so-called alkaline-producing foods were first made clear by French biologist Claude Bernard, a giant of science who made many important discoveries, including that the liver stores and releases glycogen and the pancreas releases digestive juices.

It was Bernard’s word on what was later called “homeostasis” that led to the evolution of the alkaline diet. Bernard believed that among the factors that promoted or disturbed a healthy internal environment was the pH of the body and blood. He theorized that an acidic environment, in particular, is a breeding ground for chronic disease — and that what you eat can impact your bodily pH.

Variations of this acid-alkaline dietary pattern have existed since the beginning of the 20th century. But its popularity skyrocketed again in the last few decades via early health influencers like Robert Young, author of The pH Miracle, and the Honduran herbalist Dr. Sebi (who inspired many people to adopt a vegan alkaline diet).

But is there any truth to these theories that the pH of food impacts blood pH, and, therefore, susceptibility to disease? And is the alkaline diet inherently a healthy dietary pattern?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the alkaline diet, comparing its claims to the available scientific evidence.

Understanding pH

acidic food

In order to understand the alkaline diet and its claims, we need to at least have a basic understanding of pH. Potential of hydrogen or pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid. The pH scale goes from 0.0 (highly acidic) to 14.0 (highly alkaline or “basic”) with a neutral point of 7.0.

Our stomachs are very acidic environments with a normal pH of 1.5–3.5. We secrete hydrochloric acid to help us digest our food, activate enzymes, and break down proteins into amino acids. Maintaining those stomach acids also helps protect us from pathogens in the digestive system.

On the other hand, blood is slightly basic or alkaline, with a pH of 7.35–7.45. The body’s acid-base balance is mainly controlled by the respiratory system and the renal system (kidneys). Maintaining this equilibrium is important for the functioning of basic bodily systems, and any disturbance in this pH can be a serious (and even life-threatening) problem.

So What Does the Alkaline Diet Claim?

The central claim of the alkaline diet is that what you eat can alter the pH level of your blood and cells. And that a more alkaline body pH (achieved from the food you eat) can prevent many diseases, including cancer and osteoporosis, while also providing increased energy and well-being.

When it comes to cancer, the theory is that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, so ingesting more alkalizing foods will create a more alkaline and anticancer environment. In this view, eating too many acid-forming foods can put your body into a state of acidosis and result in a decrease in blood pH, with serious metabolic and respiratory consequences in the body.

The bone health theory goes like this: Your body works diligently to keep your blood pH at a healthy level in your arteries and slightly lower in your veins. If you acidify your blood (by eating acid-forming foods, among other things), your body will do whatever it can to achieve equilibrium, including pulling calcium, an alkalizing mineral, from your bones.

To sum it up, the standard Western diet, according to this theory, degrades health and increases the risk of chronic diseases because it promotes an acidic body environment. And an alkaline diet alkalizes the body and blood, staving off chronic disease.

The Alkaline Diet: Foods to Eat vs Avoid

woman preparing a nutritional meal, stock photo, copy space and Yangg Studios

So what foods are supposed to contribute to this alkalizing effect in the body, and which foods don’t?

Most alkaline diet protocols encourage you to eat more alkaline foods that, when metabolized, also leave an alkaline “residue” in your body. Eating this way doesn’t necessarily mean removing all acidic foods from your diet, but instead prioritizing alkaline foods (75–80% of your diet) over acidic ones (20–25% of your diet).

Alkaline foods include many, but not all, vegetables, as well as some fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices, and cold-pressed oils. Neutral and low-acidic foods are also okay in moderation, the majority of which are fruit. Most of the high-alkaline foods are green in color, with leafy greens, green vegetables, and sprouts topping the list.

On the other hand, the foods to avoid on an alkaline diet are those believed to produce an acidic effect. Meat and poultry, dairy, eggs, bread, sweets, and condiments; processed, canned, and fast foods; and beverages like coffee, alcohol, and tea are all off-limits on an alkaline diet.

What the Alkaline Diet Gets Right

Ultimately, there’s a lot of focus on the consumption of whole, plant-based foods and the elimination of most animal products and processed foods on the alkaline diet. So whether or not the underlying theory of the alkaline diet is accurate, there’s no question that eating the preferred foods — whole plants — confers many nutritional benefits.

Conventional Western-style diets are notoriously low in fiber, which is one of the most severely lacking nutrients in industrialized societies. But because the alkaline diet prioritizes whole, plant-based foods, it can make it much more likely you’ll achieve the 25–35 grams of recommended fiber per day.

Eating more fruits and vegetables also means that you’ll be ingesting lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And choosing whole foods over processed or fast foods improves your sodium-to-potassium ratio, which can benefit bone health, reduce muscle wasting, and mitigate other chronic diseases such as hypertension and strokes.

The diet may also be helpful for people with chronic kidney disease because it tends to be relatively low in protein. One systematic review showed evidence that the inclusion of alkaline-producing fruits and vegetables or a vegetarian diet low in acid-producing protein (animal products) can slow kidney disease by reducing metabolic acidosis.

In effect, the alkaline diet can be a perfectly healthy eating pattern for many people because it’s predominantly a plant-based one.

What the Alkaline Diet Gets Wrong

Food Affecting Blood pH

Practitioner measuring pH test strips of urine sample.

The big problem with the claims made by alkaline diet proponents is that they’re based on a misunderstanding of pH and how the body regulates blood pH. The relative alkalinity of the foods you eat doesn’t generally affect the alkalinity or acidity of your blood.

Acids are continuously being produced in the body during normal metabolic processes, but they don’t influence overall bodily pH in healthy individuals. Your body works hard to keep that 7.35–7.45 blood pH range, which is slightly on the alkaline side. If there’s too much acid or base in your system, built-in physiological buffers get rid of it through your urine.

Changing your diet might change the pH of your saliva or urine, but it’s practically impossible to affect the pH of your blood by what you eat. The only times that blood pH is affected is in the case of an acid-base disorder such as advanced stages of shock, diabetic ketoacidosis, or kidney failure — all of which are medical emergencies and not the result of not eating enough alkaline foods.

Focusing on the Wrong Benefits

Not only does the alkaline diet theory misunderstand the mechanisms through which your body regulates its pH, but the narrow focus on this one attribute of plant-based foods ignores the many benefits of plant-based eating that are actually backed up by science. A whole food, plant-based diet supplies an abundance of powerful antioxidants, fiber, and a rainbow of health-promoting phytochemicals. In short, the alkaline diet’s health benefits are real, but they likely have little to do with pH.

Confusing and Restrictive

With a focus mostly on pH and choosing the most alkaline foods, there’s a risk of dietary restriction to the point of nutrient deficiency. It’s easy to get confused about what you are and aren’t supposed to eat, as there’s a lack of consistency in the recommendations, which vary widely. Some lists, for example, say that mushrooms are highly acidic, while others tell us that they are alkalizing.

Little to No Scientific Backing

Nurse preparing patient to do a blood analysis

And most problematic of all, there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the alkaline diet’s biggest claims around diet alkalinity protecting against chronic disease or affecting blood pH.

One 2010 study found that low urine pH predicted neither low bone density nor bone fractures, while another from the same year discovered no correlation between dietary acid load and bone mineral density in older women. A 2011 study found no correlation between dietary acid load and lower bone density, except possibly in older men.

And a 2016 review of over 8,000 published articles relating to dietary pH and cancer found a single clinical trial on the topic. This trial found no relationship between the acid load of the diet and bladder cancer. The researchers concluded, “Despite the promotion of the alkaline diet and alkaline water by the media and salespeople, there is almost no actual research to either support or disprove these ideas.”

The Bottom Line

The alkaline diet, which focuses on pH balance, is a popular diet with many adherents and proponents. It is inherently whole food, plant-based, which can be great, and it’s been shown to be helpful for chronic kidney disease. But beyond that, there’s little to no scientific evidence to support its other health claims. In fact, it’s likely that its benefits have more to do with all of the known advantages that come with a whole food, plant-based diet that steers clear of added sugars, highly processed foods, and animal products.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Were you already familiar with the alkaline diet? Have you ever tried it?
  • What do you think of the alkaline diet approach?
  • What other dietary patterns do you have questions about?

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The post The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Nuts About Walnuts: 7 Tasty Recipes to Try Fri, 24 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 From their early days of cultivation to their status as a food of the gods in ancient Rome, walnuts have long provided top-notch nutrition and unmatched flavor. In this article, we dive into the world of walnuts, including the different types, how to store and toast them, and how to include them in both sweet and savory dishes.

The post Nuts About Walnuts: 7 Tasty Recipes to Try appeared first on Food Revolution Network.


Highly revered in ancient Persia, Greece, and Rome, walnuts weren’t just sustenance; they were symbols of wisdom, immortality, and divine power. While common men were eating acorns, the gods were allegedly eating walnuts. In fact, the Latin name for walnuts became Juglans regia meaning “Jupiter’s acorns,” referring to the Roman god Jupiter (who was the equivalent to the Greeks’ Zeus).

Millennia later, walnuts have seamlessly transitioned from “the food of gods” to modern superfoods, thanks to science-backed research proving their remarkable nutritional benefits. Beyond taste, walnuts boast an exceptional nutritional profile, containing one of the best vegan sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also good sources of vitamin E, B vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, copper, and zinc.

A 2023 analysis of recent US dietary patterns found that many people are not consuming enough nutrients such as magnesium, fiber, and potassium. For kicks, the researchers asked their computer what would happen if those people added just ¼ cup or about 12–14 halves of walnuts a day to their usual diets, with no other changes. Even that tiny change improved their diet quality and brought their levels of under-consumed nutrients into the “adequate” range.

So what types of walnuts are out there? And if you want to add walnuts to your daily diet (and eat like a Roman god), what are some of the best ways to do so?

Types of Walnuts

Variations of walnut, minced, whole, cracked, in jar and nut cracker

There are two main types of walnuts you may encounter in stores and farm stands: English (aka Persian) walnuts and black walnuts. The walnuts you find in the grocery store are almost certainly the English kind. They’re also the ones most often used in cooking, especially in baked goods. They have a soft shell that’s pretty easy to crack with a regular nutcracker.

Black walnuts are the Fort Knox of nuts. They have an extremely hard shell and require industrial-strength tools to open. A friend with a black walnut tree harvests them by spreading them on his driveway and running his truck back and forth over them until the green hulls split open. (He says you can also use a grout mixing bit attached to a corded power drill, but the truck is more fun.)

While there are traditional walnut recipes that include black walnuts or their flour, such as the Pennsylvania Dutch Black John cake, black walnuts are now mainly used in complementary medicine. They’ve been shown to reduce inflammation, which is an underlying cause and contributor to many chronic diseases.

You can also buy or make black walnut oil for sauces and dressings. Handle with care, though; the oil can stain your skin, and the stains can last for weeks, regardless of how much you scrub.

You can easily find shelled English walnuts in most grocery stores. But the unshelled ones are a bit harder to find, especially black walnuts (unless you have your own tree). Look in the bulk bins of natural food stores or in specialty and farmers markets.

How to Store Walnuts

Because walnuts are high in oil, they can go rancid when exposed to warm temperatures for a long period of time. If you’re unsure if they’re still good, give that walnut a sniff. Fresh walnuts smell mildly nutty and have a slightly sweet taste. Rancid walnuts, on the other hand, smell like paint thinner (I’m happy to report that I don’t know what paint thinner tastes like); please don’t eat them.

To keep your walnuts from turning into turpentine, keep them cool, cold, or even frozen. After buying a bag of walnuts, store them unopened in their original packaging. Once you’ve opened the bag, or if you got scoops of them from a bulk bin, keep them in an airtight container. (Here’s a set that we recommend.)

Keep walnuts whole until you’re ready to use them. The happy life span of a chopped walnut is quite short as rancidity is caused by oxidation, and the more exposed surfaces, the quicker the oxygen in the air will turn the oil into something akin to an industrial solvent.

Frozen walnuts can last up to a year or even longer. When you’re ready to use them, transfer them to a refrigerator to thaw, where they’ll remain fresh for up to three months. (Unless, of course, that refrigerator is in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light, in which case something weird happens to time, according to this movie I watched in middle school.)

In the fridge, keep your walnuts separate from strong-smelling foods to prevent them from taking on unwanted flavors. (“Hey, who wants a Fudgy Chocolate Chip and Walnut and Garlic Pesto Brownie?”)

How to Toast Walnuts

Walnuts in pan for toasting

Raw walnuts are awesome, and I would never argue with anyone who says that. At the same time, toasting your walnuts can enhance their natural flavor and impart them with a satisfying crunch that goes really well in many dishes.

There are a couple of techniques you can use to toast your walnuts. One is to place them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and bake in a 350° F (175° C) oven for 8–10 minutes until just starting to turn golden brown.

Here’s a short video demonstrating this process, courtesy of the folks at the California Walnut Board:

If you want a more intimate and hands-on experience of walnut toasting, you can toss them in a pan on your stovetop for 2–5 minutes. Since they burn easily, toss and stir often and use medium heat (or even a bit lower, depending on your stove). Do not get distracted, even if your child or significant other comes in, puts on oven mitts, and pretends to be a lobster. Also, make sure not to overcrowd the pan to ensure even roasting.

Walnut Uses

Walnuts just want to be your friend, and they’ll happily fit into both sweet and savory recipes. Here are some sweet ways to include walnuts in your diet:

  • Baked goods
  • As a topping for oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothie bowls
  • Nut and seed butters
  • In granola

And if it’s savory you’re after, here are a bunch of options:

  • Mixed with lentils for fillings in tacos or veggie burgers
  • As a topping for salad
  • Blended into dressings, sauces, and spreads
  • Stuffed into vegetables
  • In a vegan charcuterie board
  • In homemade crackers

Walnut Recipes

Walnuts are so much more than just your average tree nut. They’re a delicious and crunchy topping to add to your morning oats or salad. They make an excellent base for sweet or savory sauces and spreads. And they add a bonus bit of texture and nutrition to delectable baked goods. From dressings to brownies to porridge, there’s something for everyone in this walnut recipe roundup!

1. Walnut Apple Amaranth Porridge

Walnut Apple Amaranth Porridge

Walnut Apple Amaranth Porridge is a harmonious blend of naturally sweet apple, nutty amaranth, and buttery walnuts creating a warm breakfast that is equal parts cozy and nutritious. Plus, the satisfying crunch of walnuts in your porridge not only adds a delightful texture but also offers a healthy source of fats and protein. This fall-themed porridge will keep you full and satisfied, making breakfast time an autumn delight!

2. Roasted Fig and Walnut Arugula Salad with Wheat Berries and Vegan Feta

Roasted Fig and Walnut Arugula Salad with Wheat Berries and Vegan Feta

Walnuts are the pièce de résistance in this Roasted Fig and Walnut Arugula Salad with Wheat Berries and Vegan Feta. With so many delicious ingredients, walnuts not only tie all of them together but also manage to stand out in the crowd, too. They add a significant helping of omega-3 fatty acids along with essential minerals, including magnesium, manganese, and copper. Meanwhile, you’ll also experience a sweetness from the roasted fig, bitterness from the arugula, and tanginess from the vegan feta. This walnut salad recipe is a veritable feast for your taste buds!

3. Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Plant-based dressings like this sweet and savory Apple Walnut Dressing are incredibly versatile — and much healthier than a store-bought salad dressing. You can easily make this dressing with whole foods and without oil (thanks to walnuts!). This walnut recipe is also super fast to make, usually coming together in minutes. Plus, it’s nutrient-packed, making plant-based meals extra scrumptious. The versatility of walnuts never ceases to amaze!

4. Walnut Pesto Angel Hair Pasta

Walnut Pesto Angel Hair Pasta

Introducing Walnut Pesto Angel Hair Pasta! The combination of kale, avocado, basil, garlic, and nutritional yeast makes the pesto super nourishing. And it’s even more elevated when you add omega-3-rich walnuts to it. Walnuts offer the perfect balance of nutty flavor and buttery texture, which makes them a fantastic addition to plant-based sauces and dressings. Altogether, with warm angel hair pasta, you’ll get a comforting, wholesome, and flavorful dish the whole family will love!

5. Vegan Walnut Parmesan

Vegan Walnut Parmesan

This Vegan Walnut Parmesan offers a similar flavor profile to traditional parmesan cheese, thanks in part to walnuts’ healthy fats carrying the nutritional yeast’s umami flavor! Seasoned with umami flavors from the nutritional yeast, onion powder, and garlic powder, this walnut and sunflower seed parmesan is an easy-to-sprinkle and delicious-to-devour plant-based condiment. It’s a wonderful complement to many dishes, including pasta, steamed vegetables, casseroles, and stews — or anything that calls for a crumbly cheese topping.

6. Cashew Walnut Butter

Cashew Walnut Butter

Making homemade nut butter can be one of the most simple yet rewarding things you can do to better your health. Plus, it’s fun and delicious! This recipe combines cashews and walnuts, resulting in a creamy, slightly sweet, and buttery spread. You can also stir in chia or hemp seeds or add cacao powder for a chocolate-infused nut butter.

7. Fudgy Chocolate Chip and Walnut Brownies

What’s better than a warm fudgy brownie? If you guessed a warm fudgy brownie with walnuts, you’d be correct! These Fudgy Chocolate Chip and Walnut Brownies may seem too good to be true, but you certainly can have your (plant-based) brownie and eat it, too. Made with fiber-rich oat flour, fair-trade dark chocolate, applesauce, and mashed banana, these brownies will have you coming back for more with their dense, fudgy texture. Make these walnut brownie recipes anytime for a naturally sweet treat you’ll be excited to sink your teeth into!

Go Nuts with Walnuts!

From ancient Rome to contemporary kitchens, walnuts have stood the test of time. Their impressive nutritional profile makes them an easy choice for health-conscious people, and their nutty, earthy taste ensures that even gourmands will enjoy dishes that feature walnuts. In a nutshell — ha! — whether you’re cooking sweet or savory recipes, consider walnuts as a lovely addition to everyday and festive meals.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you ever eaten a dish made with black walnuts?

  • What are your favorite ways to eat English walnuts?

  • Which walnut recipe will you try next?

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The post Nuts About Walnuts: 7 Tasty Recipes to Try appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Quercetin: Health Benefits, Risks, and Sources Compared Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Your favorite fruits and vegetables get their color and much of their health-boosting power from compounds called polyphenols. One of the most abundant and best-studied of these compounds is quercetin. Known for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, quercetin may help with heart, brain, and gut health. But where can you find quercetin in food? And are food sources enough, or should you be supplementing?

The post Quercetin: Health Benefits, Risks, and Sources Compared appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The 18th and 19th centuries in England were, for the most part, fairly prudish times. If passionate young people wanted to express their feelings for one another, they couldn’t just make a playlist or respond to text messages with heart emojis. Instead, they resorted to floriography or the language of flowers. A rose wasn’t just a rose: A red rose signified passion; a pink one said, “Meh;” a white rose warned, “I’m going to stay pure, so watch it, buddy;” and a yellow rose promised undying friendship.

Plants communicate with us and the world using the language of color as well. While they don’t share romantic sentiments (as far as we know — although I’ve known some blackberry brambles that could get quite handsy), they do give us clues as to their healing powers.

The compounds in plants that enable them to send such signals are called polyphenols. There are over 8,000 of them (at least that we know of), and they belong to a few distinct families. The largest of these families, with over 6,000 compounds (and counting), is flavonoids.

(If you’re eager to read a big honking article all about flavonoids and why they’re so good for you, click here.)

One of the most commonly consumed flavonoids is called quercetin. It’s also one of the most studied. And it’s often touted as a nutrient that can play a big role in the prevention and treatment of heart disease. But what does science say about quercetin? How does it work in the body? Does it have other health benefits aside from cardiovascular? What foods are the best sources? And do you need to supplement to get enough?

Let’s explore the mysterious world of quercetin, and find out all the ways this powerhouse compound is trying to express its love.

What Is Quercetin?

Quercetin molecular skeletal chemical formula. Bunha

Quercetin is a proud member of the flavonoid family of polyphenols — a class of phytonutrients produced by plants to help them resist fungi, bacteria, and other infections, as well as deter consumption by insects and animals. Quercetin comes in several forms, and one of the most famous among them is rutin.

Rutin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and provides some protection against cancer and other diseases. It’s found in high concentrations in buckwheat, and in ginkgo, apples, and other fruits and vegetables.

Rutin, like almost all forms of quercetin, acts as an antioxidant in the body, helping protect you from disease, much like it protects plants from bugs and harmful bacteria. In your body, antioxidants help regulate oxidative stress pathways, preventing and repairing cellular and DNA damage.

Quercetin Health Benefits

Quercetin works on so many systems in the body that it’s no surprise it appears useful in preventing and treating a wide range of conditions. It’s usually easiest for researchers to study a compound when given as a supplement because food comes with a myriad of synergistic variables (such as antioxidants, fiber, calories, and other nutrients) that can impact results. So, most of the research on quercetin has involved supplemental forms. However, keep in mind that, as with most nutrients, food forms are probably best. Here are a few health benefits of quercetin that have been solidly backed up by scientific research (many involving supplementation, for the purposes of the studies).

Quercetin and Heart Health

Quercetin has shown impressive cardiovascular effects in animal and test-tube studies. It lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, improves glucose control, prevents the buildup of plaque in arteries, and protects the heart from damage. Clinical trials in humans have found that quercetin can contribute to healthier cholesterol numbers.

A 2016 meta-analysis of seven small controlled clinical trials (with a total of under 600 participants) found a reduction of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure with quercetin supplementation of more than 500 milligrams per day.

One way quercetin can support your heart is by protecting one of the cardiovascular system’s “weakest links:” the endothelial lining of your blood vessels. The endothelium performs a host of essential functions, including helping control the width of your blood vessels and playing a role in blood clotting, inflammation, and immune responses. As it ages, it tends to wear out, and modern drugs and surgical techniques haven’t been able to extend its working life.

Quercetin, on the other hand, appears to protect the endothelium from damage, and in doing so, could help to prevent certain types of heart disease.

Quercetin for COVID-19

Woman with flu in bed, she use home medicine to handle sickness

Quercetin is known for its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other beneficial effects in the fight against SARS, a coronavirus in the same family as COVID-19.  That’s why scientists have had high hopes for the flavonoid as a means of preventing and treating COVID-19.

Researchers in 2022 found that quercetin did indeed inhibit three parts of the coronavirus cycle of infection: entry, absorption, and penetration. They suggested that it might work synergistically with vitamins C, D, and E as well as other polyphenols as a first-line prevention and treatment protocol for the novel coronavirus.

This was put to the test in a study published in early 2023, in which 50 patients with COVID-19 were given either standard of care or standard of care plus 500 milligrams of quercetin per day. The quercetin group had fewer symptoms than the control group, recovered faster, and tested negative sooner as well.

Some researchers and clinicians are starting to include quercetin in “inventive” drug compositions designed to treat COVID-19, pairing it with vitamins, other phytonutrients, and mainstream pharmaceuticals like Paxlovid.

Quercetin and Cancer

Quercetin appears to disrupt the progression of some cancers, particularly those of the gastrointestinal system, by pushing cancerous cells to self-destruct (a process known as apoptosis). It can also arrest the cycle through which the cancer cells divide and proliferate, as well as inhibit angiogenesis, which is the creation of new blood vessels in a growing tumor.

And that’s just scratching the surface of the ways quercetin appears to mess with cancer. Recently, researchers have been exploring the use of quercetin as an ingredient in “chemoprevention” cocktails that aim to stop cancer before it turns into a clinically significant disease. Preliminary studies have shown that quercetin is lethal to ovarian cancer cells at doses well within the range considered to be safe for daily consumption.

Quercetin for Inflammation

Unrecognizable medical professional holding a hand of a patient with an alarming skin condition, looking at it and carefully accessing the situation

One of the most significant risk factors in the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes is obesity. But why? What’s the connection?

Some researchers point to the fact that obesity causes chronic inflammation, particularly in the liver, fat cells, skeletal muscles, and circulatory system. Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory power can lessen insulin resistance (a key driver of type 2 diabetes) and combat atherosclerosis (a big component of heart disease). Also, quercetin helps gut microbiota stay healthy even when dealing with obesity-related inflammation.

A 2020 study found that treating skin cells with quercetin protected them against damage from the inflammation that accompanies skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. Quercetin increased levels of protective compounds (occludin and E-cadherin, if you’re into the details here) and reduced levels of harmful ones (matrix metalloproteinases, to be precise). What’s more, wounds treated with quercetin healed faster, due partly to an increased production of skin proteins and inhibition of the release of enzymes that can degrade skin tissue.

Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory properties suggest that it may also be a powerful booster of the immune system. But as careful scientists love to say, “More research is needed.”

Quercetin and Brain Health

Scientists are also hopeful about quercetin’s potential as a therapy to prevent the progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. It may shield your brain cells from harmful effects caused by unstable molecules (there’s that antioxidant superpower again) while also reducing the breakdown of fats in the brain.

Quercetin also stops the buildup of specific harmful proteins, preventing cell destruction and what’s ominously known as inflammatory cascade pathways.

In addition to Alzheimer’s, other neurodegenerative diseases that are fueled by inflammation include Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The inflammation in the brain among these disorders can lead to neuronal cell death, with devastating consequences for health, life span, and quality of life.

Recent research has uncovered a possible mechanism by which quercetin can put a stop to this inflammation — by influencing the expression of microRNA. MicroRNA is a small noncoding RNA molecule involved in various biological processes, including development, cell differentiation, and proliferation. Some researchers believe that quercetin’s ability to influence microRNA could be a powerful tool in preventing the damage that accompanies inflammation, and they’re exploring methods of delivering the nutrient in ways that increase its efficacy.

Quercetin Bioavailability

Beautiful black woman eating healthy fresh organic salad

Your body can’t make its own quercetin, so the only way to take advantage of this amazing compound is to get it from food or supplements. If you’re eating a nutritionally excellent diet with a variety of whole plant foods, the good news is that you can expect to consume up to 13 milligrams of quercetin per day.

The less good news is that quercetin bioavailability is generally low. Or at least, humans don’t appear to be very good at absorbing it. All is not lost, though. It turns out that some of your gut microbes are very good at metabolizing quercetin into forms your body can use and benefit from.

There are several ways to increase the bioavailability of quercetin. A 2005 study measured the amount of quercetin in several onion cultivars that were either baked, sautéed, or boiled. Researchers found that baking and sautéing increased quercetin concentrations while boiling decreased them.

You can also absorb more quercetin if you pair quercetin-containing foods with a fat source. That’s because quercetin dissolves in fat, which is why it’s known as lipophilic. And having those foods along with sources of water-soluble fiber, such as pectin and soybeans, may also improve quercetin bioavailability.

Finally, quercetin is more bioavailable when consumed as part of a whole food. That is to say, your body appears to recognize it and know what to do with it when it is delivered in a familiar package, together with all the other phytonutrients contained in that food.

Food Sources of Quercetin

Should You Take Quercetin Supplements?

Since quercetin is in so many different plant foods, for most people, supplements are probably not necessary — especially since whole-food sources appear to be more bioavailable.

There might be some instances, however, in which quercetin supplements could be beneficial. For someone suffering from chronic inflammation, supplemental quercetin may help. And studies have shown that it can inhibit histamine production and pro-inflammatory mediators, which could help allergy sufferers.

A 2016 study of rats who had had noxious chemicals sprayed into their nostrils found that supplementing at 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight for at least five days reduced nasal rubbing and sneezing. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

As we’ve seen, quercetin supplementation can reduce the length and seriousness of COVID-19, especially if administered at an early stage. It may also be able to improve performance and recovery in athletes, who seem to need more antioxidants than other people to counter the oxidative damage brought on by intense physical exertion.

In terms of safety, clinical trials of supplemental quercetin have shown no significant side effects with doses of up to 1,000 milligrams per day for up to 12 weeks. As quercetin isn’t very bioavailable to begin with, supplements often include another bioactive compound that can help with absorbability. Quercetin may be absorbed more effectively when combined with bromelain, zinc, and/or vitamin C.

Editor’s note: Gade Nutrition makes a vegan and non-GMO quercetin supplement that comes with bromelain, zinc, and vitamin C. Find out more here.

Side Effects of Quercetin Supplements

Thinking about her journey with breast cancer, a mature adult woman leans against the window and looks out. Productions

The most common side effects of quercetin supplements are headache and upset stomach.

In terms of drug interactions — quercetin can impact how the body responds to certain medications, including blood thinners, antibiotics, and other drugs with a similar chemical structure. Quercetin may also interact with chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. Whether it improves their effectiveness or gets in their way is still up for debate.

And in female rats with estrogen-induced breast cancer, even dietary quercetin was problematic, as it increased tumor severity. However, it remains to be seen whether the same can be said for humans.

Since studies show that quercetin can significantly lower blood pressure and may protect cardiovascular health, it may enhance the effects of blood pressure and blood-thinning medications. Therefore, it’s probably best to talk with your health care provider before starting quercetin supplementation if you’re taking these types of medications.

Recipes with Quercetin

From delightful salads featuring quercetin-packed blueberries to a hearty dish that incorporates quercetin-rich artichokes, these recipes provide delicious ideas for how to enjoy everyday quercetin-filled foods. Enjoy the healing benefits of quercetin to help nourish your heart health, immune system, brain function, and more — all while indulging in plenty of delicious whole food, plant-based ingredients!

1. Cinnamon Apple Breakfast Smoothie

Indulge in our Cinnamon Apple Breakfast Smoothie, a delightful morning treat that not only tantalizes your taste buds but will also boost your day with quercetin and other vital nutrients. At the heart of this smoothie lies the unassuming apple, packed with quercetin, a potent flavonoid renowned for its antioxidant prowess. By including an apple in your smoothie, you’re also inviting the goodness of quercetin to join the party, enhancing both flavor and nutrition.

2. The Shine Brightly Salad

Shine Brightly Salad

We just love how The Shine Brightly Salad can’t help but put a smile on people’s faces. The addition of sweet and juicy blueberries is one big reason why! Blueberries are bursting with quercetin, which is your ally in the fight against oxidative stress and inflammation. Plus, when combined with fresh leafy greens and toasty sunflower seeds, you’ll enjoy a fresh and vibrant salad that will help you shine from the inside out!

3. Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne

Artichokes are among the top quercetin-rich veggies — and boy, oh boy, do we love them (and hope you do, too!). This Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne is loaded with powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, and essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, niacin, and folate. Adding artichokes to your diet regularly is a great way to lower inflammation and increase healing through plant power. What’s more, this colorful pasta has tons of fiber from the veggies, whole grains, and lentils, as well as protein from the lentils — so you’ve got the complete package when it comes to this meal.

Embrace the Power of Quercetin

Quercetin, a compound found in some of our most popular fruits and vegetables, is a powerhouse of nutritional goodness. Thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting abilities, it appears to be something of a dietary medicine cabinet in a single nutrient.

Some people, such as athletes and those suffering from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, may benefit from supplementation. But for most people, eating a varied and balanced diet will allow you to get the quercetin (and other phytonutrients and antioxidants) you need to optimize your health.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Which colors of the “food rainbow” do you want to eat more often?
  • What are your favorite quercetin-containing foods?
  • Which quercetin-rich recipe will you try next?

Featured Image: Jan

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The post Quercetin: Health Benefits, Risks, and Sources Compared appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The Price of Food: What’s Making Food So Expensive & What You Can Do About It Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Food prices have risen dramatically in the last few years. But why? And how can you reduce your food bill without sacrificing your health?

The post The Price of Food: What’s Making Food So Expensive & What You Can Do About It appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What’s going on with food prices these days? You may have noticed that your food bill is dramatically higher than it was a few years ago. And it’s not just you. Food is more expensive pretty much everywhere, and the jump has been staggering.

According to economists (who, it seems to me, are a lot better at explaining the past than predicting the future), this massive food inflation is actually caused by a perfect storm of rising demand and lower supply — both intensified by several calamities (like droughts, floods, wars, and knock-on effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) — as well as rising costs for fuel and fertilizer.

For perspective, food prices have typically been rising by about 2% a year for a long time. But from 2021 to 2022, they went up by an average of 11%. And while things seem to have calmed down a bit since then, it’s still easy to get sticker shock any time you visit a cash register.

Even if you’re not paying more outright, you might be paying more in subtle ways. The food industry has recently implemented a tactic known as “shrinkflation,” whereby they offer the same product for the same price — in a smaller quantity, thus avoiding the appearance of higher prices. (“Hey, this is one expensive cornflake!”)

So why exactly have food prices gone up so much? Why do some foods always seem to cost more (or less) than others? And what can you, as a consumer, do about it?

What Influences Food Prices

Did I mention that I’m not an economist? That might be good news here because I’m going to try to simplify the issue of food pricing. There are a few major factors that always influence food pricing. These include how much it costs to produce the food (including the cost of labor for everyone involved in growing and processing it), the cost of transportation and distribution, good old supply and demand, and global trade policies.

Why have food prices gone up so much in the last few years? Three factors stand out, in particular: the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the intensifying climate crisis.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

Two African-American workers in their 40s at a shipping port conversing. One is a truck driver, leaning out the open window of his semi-truck. He is talking to a woman standing next to the truck, a dock worker or manager coordinating deliveries. They are looking at the clipboard she is holding. They are wearing protective face masks, working during COVID-19, trying to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Starting in 2020, the pandemic disrupted nearly every link in the food supply chain. The food processing sector was hit particularly hard, with COVID-19 outbreaks racing through the workforce, due to many people working in close, inadequately ventilated quarters. And the increase in worker turnover, in addition to new COVID protocols, further increased food production costs.

The same labor shortages affected the shipping industry, causing delays and increasing competition for limited shipping space. This led to rising transportation costs. It also increased the price of labor: In order to attract workers, companies had to increase wages, a cost they largely passed directly on to consumers.

As many people shifted their food spending from restaurants to grocery stores, suppliers could not keep up with the change in demand, resulting in massive food waste that effectively decreased supply.

And while 2020 is in the rearview mirror, there’s a funny thing about economics. When prices go up, they rarely come down again. So in some ways, we’re still feeling the effects of the price increases that started in 2020. And now, some additional factors have intensified the situation.

The War in Ukraine

Shot of vast fields of grain in sunny day with graphs and arrow.

Before the war, Russia and Ukraine were among the largest wheat producers in the world, together accounting for 30% of all exports — and a staggering 12% of all agricultural calories traded on earth. Both production and export have dropped dramatically due to the war.

Russia set up blockades of Ukrainian food exports in the Black Sea, stranding food in ports and creating global shortages. Western countries responded with sanctions against Russian grain exports, intensifying those shortages.

In addition to embargoes on food, the West has also implemented partial bans on Russian exports. These have included oil and gas, which have increased the energy costs associated with food production around the world.

Another blockaded product is fertilizer. As Russia is a major exporter of synthetic fertilizers, accounting for almost 30% of all exports globally, fertilizer prices have also been soaring — impacting farmers and, therefore, food prices.

Increasing Climate Chaos and Disasters

Corn crop or withered crop due to climate change

As temperatures continue to rise, crops are sustaining damage from excess heat. And as precipitation patterns change, droughts and flooding (sometimes alternating in the same place) also prevent crops from thriving. This can harm crops by eroding soil, depleting soil nutrients, and increasing runoff.

No farmer wants to try to coax crops out of the ground in conditions of extreme and prolonged drought. As more and more of the arable land on Earth suffers under multiyear drought, farmers are increasingly relying on groundwater, which they’re depleting at an alarming rate.

Additionally, rising temperatures increase pest populations and sometimes allow new pests to take up residence in regions that had previously been inhospitable for them. Temperature shifts can also cause a mismatch in pollination cycles, so the “good” bugs can’t do their jobs — leading to low pollination rates or delayed pollination.

One more disastrous effect of a warming planet is the danger to agricultural workers. More and more of them are suffering from the effects of extreme heat as they toil in parched fields. The National Institutes of Health tells us that farmworkers are 35 times more likely to die of heat exposure than workers in other industries. As conditions become less hospitable, it can be harder for farm owners to find the skilled laborers they need to get their fields planted and harvested. And dynamics in US immigration policy have contributed to a shortage of these workers.

As the planet continues to overheat, and as groundwater gets depleted and droughts and floods intensify, food prices are expected to continue to increase in the coming decades.

Why Do Some Foods Always Cost More (or Less)?

Governmental policies cause some foods to be more expensive than they would be otherwise — while others are made artificially cheaper. To see this in action, let’s look at a category of foods whose price is inflated (organic foods) and another whose price is deflated (grains and the products derived from grains).

Organic and Healthy Food Costs

Waist-up view of smiling Middle Eastern woman in casual attire selecting zucchini from variety of vegetables in retail display under protective umbrellas.

Organic foods are more expensive than their “conventional” counterparts for several reasons. For one, organic food typically costs more to produce because the process is more labor-intensive than large-scale industrial agricultural methods.

Supply and demand play a role here as well. There’s a much smaller supply of organic food than nonorganic, even though demand for organic foods has more than doubled in the past 10 years. While this demand has caught the attention of some farmers who have decided to convert part or all of their operations to organic methods, this process takes time. In the meanwhile, prices continue to rise as demand grows, but supply lags.

There’s also a policy choice that makes organic food more expensive, which is that organic certification is costly, and getting that certification can be time-consuming. Organic farmers must keep extensive records and pay for organic certification, while farms that use synthetic pesticides don’t have to do either.

Another reason for organic’s higher prices has to do with the concept of “externalities” — that is, costs that arguably should be included in the market price but aren’t.

For example, what are the true costs of topsoil erosion, pesticide exposure for farmworkers and consumers, water and air pollution, or of the routine use of antibiotics in modern factory farms? If these were factored in, we might find that organic food would cost less, not more, than its conventional counterparts.

The fact is that organically grown foods tend to be better for environmental protection and carbon sequestration, deliver higher standards for animal welfare, and contribute to a safer and healthier food supply.

But consumers still have to pay more, and sometimes a lot more, to purchase foods that are grown organically.

Despite this, there are still some compelling advantages to go organic if you can afford to do so. And if you can’t, then you might want to soak your produce in a dab of baking soda to help rid it of pesticide exposure (for our article on what works best, click here).

Government Subsidies

The US government provides agricultural subsidies — monetary payments and other types of support — to farmers or agribusinesses. This ensures that farmers receive a minimum price for their crops while also incentivizing overproduction and inflated production costs. That way, subsidized foods and products made from them appear cheaper than nonsubsidized foods.

Generally, only the largest producers can take advantage of farm subsidies. According to a report from the Environmental Working Group, between 1995 and 2021, the top 10% of all US farm subsidy recipients received almost 80% of all subsidies, while the bottom 80% got less than 10%.

The five major “program” commodities are corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.

Most soybeans and corn are produced by massive monocrop farms rather than small family enterprises. A lot of this subsidized corn and soy is fed to livestock, which artificially lowers the price of animal-derived foods produced on factory farms. All told, the US federal government spends $38 billion every year subsidizing the meat and dairy industries. Without these subsidies, a pound of hamburger meat could cost $30, rather than the $5 price seen today. But the true cost plays out in its impact on our health, animals, and the environment — and in the form of taxes and expansion of the national debt.

Is it better in Europe? Well, in many ways, it’s not. According to a 2019 report from Greenpeace, nearly one-fifth of the EU’s entire budget goes to subsidizing the livestock industry.

In effect, these subsidies consistently decrease the price of things like factory-farmed meat, high-fructose corn syrup, white bread, and many of the additives in our food supply — creating a marketplace distortion that makes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other healthy staples more expensive in comparison.

To my eyes, it’s a bit like we’re all being fined for wearing our seatbelts. If we want to do the safer and more responsible thing, we have to pay extra.

What You Can Do About Rising Food Prices

A cheerful young woman holds a pen and shopping list as she stands in the produce section of a grocery store. She has a shopping basket on her arm as she checks her list. Productions

If you’re feeling the pinch of rising food prices yourself, there are several strategies that can help you stay within your budget without sacrificing your family’s health.

Make a budget and shop from a list to avoid making impulse purchases while at the store. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods over calorie-dense ones. The latter may seem cheaper by the pound or the calorie, but in terms of what foods can do for you (or to you), good nutrition is more economical than impaired functioning or chronic disease. And buy and cook in bulk to save money and time.

Try to shop locally if you can to avoid incentivizing costly supply chains. If you’re in the US and use SNAP benefits, keep in mind that you can use them to shop for fresh produce at many farmers markets.

Also, buy organic when you can. If you are in a position financially where you can afford to spend more, you can “vote with your dollars” (or euros or pounds or rupees) to make the system fairer and more accessible to everyone. But if you can’t afford the organic price premium, then aim for non-GMO produce items and wash them thoroughly to reduce your pesticide exposure as much as possible.

If you have to choose which fruits and veggies to buy organic, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. Choose organic members of the Dirty Dozen club, and don’t sweat nonorganic Clean 15 items.

Frozen fruits and vegetables can sometimes be more affordable than fresh ones, and they contain abundant nutrition.

And reducing your consumption of animal products can not only help feed the world’s population because we aren’t cycling our crops through animals (a process that wastes at least 9 out of every 10 calories, depending on the crop and the animal eating it), but it can also lead to reductions in costly greenhouse gas emissions, too. Plus, beans tend to be a lot less costly than beef (to animals, the environment, and your wallet, too).

Food Pricing Is Complex, But Healthy Eating Shouldn’t Be

The recent surge in food prices has highlighted the intricate web of factors influencing the cost of our food. From labor shortages and technology costs to climate change and war, the forces at play are vast and interconnected.

But there are ways to navigate these challenging times. By adopting conscious strategies, we can mitigate the impact of rising food prices on our wallets and well-being. Through awareness and mindful decision-making, we can not only do right for our health, but we can also contribute to a more healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What foods that you buy frequently have gone up the most in price recently?
  • Have you made any changes or substitutions because of food price inflation?
  • Which cost-saving strategies could you try?

Featured Image: Erceg

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The post The Price of Food: What’s Making Food So Expensive & What You Can Do About It appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You Wed, 15 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Polyphenols are compounds that give many plant foods their vibrant colors and distinctive tastes. They not only protect plants from disease and sun damage, but when you eat those plants, you’re getting similar benefits. So what does the evidence say about how polyphenols can fight chronic disease, and what the best sources are?

The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Imagine you’re a plant. You can’t run away from the insects trying to eat you alive. You can’t wash off bacteria, viruses, or fungi before they can infect you. And you can’t put on SPF 50 sunscreen or a big floppy hat to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

What do you do to stay alive and thrive in the face of all these challenges? If you answered “synthesize polyphenols,” then congratulations! You’ve just won this round of “Are You as Smart as a Plant?”

Polyphenols are a class of compounds (a huge class, actually, made up of at least 8,000 different ones that we know of) that are in a wide variety of plant foods. You may have heard of some of them, like resveratrol (found in grapes and red wine) and EGCG (featured in green tea).

Plants produce them as protection from various threats, including disease and sun damage. And animals who consume those plants can also benefit from polyphenols in similar ways.

As industrialized societies struggle to contain multiple epidemics of chronic disease, many medical experts and researchers are now pointing to polyphenols (and other nutrients found in whole, minimally processed plant foods) as powerful allies in preventing and treating a variety of chronic conditions.

So in this article, we’ll explore the world of polyphenols, including how they work in your body, their health benefits, and whether you should get them from food or supplements.

What Are Polyphenols?

Curcuma longa, powder and rhizomes. Complementary medicine

Polyphenols are natural compounds found in various plants. Researchers consider polyphenols to be kind of “bonus” compounds, or in their jargon, “secondary metabolites.” This means they’re not directly involved in the growth, development, or reproduction of a plant.

Plants produce polyphenols as a defense mechanism against ultraviolet radiation and aggression from pathogens. But they aren’t purely defensive; they’re also deployed to attract pollinators.

From our perspective, polyphenols play a significant role in the flavors and health benefits that many plant foods offer. They can change the way plants taste, and determine their colors and aromas.

Polyphenols are also antioxidants, so their presence can keep plant foods from rotting (a trick known as “oxidative stability”). They also can help prevent oxidative stress in your body after you consume them, which can help stave off many types of disease.

There are several subfamilies of polyphenols, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lignans. In addition to resveratrol and EGCG mentioned above, another well-studied polyphenol is curcumin, found in turmeric root and powder.

What Are the Health Benefits of Polyphenols?

The “poly” in polyphenol means that all compounds in this family have multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups — but could just as easily refer to their ability to prevent and treat multiple health conditions.

Polyphenols and Cancer Prevention

Both test-tube and animal studies suggest that polyphenols can help prevent the initiation and progression of several cancers. They do this via a number of mechanisms, including inhibiting the proliferation and spread of cancer cells, suppressing tumor growth, preventing the formation of new blood vessels, and fighting inflammation.

Different classes of polyphenols exhibit different anticancer properties. For example, flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, can inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death. Resveratrol suppresses tumor growth, inhibiting metastasis and reducing angiogenesis. And curcumin, derived from turmeric, is multitalented; it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, apoptotic, antiangiogenic — and a bunch of other words that don’t begin with A.

Many forms of polyphenols are also known to influence critical signaling pathways that are integral to the initiation, advancement, and spread of cancer.

And polyphenols aren’t just cancer fighters on their own; they’re also team players. Researchers have found that polyphenol combinations are more powerful than the effects of each one individually. For example, a mixture containing quercetin, curcumin, green tea, Cruciferex (a proprietary blend of polyphenols found in cruciferous vegetables), and resveratrol significantly inhibited the growth of a particular cancer of the head and neck.

Polyphenols and Heart Health

Heart shaped blueberries with one raspberry on a gray wooden background

Polyphenols can also protect your heart in a bunch of different ways. They reduce cardiac inflammation and oxidative stress, support cell mitochondria in doing their job properly, and increase survival signaling (the ways cells talk to each other when they encounter a potential threat).

Some polyphenols have also been found to reduce the formation of blood clots, which decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And the flavonoid family of polyphenols promotes the dilation of blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow — both of which help with cardiovascular health.

Polyphenols can also improve your cholesterol profile — specifically, lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Some polyphenols are not easily absorbed by your small intestine, but it turns out that these polyphenols can be metabolized by the microbes in your gut into compounds that contribute to cardiovascular health.

Impressed by these myriad beneficial mechanisms, some researchers are now studying therapeutic protocols for using polyphenols in medicine to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.

Polyphenols and Diabetes

One of the most dangerous consequences of diabetes can be vascular disorders, where persistent high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels through inflammation, oxidation, and cell death. Polyphenols can combat all three mechanisms. And scientists are exploring how to use them to modulate the expression of the genes involved in the development of vascular conditions.

Human and animal studies (our views on the use of animals in medical research can be found here) show that polyphenols can lower high blood sugar levels and enhance the body’s ability to secrete insulin quickly and respond to it effectively.

It appears polyphenols accomplish this via several mechanisms. They slow down how quickly your body absorbs sugar from the food you eat. And they encourage your pancreas to produce more insulin in response to carbohydrate consumption. They also regulate how much glycogen the liver releases into your blood in the form of sugar.

If all that wasn’t enough, polyphenols also help insulin receptors work more efficiently and help tissues absorb more sugar than they would otherwise.

Polyphenols also fight diabetes by helping to protect pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage due to high glucose levels. They also promote the growth of these cells and slow down their death.

Polyphenols and Osteoporosis Benefits

Mid adult black woman having snack at home office

As you age, you lose bone mass — that’s natural. But your diet and lifestyle can significantly influence the rate at which that happens. In some people, the process accelerates due to oxidative stress messing with the living tissues in bone: the osteoblasts and osteoclasts that build and break down bone, respectively.

Since polyphenols are such powerful antioxidants, researchers theorized that eating berries (one of the richest food sources of the compounds) could help reduce bone loss due to stress and aging. And they might have been on to something because several studies have now shown that people who eat a lot of berries also have higher bone mass. Since the standard pharmaceutical treatments for osteoporosis have a high rate of serious side effects, there’s a lot to be gained by exploring how eating polyphenol-rich foods can help prevent or slow bone loss.

In addition to oxidative damage, it appears that bone loss can also be caused by inflammation. A 2019 literature review found evidence that polyphenol-containing foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, and soy may combat osteoporosis by reducing inflammation, thus allowing the body’s bone remodeling process to proceed without hindrance.

A 2023 study out of Korea also found concrete evidence for the link between high polyphenol intake and protection from osteoporosis. Researchers gave bone density tests and food intake questionnaires to 4,600 women and followed up with them for an average of five years. They found that the postmenopausal women who reported eating the most phytochemical-rich foods (i.e., those high in polyphenols) had a 16% lower risk of developing osteoporosis than those who ate the least.

Polyphenols and Brain Health

One of your body’s most important functions goes by the strange name autophagy, which literally means “eating oneself.” Instead of visualizing someone chomping on their own arm, however, think of your tissues constantly absorbing and discarding malfunctioning cells, proteins, and other bits and bobs that are no longer doing their jobs. This process in the brain is key in protecting you from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and other types of dementia.

Research shows that polyphenols support the brain’s clean-up process by removing misfolded proteins. They also reduce brain inflammation and stress, helping protect the brain from damage that can lead to neurodegenerative conditions.

Polyphenols are especially suited to supporting your cognitive health for several reasons. First, unlike many other nutrients, they can easily pass into your brain from your bloodstream (crossing that very finicky blood-brain barrier). Second, they help to remove harmful substances known as reactive oxygen species that can damage your brain cells. Third, they can capture and neutralize certain metal ions, such as copper and iron, that could be harmful to your brain in high concentrations.

But wait — there’s more! Polyphenols have another special brain ability: They can increase the amount of neurotrophic factors in your brain that promote the health and growth of your nerve cells. By attaching themselves to the receptors of these neurotrophic factors on the surface of nerve cells, polyphenols enhance the cells’ abilities to adapt, survive, multiply, and grow. It appears, in fact, that polyphenols can not only protect your brain from degeneration but may even support learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities.

Is There an RDA for Polyphenols?

Colorful vegetarian or veganuary plates on table, view from above, top view. Healthy diet or lifestyle concept with green, healthy salads and hummus.

Given how awesome polyphenols are, you might think that government bodies tasked with setting nutritional standards would have come up with a recommended daily allowance (RDA). But no such standard exists in the US because the compounds aren’t considered “essential” nutrients — that is, there aren’t any diseases specifically caused by a deficit, the way insufficient vitamin C leads to scurvy and not enough B1 inevitably produces beriberi.

Instead, not getting enough polyphenols can shorten a lifespan by making a person more likely to develop one of the chronic diseases mentioned above. For example, a 2013 study found that people who consumed more than 650 milligrams of polyphenols per day had a 30% lower chance of dying in any given year compared with people who got less than 500 milligrams per day.

So instead of a numerical RDA, the quasi-governmental Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends five fruits and/or vegetables a day, which theoretically would give you a significant amount of polyphenols. And if you “eat the rainbow” pretty much every day — that is, consume foods of many different colors (and no, Skittles don’t count) — you’ll also therefore get a wide range of polyphenols.

What Foods Are Rich in Polyphenols?

Foods High in Polyphenols Infographic

What Influences Polyphenol Amounts?

Unfortunately, you can’t simply look up a food’s polyphenol content in an online database and know exactly how much you’ll get when you eat that food. And even if you could, there are various factors that can influence how much you actually absorb.

Polyphenol Bioavailability

On the whole, polyphenols tend to have low bioavailability, which means your body can absorb and use only a small percentage of what you swallow.

The exact conversion ratio is based on many factors, including the health and makeup of your gut microflora. Since your microbiome can change on a constant basis, depending on what you feed it, how much of the polyphenols in your food you can actually get into your cells may also vary widely from day to day.

Also, the different polyphenols differ greatly in how bioavailable they are. The most abundant dietary polyphenols typically have lower absorption rates than less common ones.

Food Handling Impact

Organic apples and citrus fruits in a container from a fridge. Close up.

How plant-based foods are processed, stored, and cooked also strongly influences their polyphenol content.

If you remove the peels and hulls of certain foods, you can lower their polyphenol content. On the other hand, macerating (such as in a blender or food processor) some foods can increase their polyphenol content.

When it comes to food storage, the cold storage of apples, pears, and onions appears to maintain high polyphenol levels. But when cut fruits turn brown, which tends to happen if they are exposed to air, they begin to lose polyphenols.

Many foods lose polyphenol levels with time. For example, in wheat flour, concentrations of polyphenols drop by about 70% after six months. But black tea actually increases its polyphenol content after some oxidation.

Some polyphenol levels also increase with cooking, while others decrease — it depends on the food, the particular polyphenolic compound, and the cooking method. For example, onions and tomatoes lose between 75% and 80% of their initial quercetin content after boiling for 15 min, and 65% after cooking in a microwave oven.

So Should You Take Polyphenol Supplements?

A limited amount of research has indicated that people may possibly see benefits from polyphenol supplements. For example, athletes who were experiencing physiological stress were given polyphenol supplements, and they experienced some benefits in performance and recovery.

But the evidence is a bit murky: Many researchers don’t use pure polyphenols or mixtures, but add in other antioxidants — so it’s hard to know how much of the benefit is coming from the polyphenols, the other active ingredients, or some synergistic interaction of multiple elements.

There’s also not a lot of safety data available about these supplements. And as polyphenol marketing gives these compounds their place in the sun, some manufacturers are taking advantage of their popularity to create mega-dose formulations that have never been tested for safety or efficacy.

Because research on the benefits of polyphenols typically uses amounts much higher than those commonly found in human diets, we just don’t know the levels at which they are safe and beneficial for human consumption.

Some supplements (including those containing polyphenols) could cause liver damage in high doses, and may also block the absorption of nonheme iron, which is an essential nutrient.

Perhaps the best argument against supplementation is that it’s probably completely unnecessary for most people, as polyphenols are abundantly available in a wide variety of fresh and healthful foods.

Plus, just like every other plant-based antioxidant and phytonutrient, polyphenols work better in harmony with other nutrients that naturally occur in food. And when you consume whole plant-based foods, you also get the benefit of fiber and other health-promoting micronutrients.

In general, most people are better off getting their nutrition from food rather than from supplements, and there’s no reason to think that polyphenols are an exception.

Polyphenol Recipes

From bitter to salty, from sweet to tart, polyphenols are in abundance in many of your favorite plant-based foods. These delicious and nourishing polyphenol recipes are a great way to experiment with and incorporate them into your daily meal routine.

1. Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Coffee is a plentiful source of polyphenols as it contains chlorogenic acids, which fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress damage, making it a potent antioxidant-rich ingredient. Not only does it give you a burst of energy — you get a powerful health boost, too! Together with creamy banana, nutty tahini, nutrient-rich cauliflower, and sweet spices, this Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie is an easy-peasy and ultra-creamy way to enjoy polyphenols.

2. Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apples have an abundance of polyphenols, more specifically anthocyanins, flavanols (catechins), flavonols (quercetin, rutin), chlorogenic and caffeic acids, and dihydrochalcones, which can help to reduce inflammation, support your immune system, and even help with seasonal allergies! We don’t think you’ll need any more convincing, but this creamy Apple Walnut Sage Dressing is an inflammation-fighting, health-promoting, and deliciously sweet and savory sauce that is the perfect polyphenol-rich addition to your favorite summer or fall salad.

3. The Shine Brightly Salad

Shine Brightly Salad

We love The Shine Brightly Salad for many reasons. And the addition of sweet and juicy blueberries is a major factor! Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins, resveratrol, and flavonols (quercetin), which are all under the umbrella of polyphenols. You’ll also get a hefty dose of health-promoting spinach, red onion, sunflower seeds, and lemon juice. With so many colorful plant foods combined, you know you’ll be getting a wide variety of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other polyphenols that will keep your body in tip-top shape — and shining brightly from the inside out!

Eat More Plants to Reap the Benefits of Polyphenols

From fending off cancer and heart disease to supporting healthy blood sugar levels and bone density, polyphenols are like real superheroes of our dietary choices, working tirelessly to safeguard our well-being. These compounds are readily available in a wide array of whole foods.

While some individuals may find benefit from polyphenol supplements, on the whole, the safety and efficacy of high-dose polyphenol supplements remain unclear. So it’s probably best to get your polyphenols from food. And let your plate be a canvas of color and flavor, celebrating the goodness that polyphenols have to offer.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite foods from each color of the rainbow?
  • Are there polyphenol-rich foods that you’d like to add to your diet?
  • Which recipe will you try next?

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The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.
